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issues with clan mates



How do you handle clan mates that don't join psn party invites and ignore what you type in clan chat ?

this has happened to me multiple times from a few of my clan mates and i'm getting real tired of it since two of them asked to get reinvited to the clan after being removed awhile ago and both of them mention playing with friends who they don't want in the clan that are on discord and both are clan founders.

I've messaged one of the two and suggested they just go start a new clan with these friends and one guy replied saying they contributed to the clan years ago and helped start it and figured it was their right to rejoin however I've been the clan leader for a long time since this guy and his buddy quit the game for 1-2 years and I didn't remove them from the clan for 3-4 months including i would PM them trying to chat with them on FB and didn't get much out of them. One of them said they don't hold anything against me for removing them from the clan since they both stopped playing awhile ago and yet i still feel like there is something going on since they don't talk to me at all in clan chat or PSN chat. These guys are operating in the clan without involving other clan mates as well which further pisses me off because I like it when my clan mates are helping each other.

Now this is a old and small clan that was started summer of 2014, we have less then 20 people in it and it's mostly because of a rule i have that if you are gone for 30 days without telling me i remove that player because i will assume they quit the game which has happened many times, i get it people get bored or whatever but i find it disrespectful not to tell the person in charge you are taking a break for awhile or whatever.

I've talked to different people who say they remove people who are inactive for 1-2 weeks so 1 month is more then fair.

this has been my 2nd clan i've been involved with starting i was a founder in the first clan and i'm still friends with the clan leader of that clan so no problems there.

currently the clan is on the down slide not many on lately for whatever reasons and i just figure people are again bored and playing other games.

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Well from the looks of things, i'd do what i ended up doing in the long run and make a clan of my own then lead it however i see fit. If those members don't abide by the rules and play well with each other, then i ask them to leave or i remove them myself if they become a problem. Now the thing with warframe clans is, if the original leader came back he could submit a ticket to DE and take back ownership of the clan and then do whatever he wants with it. I've heard of people doing stuff like this, but in the sense that the leader became in-active and an officer of the clan submitted a ticket to which DE gave them ownership. I personally think this is shady tactics from both parties if its true (both de and the clan officer). Long story short, make your own clan, fund everything in it yourself, and then invite whoever you want and run it the way you want. That's what i've done.


But i do agree with you on all points, i want my members to be active, i want them to keep each other in mind and run with each other during missions if possible. 

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Unfortunately the only advice I can offer is that if their behavior is violating the rules, then you should report it. If their behavior isn't violating any rules, then it's up to the clan leaders/owner to manage their clan.

If you happen to be a clan leader (or the clan owner), it's entirely your prerogative how you run your clan. If someone does something you don't like, it's entirely up to you whether you ignore them, talk with them or kick them. How you run your clan is up to you.

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4 minutes ago, itsJylerTAG said:

Well from the looks of things, i'd do what i ended up doing in the long run and make a clan of my own then lead it however i see fit. If those members don't abide by the rules and play well with each other, then i ask them to leave or i remove them myself if they become a problem. Now the thing with warframe clans is, if the original leader came back he could submit a ticket to DE and take back ownership of the clan and then do whatever he wants with it. I've heard of people doing stuff like this, but in the sense that the leader became in-active and an officer of the clan submitted a ticket to which DE gave them ownership. I personally think this is shady tactics from both parties if its true (both de and the clan officer). Long story short, make your own clan, fund everything in it yourself, and then invite whoever you want and run it the way you want. That's what i've done.


But i do agree with you on all points, i want my members to be active, i want them to keep each other in mind and run with each other during missions if possible. 

I put the ticket in to become the official leader of the clan from officer after awhile of trying to convince them to come back it's not as if i took over out of spite or anything but when two guys are gone including the active to inactive leader and you have to take up the role as leader to keep things moving including being main contributor to research. but so help me god if they put in a ticket to change the leadership back that will be a huge problem.  since i've been running the clan since they quit playing and i've helped far more people then both of them combined. I've been burned out from the grind on this game after i mastered everything in the index and pretty far through MR25 and i seriously wouldn't wanna start a new clan and do all of this work over again. I do understand those guys probably wouldn't wanna start a new clan either, but again if they aren't going to really be a part of the clan then they don't really belong in it but i maybe alone on this i don't know.

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When you state you're "clan leader", are you stating you have the ownership rights to the clan or just that you're a warlord? Just because that can affect the outcome.


If you have ownership rights, you can just kick the people that don't mesh well with the clan and then start pushing to get more people to join. I'd suggest making a topic in the clan forum and creating a listing in the clans tab.


Now if you don't have ownership rights and it is the clan owner that is behaving in this way, then you could just go the route of either forming your own clan (though that can be daunting to start from scratch) or to find one in the resources above that fits with what you'd prefer.



Edit to include your new post:

8 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

I put the ticket in to become the official leader of the clan from officer after awhile of trying to convince them to come back it's not as if i took over out of spite or anything but when two guys are gone including the active to inactive leader and you have to take up the role as leader to keep things moving including being main contributor to research. but so help me god if they put in a ticket to change the leadership back that will be a huge problem.  since i've been running the clan since they quit playing and i've helped far more people then both of them combined. I've been burned out from the grind on this game after i mastered everything in the index and pretty far through MR25 and i seriously wouldn't wanna start a new clan and do all of this work over again. I do understand those guys probably wouldn't wanna start a new clan either, but again if they aren't going to really be a part of the clan then they don't really belong in it but i maybe alone on this i don't know.


As you are both active and the clan owner, they really can't do anything even if they did create a support ticket. The way support handles ownership transfer is based on activity and it actually always goes to the most senior warlord (in terms of length of time in the clan, though not sure if it tracks the initial join date or the most recent one) and only in the event of an excessively long absence, not just the person who opened the ticket.

Edited by Sean
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2 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

Unfortunately the only advice I can offer is that if their behavior is violating the rules, then you should report it. If their behavior isn't violating any rules, then it's up to the clan leaders/owner to manage their clan.

If you happen to be a clan leader (or the clan owner), it's entirely your prerogative how you run your clan. If someone does something you don't like, it's entirely up to you whether you ignore them, talk with them or kick them. How you run your clan is up to you.

I am the leader/owner of the clan and i'm trying to be fair about this but also i don't wanna deal with anyone's S#&$ either. 

Honestly I was a guild leader in WoW long ago and had close to 450-500 members and i managed to work around that constantly and i adjusted as needed with helping whoever.

however that was like 10 or so years ago. now i wanna keep things small but active so if i could get 20-30 active members in this clan great if not well thats just the way it guess i guess.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

I put the ticket in to become the official leader of the clan from officer after awhile of trying to convince them to come back it's not as if i took over out of spite or anything but when two guys are gone including the active to inactive leader and you have to take up the role as leader to keep things moving including being main contributor to research. but so help me god if they put in a ticket to change the leadership back that will be a huge problem.  since i've been running the clan since they quit playing and i've helped far more people then both of them combined. I've been burned out from the grind on this game after i mastered everything in the index and pretty far through MR25 and i seriously wouldn't wanna start a new clan and do all of this work over again. I do understand those guys probably wouldn't wanna start a new clan either, but again if they aren't going to really be a part of the clan then they don't really belong in it but i maybe alone on this i don't know.

Well i hate to admit it but in the end the original owner could in fact submit a ticket to get it back and cause a big fuss over at DE. Tbh if DE were smart, this wouldn't even be an option no matter what happens in a clan unless there is written consent from the owner himself to transfer ownership. I mean anything donated to research is exactly that, a donation. The person who has donated is not entitled to a refund or anything else should something happen. It's entirely possible he could come back, regain ownership of the dojo and then kick you out, so all your resources donated would be theirs and you get nothing out of it. I've actually had this happen to me before, i helped donate a lot of resources to a clan, got kicked for being afk for 2 weeks while i took care of my aunt. Needless to say i started my own and i have it written in my discord that by joining my clan, you agree to not open a ticket and try to take ownership should i go awol for awhile. Seeing as my dojo is 99.5% funded by me, if DE transfered ownership to someone else, i'd be on their arse like stink on you know what.

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4 minutes ago, Sean said:

When you state you're "clan leader", are you stating you have the ownership rights to the clan or just that you're a warlord? Just because that can affect the outcome.


If you have ownership rights, you can just kick the people that don't mesh well with the clan and then start pushing to get more people to join. I'd suggest making a topic in the clan forum and creating a listing in the clans tab.


Now if you don't have ownership rights and it is the clan owner that is behaving in this way, then you could just go the route of either forming your own clan (though that can be daunting to start from scratch) or to find one in the resources above that fits with what you'd prefer.



Edit to include your new post:


As you are both active and the clan owner, they really can't do anything even if they did create a support ticket. The way support handles ownership transfer is based on activity and it actually always goes to the most senior warlord (in terms of length of time in the clan, though not sure if it tracks the initial join date or the most recent one), not just the person who opened the ticket.

that would be tricky because we started the clan together and we all put platinum in to speed things up but i had deeper pockets out of the group.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

that would be tricky because we started the clan together and we all put platinum in to speed things up but i had deeper pockets out of the group.


I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as you don't go offline for too long; if it comes to it, then the option to kick them is always there, but only really advise if they continue with negative behavior. Definitely try promoting your clan (as it is YOUR clan after all 😛) a bit to get some new blood, either from within the two sections in the forums or from in-game (such as in the bazaar or recruit chat).

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1 minute ago, Sean said:


I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as you don't go offline for too long; if it comes to it, then the option to kick them is always there, but only really advise if they continue with negative behavior. Definitely try promoting your clan (as it is YOUR clan after all 😛) a bit to get some new blood, either from within the two sections in the forums or from in-game (such as in the bazaar or recruit chat).

most recruiting has been done by my mates playing with randoms they chat with and find them in need of a clan and i'm open to new blood.

I don't really miss my login days so no way i'd be offline for long at all lol. 

I did just make a clan on the forum here but again it's been around and active since 2014


the only rule that is really being enforced is the 30 day one but there are other rules but most in the clan make jokes about not pissing off the boss (Me) lol

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