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Are Solo Players Going To Be Punished Again?


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Solo is viable.  For everything but maybe high level Defense and Mobile Defense missions.  That's like 98% of the content that is soloable.  And look at it this way.  The missions are they same for everybody.  Why should they change depending on how many people there are?


It's about the event, not a normal mission.

Normal missions are fine, but the contribution point you get in any event always terrible for a solo player. While Co-op full team always got 4-5 points from the last Event, the solo player can only get 1 per runs, despite playing solo is punishing more than grouping up already.

And what many solo players really want right now is to closing the gaps between playing alone or with friend in the events. It's not to make them the same, but at least make solo players have more chance to gain enough contribution point by themselves alone if they put effort in. Group players should still gain more points from each runs, and finish the event quicker than solo. But going alone should not be so hard that there's no way they could reach the rewards.

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You complain about him calling you names and being hateful, then you go and do the same thing right back?  Now THAT is childish.


Back on topic.  This IS a cooperative driven game.  That is one of the main selling points.  Complaining about the bad networking has little to nothing to do with the actual topic!  Now, I have read a few posts about bad lag, and sure, lag happens, but certainly not nearly as bad as you are claiming.  I live out in the freaking STICKS man.  Seriously.  My bandwidth is 3mbps.  3!  For a household of 4 people who are constantly on the internet.  I rarely get games that are so bad I can't play.  And as for NAT issues, its stupidly easy to fix!  Spend a couple of hours googling it and bam, problem solved.


The reason you should be "punished" for soloing is pretty simple.  If it was just as easy to solo as it was to PuG, then nobody would PuG!  And that defeats the entire purpose of the game!

Hahaha. Where in my comment did I even say anything about him? I didn't call him anything, only let him know that he's been reported. Hahaha. You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. All I did was report him for his SH*T TALK!

So yeah the report was just. Also not childish or uncalled for.

He could have left out calling people names. But no. He decided to be hateful and childish.

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Ah, I was referring to events, specifically; where solo hasn't been reasonably viable for a while now.  I know that solo eventually works for most of the game except the higher end/defence missions (the ones that actually matter), once you've got the gear and wits.



Okay, I see now.  But still.  The events are designed to bring the community together.  That was the main draw to them (from DE's perspective).  They said multiple times how much they loved how everyone came together and joined forces to play the events.  Making the events easier for soloers would defeat the purpose of having events!  This games is first-and-foremost cooperative.  That will not and should not change.  I honestly don't understand the draw to soloing content.  Seriously.  I have soloed before (admittedly missions, not events), and it just isn't as fun as playing with a group.  It's just like on Xbox.  I hate playing Halo or CoD or any other game by myself.  Cutting up and playing with other people makes it so much more enjoyable.  And is it really that hard to find someone to play with in this game?

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Okay, I see now.  But still.  The events are designed to bring the community together.  That was the main draw to them (from DE's perspective).  They said multiple times how much they loved how everyone came together and joined forces to play the events.  Making the events easier for soloers would defeat the purpose of having events!  This games is first-and-foremost cooperative.  That will not and should not change.  I honestly don't understand the draw to soloing content.  Seriously.  I have soloed before (admittedly missions, not events), and it just isn't as fun as playing with a group.  It's just like on Xbox.  I hate playing Halo or CoD or any other game by myself.  Cutting up and playing with other people makes it so much more enjoyable.  And is it really that hard to find someone to play with in this game?


To each their own.


You like to group up, hey, so do lots of others.


But yet there are lots of people who enjoy solo. Why punish them? What good does that do you, or DE?


Why can't the soloers enjoy their solo game while you enjoy your multiplayer game? It doesn't hurt you in the slightest.

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To each their own.


You like to group up, hey, so do lots of others.


But yet there are lots of people who enjoy solo. Why punish them? What good does that do you, or DE?


Why can't the soloers enjoy their solo game while you enjoy your multiplayer game? It doesn't hurt you in the slightest.


Because it goes against DE's view of the game.  They want others to play as a group.  That's the basis for the game.  Why can't you just team up with a group?

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Because it goes against DE's view of the game.  They want others to play as a group.  That's the basis for the game.  Why can't you just team up with a group?

There is literally no harm in not punishing solo players. For example, Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer had tons of solo players. Did that destroy the co-op aspect of the game? No. Did the developers want you to play co-op? Absolutely, but they didn't punish you in an event (or at all) if you preferred to play by yourself. I don't see why Warframe couldn't do the same. "It's a co-op game!" Yeah, so was ME3 Multi.

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Because it goes against DE's view of the game.  They want others to play as a group.  That's the basis for the game.  Why can't you just team up with a group?


Then why do they have the "SOLO" mode in the game in the first place for, then?


Why do they make 2-person doors open-able Solo?


Why can't you just understand that some people enjoy Solo?


If DE wanted this to be "MUST GROUP UP!" they'd make it so that you can't play Solo, at all.


And if they seriously didn't want people soloing events, then why did they say, in the last Livestream that they need to make things not-so-unfair to Solo players?

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Hahaha. Where in my comment did I even say anything about him? I didn't call him anything, only let him know that he's been reported. Hahaha. You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. All I did was report him for his SH*T TALK!

So yeah the report was just. Also not childish or uncalled for.

He could have left out calling people names. But no. He decided to be hateful and childish.

He evidently didn't read your post very well.

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Then why do they have the "SOLO" mode in the game in the first place for, then?



This is such a bad argument.  There are crappy mods and weapons that aren't "viable".  So why are they in the game?  To give you the CHOICE of using them.  You can still choose to play solo.  My argument to counter this idiotic rant is this:  DE should just remove the solo function of events.  There, would you be happy then?


Why can't you understand that DE doesn't want people soloing the whole game?


When exactly in the Livestream did they say this?

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He evidently didn't read your post very well.


I did read his post.  And he was being just as childish as the other guy.  Not to mention hypocritical.  At least the other didn't cus.  Or even single out one individual.  He made a random, generalized comment.  And to get your panties all in a wad over it is ridiculous. 

Edited by K1LLZ0NE
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Idc if I have to join up with online friends or pugs to do events.


Idc if I have only myself to look after myself when playing solo.


Idc if I get less rewards, exp and item drops when soloing as opposed to a group.


Idc if I do not get to solo mobile/defense as long as it's not on the way to the boss.


What I do care about is how easy and forgiving co-op is!


I've seen randoms leap into the middle of level 45 Grineer and start kunai spamming only to get knocked to death and the rest of us just have to take turns ulting to clear the room.


Solution: Don't nerf solo mode difficulty, buff co-op difficulty. At least to the level of Raptor, where he's level 45 if you are solo and level 60 in a 4-man run.

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Ill be honest on my desire to solo more often than not ( I still group as well). You see I am a old gamer, very old. After 25 years of gaming from my apple 2e to my sega genisis to my new PoS alien ware (because i am to lazy to build it right.) I have noticed a rather odd trend. This whole "MUST BE MULTIPLAYER" mantra has actually hurt the hobby not helped it, MMORPGS aside. Sometimes I play solo just to buck this growing faux social landscape. But that is rare.


Mostly I solo because if I PuG 9 times out of 10 its populated by either non english speakers (nothing wrong with this in the slightest. Just my preference to play with people who speak english due to ease of commuication.) idiot kids ( used to be lee7 kids, dont know the latest label.) and a nova or two or when three people bring the unfun gun (ogris).


Also,the major reason and factor. The game is just to damn easy co-op. Way way way to easy. Soling high end content is the only fun thing left for me to do. 


When this game actually introduces real scaling based on player group size is when ill spend most of my time in a clan group. 


Also, sick of host migrations.


Also Also.... I find it funny that MMOmeat heads come down on solo players for being anti-social with no friends. In fact, I find its the opposite. I have plenty (to much) social interaction in my day to fill up my desire for inter-human contact. Sometimes I just want to come home and let my cat sit in my lap while I sip on a gin and tonic and kill corpus. 


Im done. TLDR,.

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I did read his post.  And he was being just as childish as the other guy.  Not to mention hypocritical.  At least the other didn't cus.  Or even single out one individual.  He made a random, generalized comment.  And to get your panties all in a wad over it is ridiculous. 

Did you not read after the red text? He said "solo%&^." He may not have singled out an individual but he did insult a group of players. What is also ridiculous is how you got your panties all in a wad over a childish post.


EDIT: In any case this is off topic. We should stop.

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Did you not read after the red text? He said "solo%&^." He may not have singled out an individual but he did insult a group of players. What is also ridiculous is how you got your panties all in a wad over a childish post.


He made a generalized comment that was not directed towards anyone and was even said jokingly.  And I didn't get my panties all in a wad.  I made a post calling him out and was going to leave it at that, but then you had to go and say something else.  

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He made a generalized comment that was not directed towards anyone and was even said jokingly.  And I didn't get my panties all in a wad.  I made a post calling him out and was going to leave it at that, but then you had to go and say something else.  

Not directed towards anyone? So I guess "solo%&^" isn't directed towards solo players?


...I'm done.

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