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Lenz Elemental Distribution


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Ok, so I was playing around with Lenz again and I realize the odd elemental distribution. If you put Malignant Force it combines with the innate cold with 16 viral but then it has 426 toxin. It's the same with the other elementals besides Rime Rounds and Thermite Rounds (which increases the cold with Rime or increase blast +16 and 426 Heat). 

I would like to know why this odd distribution (not just lenz but others with innate elemental and a type of base damage like puncture and etc.) that gives the combined and the elemental mod you've equipped. If we compare it to pure elemental for example Ignis with innate fire, no other types of damage and add in lets say Rime Rounds, it turns to all blast. There is no mix between blast and then cold. 

Edit: I forgot to note that, if you put cold mods ex. rime round and etc. with another elemental mod, the cold is removed and the elemental mixes into one.

Example: https://imgur.com/qNnCcys

Is it possible to have this change to purely mixing with the innate elemental on the weapon or is there a reason why its not?


Edited by Aeon-
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3 minutes ago, Aeon- said:

I would like to know why this odd distribution

The Cold (and your modded Viral) damage is from the AoE Cold proc prior to the actual blast,
which is, well, pure Blast so there's no Cold or whatever to mix with your Toxin Mod.

They're two separate instances of damage each with different damage types, and thus each interact differently with Mods.

6 minutes ago, Aeon- said:

(not just lenz but others with innate elemental and a type of base damage like puncture and etc.) that gives the combined and the elemental mod you've equipped

Could you give an example of this happening on another weapon?

I thought Lenz was unique in that regard.

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il y a 13 minutes, Aeon- a dit :

Ok, so I was playing around with Lenz again and I realize the odd elemental distribution. If you put Malignant Force it combines with the innate cold with 16 viral but then it has 426 toxin. It's the same with the other elementals besides Rime Rounds and Thermite Rounds (which increases the cold with Rime or increase blast +16 and 426 Heat). 

I would like to know why this odd distribution (not just lenz but others with innate elemental and a type of base damage like puncture and etc.) that gives the combined and the elemental mod you've equipped. If we compare it to pure elemental for example Ignis with innate fire, no other types of damage and add in lets say Rime Rounds, it turns to all blast. There is no mix between blast and then cold. 

Example: https://imgur.com/qNnCcys

Is it possible to have this change to purely mixing with the innate elemental on the weapon or is there a reason why its not?


Lenz has 3 different damage instances. 

The arrow itself deals moderate Impact damage. The first blast does Cold damage with 100% chance to proc Cold regardless of its elemental damage. The second blast deals Blast damage. The Toxin you're seeong is the combination of the 60% of the Impact damage from the arrow and 60% of the damage of the Blast explosion. 

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il y a 1 minute, Aeon- a dit :

The muralist cernos does the same thing, but why can't it just change like other weapons meaning the cold can be remove and turn to something else for example the ignis when you put cold its just blast damage. 

Also Mutalist Cernos has two instances, one is the arrow and the other is the cloud it spawns where the arrow lands. 

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1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

The way you keep phrasing this is confusing. Do you mind doing a longer explanation?

Yes of course. So, why can't we add in a elemental mod and get rid of the cold and have the cold combine with the other elemental mod. For example, if I added malignant force to Lenz, why can't it just be viral instead of viral 16 and toxin 426 (numbers when you add in the mod) like other weapons with innate elemental damage like the ignis. Because, on another note but still viable, if you add in rime rounds and malignant force, the cold changes to viral and the cold damage is removed. 

Let me know if that clears it up.

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Just now, Aeon- said:

Yes of course. So, why can't we add in a elemental mod and get rid of the cold and have the cold combine with the other elemental mod. For example, if I added malignant force to Lenz, why can't it just be viral instead of viral 16 and toxin 426 (numbers when you add in the mod) like other weapons with innate elemental damage like the ignis. Because, on another note but still viable, if you add in rime rounds and malignant force, the cold changes to viral and the cold damage is removed. 

Let me know if that clears it up.

Well like we've been saying that does have to do with the initial split. There is no cold on everything so naturally you are going to have different damage types on the bubble. Cold is added last (unless you put a cold mod in earlier in which case it combines with that.) on the bubble's damage so you can force it a certain direction.

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Well if you add in cold mod and let's say toxin, cold on the list is gone, but when you use it, cold is still there. So I am saying kinda for the whole thing because the arrow will have a elemental proc chance and as well as the blast. 

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Because the cold proc is part of the weapon itself. If you have a single element that combines with the cold, then the Lenz will not do any cold damage but will have the cold proc. This is the same with any forced proc. Most easily seen on melee stances that can force slash and impact procs without the weapon having to deal any of that damage type.

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There is cold proc and dmg with or without the cold dmg on the list. I believe melee is different that this because the stance itself is different. But back to the topic, it doesn't make sense to need another cold mod to change the whole cold damage to another type. 

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There are 3 phases of damage on Lenz. Each phase has different damage type and are calculated separately. When you put element mods on Lenz, the element damage is added to all 3 phases.


Phase 1 (Arrow direct impact): It deals pure impact damage by default.

Phase 2 (First explosion upon contact): by default, it deals cold damage. It will always trigger cold proc even if you mod it to other damage type. For example, you can get cold proc with viral damage. This is a unique feature of Lenz.

Phase 3 (Delayed explosion): It deals blast damage by default.

On the arsenal UI, you'll see: impact, cold, blast damage


As mentioned, damage of each phase are calculated separately, but all of them will be listed on the UI together.

When you put toxin damage mods on Lenz, the damage of each phase becomes:

Phase 1: impact & toxin

Phase 2: viral (but still gives you cold proc in addition to viral proc due to its unique feature)

Phase 3: blast & toxin

On the arsenal UI, you'll see: impact, toxin, viral, blast damage

Edited by yles9056
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