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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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1 minute ago, Ktro said:

Rebecca herself confirmed the content draught in the last devstream. I do love warframe but if u see last year we had octavia quest, chains of harrow quest and poe in September which thrusted warframe in a new direction. This year we got the only good thing Umbra quest and mods. Some people might add onslaught thats it. 

I mean Rebecca could confirm in their next stream that there's 12 syndicates in the game. But that wouldn't make it true.

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2 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

they used the exact words "content drought" in the dev stream. you can write all the paragraphs you want dancing around and trying not to admit it. in the end DE them selves admitted it and you and the rest seem to be so insanely against admitting it.

But I'm allowed to disagree with DE, right?

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il y a 8 minutes, --Laughing-Soul-- a dit :

they used the exact words "content drought" in the dev stream. you can write all the paragraphs you want dancing around and trying not to admit it. in the end DE them selves admitted it and you and the rest seem to be so insanely against admitting it.

I'd ask you to reread the first and fourth paragraphs that you just quoted and try not to avoid arguing with what I said.

If you want to prove me wrong, the least you can do is argue. Repeating the simple fact that DE used those words (that people have been using for weeks if not months anyway) and admitted releasing less content than usual doesn't add anything to the discussion. 


Oh and I indeed have the right to write as many paragraphs as I want, just like people have the right to make as many of these threads as they want. If you want me to stop doing that, then ask people to stop making those threads. It's the only reason why I and others make post on the subject.

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so everyone can agree it has been several hours since the last red text popped up and it just feels like the game is stale.... the last server upgrade was from the 10/10/2018 which is just madness when you think about it, i know the devs said to go play knack 3 and banjo kazooie but im going to start to run out of entertainment pretty soon


i do realize the servers use more maple syrup this time of year but if there is a issue then could we not use apples and have green text? its pretty basic stuff really and how a company in 2018 can still make such mistakes


i have also nearly cracked the fortuna riddles that have been put out, im nearly there but i will leak where my progress has lead me, im sure most of you weren't expecting such a twist but i do believe the second clue can be taken from the mona lisa which dont forget the devs will be in paris at the end of the month, there is never any coincidents 


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To all those who use DE recognition of content drought as a proof of it's existence, i would like to argue that the only reason DE admitted it was because player are making too much a deal of it. To me it really felt like "Ok, ok there's a content drougth, now stop bothering us with it".

And seriously, even if there was pretty much no new content and fortuna wasn't around the corner. Would it be so dramatic ? How much time did it take you to come to the point where you have nothing left to do ? 100, 200h ? For me it's over 3400h playing the game and around 900h in mission. Why would i be salty when warframe hooked me up longer than any other game i ever played and i didn't even had to pay to play it ?

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On 2018-10-11 at 6:08 AM, krc473 said:

How many veteran players do you know that want to do alerts for frame parts? I do not know a single person that believes this is a good mode for frame part acquisition. 


Honestly, I would rather DE dump Umbra frames and just give us some decent content every few months (3 - 6 months). It is a good thought, but it does nothing for me. I would not even bother to collect additional Umbra frames.

So from what you've said. You've taken a poll/done a discussion on alerts or frame parts with multiple people. Good on you if you've done that research.

What content would you like to see?

What would do something for you?

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On 2018-10-11 at 6:08 AM, WhiteMarker said:

But that's the whole point of umbra so far.
It's a strain of Warframes with a huge load of story behind them.
Releasing them  every few months would mean, they wouldn't have any impact. And the change to one of the abilities wouldn't be as good as it was for Excal Umbra.
Such "S#&$ty" content wouldn't be good, and wouldn't stop people from complaining about other stuff.

And you beating that dead horse isn't doing anything for the game.

Btw. why is the "To DE" a link to an empty Youtube Channel?

I will address your last point first:

I originally took this from a post I made on YouTube, and it wouldn't let me take it off. Sorry about that.

And now, the rest of your post:

I see you complaining, but what is your solution? It is ok to complain about why you don't like something, but how would you make things better?


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38 minutes ago, lordelamin said:

I will address your last point first:

I originally took this from a post I made on YouTube, and it wouldn't let me take it off. Sorry about that.

And now, the rest of your post:

I see you complaining, but what is your solution? It is ok to complain about why you don't like something, but how would you make things better?


I don't need a solution, because there is no problem. (At least for me)
I have no problem with waiting for bigger updates. 

Edited by WhiteMarker
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