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Lost Incentive To Do Any Future Events


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I really dont know how meany more of these i can take. exclusive weapons that change game balance offered for a limited time for any reason are just a bad idea. its was why i quit playing guild wars 2 warframe was a side game i played when i was tired of grinding for gold so i could buy more stuff. once a month they have temporary content with temporary stuff that wont come back. We waist are time playing games and having fun in the hopes that new content is made and produced to further the content of the game and there for increase incentive to play and increase interest and revenue for the game. when i tell my friends oh man warframes had this cool event ware ya had to survive and onslaught for 20 minutes to get this limited time weapon and mod, there going to want to be on the next event. but i see it as more of an endless cycle of more exclusive content. Remember the Moa event i sure as hell don't i don't even know what was done in it. i can only read about it on the forums the experience of it evidently dint change the game for future players. i love the crap out of this game but it feels like the biggest waste of my time to see an event that could be a new game mode added in a future update with skins for new soldiers to fight against seemingly flushed down the toilet for a new tier in weapon wich in my opinion breaks the ecology of the weapons tiers. new guns for everyone not just the people with the time to spend doing Limited content.

in closing my apology to any one who has to read my disgustingly long run on sentences any and all grammar Nazi are welcome to lurk as well as the trolls which exist in all forms

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this isn't call of duty someone having a good gun doesn't change the game balance you can still kill enemies with any other gun the same way you would with this one or you could just spam 4 and kill everything without even needing a gun if you lost incentive quit the game no one will miss you 

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I'm already discouraged since I missed getting a Snipetron Vandal.


But might as well get more weapons for free, right? Can't hurt.

Snipetron Vandal = Hek Vandal, basically.


I rarely zoom in with it, it's always my go to close quarter shooter due to perfect aim and quick firing.

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Ok, going to attempt to break down OP's post and respond to it


1. Spending time playing games that you enjoy and get fun out of is a waste of time due to the existence of exclusive content.


What? I don't even know with this one


2. The fusion moa event didn't change the game a whole lot for future players


Ok. And this is a problem how? People were rewarded for participating, and the reward wasn't exclusive either.


3. Survival missions are being removed in favour of a game breaking weapon


They're coming back in update 10. As for the wraith, it's a nice reward for those who took part, to provide the incentive that you claim to have lost. And considering that nobody is going to be pointing it at you outside of the dojo, its increased power isn't a problem.

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it feels like the biggest waste of my time to see an event that could be a new game mode added in a future update with skins for new soldiers to fight against seemingly flushed down the toilet for a new tier in weapon

Well considering they said that one of the new game modes was going to be survival, and the event's missions just happened to be called "Survival", I'd say that this part is invalid

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Why are you even here? Just leave quietly if you don't like the events.

There are 2 sides to take on this and i know that both are wrong so im going to state both. One i dont agree with the OP because well it is wrong; to me anyway. And for the second side i would like to ask why even post something like this ^^^^ you just sound like the OP. its like people who say i am going to quit this game for xxxxx and then the people like you who say ^^^^^^^^!!!!!! i dont get either so i wont pick a direct side who i disagree with less because i dont agree with either of your posts.

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Open. Beta.


I'd wager everything will be done again. They could do a clean wipe of content (not player equipment or achievements) for live, re-introducing the Fusion Moa, Grineer drones, Fomorian Ships and access to Phobos for people playing it the first time.


Regardless, don't worry about 1 or 2 OP weapons when the entire damage system needs an overhaul.  

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Well considering they said that one of the new game modes was going to be survival, and the event's missions just happened to be called "Survival", I'd say that this part is invalid


more or less, the event was a test run of the new game type.

so far, it seems that the overall reaction is good.

how long that will be the case is anyone's guess.

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This game is the best beta i have ever played... no actually it's the best game i have ever played tbh, now for pure fun it might not be the best overall but the amount of fun (time played) is just amazing. 300 hours played and i still like to play this game. The closest thing to this game that just lasts 100s of hours is starcraft, and this game is just better for many reasons.


i wont post the reasons cause i just dont care enough :) but if u have played sc2 then u will know what im talking about.

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Honestly, with the armor2.0 coming in U10, I don't think weapons' stat will remain the same for long.

However, I just don't understand OP's point. Is he trying to say that exclusive item is a bad idea? Or is he trying to say that he dislike free weapon, free slot, and free potato?

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"I don't like exclusive content that draws people into playing the game for fear they might not see this content again, because it is exclusive......


I don't like these planned weekend events that give us content that makes it slightly easier to kill stuff in order to keep us busy and entertained for a week or so in order for DE to focus their attentions on the big updates without having to worry about the community not playing the game.


I also don't like the fact that the Survival Weekend was a teaser for a future implemented game mode. They should have just put it in the upcoming update and never had the event." 


I made a readable version of your OP.

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