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Ced23Ric Go Fudge Yourself.


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You would really do anything to ban me right?


Out of everything that happend in that thread you took that small part WHICH WAS FILTERED, and banned me. REALLY???THE REAL ABUSE IS THE FACT THAT YOU CAN BAN PEOPLE. Rebecca is so Naive, i don't blame her though. but really you are....well can't really say it. You took away all my rights how am i suppose to say anything or do anything? I'm just suppose to wait without a trial? But really don't even bother locking this i'll just post a thousand more. Screw you Ced, don't take this as abusive behavior i'm just saying grow a bigger skin if you find everything abusive. Also i assume i will be on 30 day moderation correct?



Edited by W4RM4CH1N3
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Example: This thread contains a "MASSIVE BLOB OF A******S".




The amount of A******s in this thread is staggering...




I'm surrounded by A******s...




Too much assclowns in this thread. Mod lock now.


As you can see, no hostility whatsoever, however not cussing with censored words helps.  It also helps to quote people and replace their words with their own..

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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I do not care much for conspiracy theories, or for people that think they are so special someone takes time just to ban them.



P.S: This is not a democracy, using these boards is a privilege, not a right.

Edited by 4rum
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You would really do anything to ban me right?


Out of everything that happend in that thread you took that small part WHICH WAS FILTERED, and banned me. REALLY???THE REAL ABUSE IS THE FACT THAT YOU CAN BAN PEOPLE. Rebecca is so Naive, i don't blame her though. but really you are....well can't really say it. You took away all my rights how am i suppose to say anything or do anything? I'm just suppose to wait without a trial? But really don't even bother locking this i'll just post a thousand more. Screw you Ced, don't take this as abusive behavior i'm just saying grow a bigger skin if you find everything abusive. Also i assume i will be on 30 day moderation correct?




Some one reported you.

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