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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I've heard a lot of praise and a lot of hate when it comes to these abilities. Although he requires tweaking, and at least one of his abilities are probably going to be replaced, DE did a very nice job with this frame.



Funky name. Nuff said. But seriously though, I'm not a fan of this ability. Too many people want to replace Terror Totem and Search The Dead simply because they don't inflict damage. Unless you're Nova using antimatter drop with your 5-Forma Flux Rifle, damaging abilities aren't very effective in this game. Although they let you fell like a god on Tolstaj, they don't scale well for end-game. The 5% armor debuff won't help much either. I like Volt's shock because of the stun, not the damage. I like Rhino Stomp because it slows down time, not because of the damage. I know it's hard to come up with something that's not a Trinity or Nyx clone, but I want something with utility.



This ability has been getting a lot of hate, and I'm not sure why. An AoE enemy stun that lasts for what will likely be a little while is nothing to complain about. It's basically Vauban's Bastille. What makes Terror Totem different is that once it reaches the cap for enemies stunned, the rest run away and stop bothering you for a while. What it SEEMS to do is deploy a stationary "Terror Totem" (so cheesy) at Necro's current location. The totem stays stationary and scares the crap out of enemies. I think that a better way to do this would be to either make it be deploy-able from a distance, or make it follow the player. I personally would prefer the latter because it keeps it from being just a defensive ability.



Ok,  so this one doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of our opponents, but I SUPPOSE it could still be useful. Ammo and energy are rarely a huge problem in this game - especially on defense and survival. If this ability drops mods: great. If it doesn't: get rid of it. IF it drops mods, then it could be a very effective tool for farming when paired with the new sentinel mod. Still, I don't think that a farming tool is exactly what the community was looking for. I've seen some fantastic alternatives to this one. My personal favorite (sorry, can't seem to find it's OP) is one that gives you a sort of exoskeleton of bones that absorbs incoming damage. I absolutely love this idea - just make it absorb a percentage of damage (50% would work) for a certain duration instead of it making it work like Iron Skin.



Solid skill... depending on how many/how long. This ability's very flexible in that you can choose what clones you get based on what you kill. It also never loses it's effectiveness like a straight up damage ability does.

Edited by thePhysicist8
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I've heard a lot of praise and a lot of hate when it comes to these abilities. Although he requires tweaking, and at least one of his abilities are probably going to be replaced, DE did a very nice job with this frame.



Funky name. Nuff said. But seriously though, I'm not a fan of this ability. Too many people want to replace Terror Totem and Search The Dead simply because they don't inflict damage. Unless you're Nova using antimatter drop with your 5-Forma Flux Rifle, damaging abilities aren't very effective in this game. Although they let you fell like a god on Tolstaj, they don't scale well for end-game. The 5% armor debuff won't help much either. I like Volt's shock because of the stun, not the damage. I like Rhino Stomp because it slows down time, not because of the damage. I know it's hard to come up with something that's not a Trinity or Nyx clone, but I want something with utility.



This ability has been getting a lot of hate, and I'm not sure why. An AoE enemy stun that lasts for what will likely be a little while is nothing to complain about. It's basically Vauban's Bastille. What makes Terror Totem different is that once it reaches the cap for enemies stunned, the rest run away and stop bothering you for a while. What it SEEMS to do is deploy a stationary "Terror Totem" (so cheesy) at Necro's current location. The totem stays stationary and scares the crap out of enemies. I think that a better way to do this would be to either make it be deploy-able from a distance, or make it follow the player. I personally would prefer the latter because it keeps it from being just a defensive ability.



Ok,  so this one doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of our opponents, but I SUPPOSE it could still be useful. Ammo and energy are rarely a huge problem in this game - especially on defense and survival. If this ability drops mods: great. If it doesn't: get rid of it. IF it drops mods, then it could be a very effective tool for farming when paired with the new sentinel mod. Still, I don't think that a farming tool is exactly what the community was looking for. I've seen some fantastic alternatives to this one. My personal favorite (sorry, can't seem to find it's OP) is one that gives you a sort of exoskeleton of bones that absorbs incoming damage. I absolutely love this idea - just make it absorb a percentage of damage (50% would work) for a certain duration instead of it making it work like Iron Skin.



Solid skill... depending on how many/how long. This ability's very flexible in that you can choose what clones you get based on what you kill. It also never loses it's effectiveness like a straight up damage ability does.


You got it! Although i dont want the farming skill and maybe the terror totem should be abitity nr 3 and the exoskeleton of bones nr 2!

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WTF is that search the dead power. That needs to be removed, immediately. It will be one of those useless skills no one even bothers to equip - there is too much other loot around that already drops without having to use energy!


What about blueprints and rare mods/ fusion cores?

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What about blueprints and rare mods/ fusion cores?


I feel like we'd be better off with an aura, or mod, or SOMETHING that's not a warframe ability for increasing drop rates. I personally don't hate it too much, but I think that there are better things that could go in it's place.

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WOW I never though that my Golem idea would be so well received. It like, covers every other page after my post. You guys are great!

Now after talking to people about the power and about his existing ones, i'd like to make a new list of ideas:


1. Soul Punch: I like this ability but it seams pretty generic. On top of that, people have said that Search the Dead could be useful for gathering energy and health in a pinch so i figured, why not combine them? Have soul punch hit one enemy for massive damage and then explode out into a mist that marks enemies caught in it for death. Their armor is reduced and they have a chance to drop more items. Everyone's happy!


2. Terror Totem: I'd like to thank ScorpDK for this idea:


#2 - I'm not sure how much I like the idea of a mixed freeze/flee deployable. It's crowd-control, but the harbinger of death could probably do something more.

A possible idea: Spectral Nightmare - Totem sends out apparitions that attach themselves to nearby enemies, causing them to go insane, firing wildly around themselves (possibly hitting nearby enemies) and take %-based damage. If they die, the apparition will travel to a nearby target or return back to the totem. Enemies near the affected target will shoot at the apparition, damaging its "host". Ranking up increases the amount of apparitions and their duration.


I think that fits Necro PERFECTLY and it doesn't change the overall effect of the power very much. It's not exactly Chaos because there are many less possessed enemies and the possessed enemies don't specifically target others, those who aren't possessed attack THEM. Add in a bit of fear effects when enemies see apparitions and you've got yourself an interesting new crowd control ability. 


3.Golem: So originally i though that it would be cool if the Golem just wailed on nearby enemies on its own but lots of people on these forums, reddit, and tumblr have suggested to make it so that the Golem simply copies the necro. While active, the necro is locked into a melee state and the golem increases his range, power and defense. You would feel like such a badass and it goes well with the asthetic of soul punch and Spectral Nightmare. Also you could just use the necro's model just bigger and transparent and the animation of the Furax. You know, so we can still get him in a few weeks.



4. Clone the Dead. Pretty much perfect. I'd change the name to Exhume or Resurrect, we get that the're clones but that can just be the description, not the name. Also I'd make it so that if you use the power while it is active, it makes all of the clones converge on where your crosshairs are and if you hold it it calls them to you. Would make it more strategic but as it is its fine except for the name.


Anyway, You are all amazing and thanks for all of the support. We all know DE likes making the game for US so the'll make sure Necro is great whether they add these changes or others. Thank you DE for this great game and the great community that came with it. I would never have though this possible.

Edited by SinistrWanderer
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I feel like we'd be better off with an aura, or mod, or SOMETHING that's not a warframe ability for increasing drop rates. I personally don't hate it too much, but I think that there are better things that could go in it's place.


I'm neutral about this skill, but also think that we already have too many tactic auras (8!)

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Search the Dead is basically a heal, energy restore, ammo restore, and, it seems, materials bonus in one ability. You would use it after each big battle to recover or simply to top off your health, energy, and ammo in defense.

But you would also want a 3rd skill to do more than act as a mod. Like draining life energy from a group of enemy units and converting it into the drops or simply making them drop this stuff(Life drain still applied) and if used on a corpse would do the same without life drain.


Mark For Death would be the name, random deaths would be the game...At a high or low rate instantly.

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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3rd ability possibilities.


Wall of souls - turns the souls of enemies into a protective shield that can be cast on a targeted location. Souls erode shield over time and slow enemies that are in or enter.


Search the dead FOR FUSION cores. The more party members the more cores dropped!! 


Shadow Hunger - Tendrils from the shadows wrap around enemies and hold them in place removing shields and/or armor for easy killing. (DE worked on The Darkness. I bet they could nail this really well)


NetherPortal - Opposite of Wormhole and similar to Vortex vacuum effect. Turn any doorway into a 1-way portal to the nether realms. Howls and screams from burning and fallen souls can be heard upon casting and creating a portal. Maybe some related visuals can be seen in the portal or tortured souls.


Bestow Infested - Turn X# of enemies into loyal infested. Leveling increases number and rank of infested turned.


Fenrir's Maw - Cast X# of shadow hounds to attack enemies.

Edited by RawGritz
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I have 2 ideas to replace search the dead:

1) Blood Transfusion: marks the enemy so that if they did while under the effect x% of their total health is split into 4 orbs that seek Tenno and heal them for that amount.

2) Mark of the Dead: marks enemy for a limited time for death, they will take x% more damage.

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So how bout this no Search Dead and no Terror Totem.

Instead have Terror Totem a name of jokes to me. Instead have a ability that allows Enemy Hp to drop to may be 25% or 50% for like 10 or 20 seconds along with a halved Attack bonus of maybe 10% and Name it "Fear."


And if I think about it right if u defeat a boss then use Search Dead u could double bp grabs making less play value. My idea would be "Reanimate Cells"

allowing  the Frame to buff ally's with and 5% def increase and slow heath regen for 30 or less seconds.

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I like Clone the dead as far as a name goes, primarily because a lot of people here are applying "Magic" sounding names to a science based power (Albeit metascience but science none the less)


Search the dead however does sound generic, we cant use Defile because that doesnt sound right and while Graverobber is thematically fitting it doesnt seem to go with the whole "Necro Warframe" schtick although of the sugestions so far Graverobber does sound the best of what has been stated.

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After reading ThePhysicist8's post, I want to make a revised list of what I think the necro warframe's kit should be like. I will also be posting a suggestion for his name. 


Siris/Ausar (named after Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead)


1- SOUL SIPHON: Siris rips an enemy's soul from their body, weakening them and reducing their armor rating. 


Soul Punch is a great ability, But I think this would be more fitting. If your going to violently punch an enemy's soul, might as well take it from them. 


2- DOOM GOLEM: Summons a nanite golem that terrifies enemies. Lasts for X sec. and causes enemies near the golem to freeze in fear. All other enemies will flee in terror. 


Terror Totem is another great ability. Honestly though... the name is hoaky. Plus, I see the Necro warframe as a supportive frame, made to disable and slow down enemies. This would be a fitting ability for him. Besides, creating a giant golem to mess with enemies would be fun.


3- DESECRATE: Slowly exhumes the life out of nearby enemies (Damage over time effect on enemies = X% health over Y sec.) Upon death, Enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


Search the dead is not really effective if your target is going to die in a split second. Dealing damage that can help turn up more loot as you kill them is more effective in my opinon. Plus, I think that the name of the ability is more sutible. As the word Desecrate is to violently tamper with the remains of the dead or sacred. 


4- REANIMATION: Siris uses nanomachines to recreate the last X enemies Siris has killed to serve as his allies. 


Clone the dead is also a hoaky name. Reanimation sounds a lot better. Plus, it's the name that fits the ability and what it does. Also the title of a horror film on lovecraft-inspired hijinks. Everyone love hijinks... 


Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

Edited by DocPulsar
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Change "Search The Dead" to "Tendril Bomb"


Necro impales an enemy with a tendril. After the target dies, tendrils shoot out of it gripping onto X number of enemies and pulling them into the point of origin, dealing X amount of damage.


Honestly, Search The Dead seems like a utility skill that is lacking due to the fact that ragdolls eventually disintegrate. Some disintegrate rather quickly too.

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