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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Loving the powers except search the dead. That one seems like it would be a better aura mod honestly.


Maybe detonate the dead?


Or bone swamp that turns corpses into patches of grabbing hands that hold enemies?

Or some sustain abillity like Draining remaining lifeforce from fallen enemies.


Upon activating all corpses near Necro will be devoured by him, gaining 2\3\5 mana

(or 10\20\30 shield, like rhino's skin, not basic shield. same as rhino skin - unlimited time)

(or 20\30\45 health)

per each corpse it devourer.

Range - 5/10/13m

50 energy cost


I like an idea that you can interract with enemy dead body, but idea of looting them isnt Battle based ability. and thats making his 3rd abillity totally useless in the same Void. it WOULD BE great abillity, but we already have INVENTORY that provides us with full ammo for 1 click. searching for enegry balls? you wasting 25 mana to find 25 mana energy ball? that qute. oh you found healing ball? nice. here's 25 hp. oh this bad Cropus just hited you with 150+ dmg from one bullet? its ok kill him and spin the wheel of fortune, maybe he will drop another 25 hp healing thing.

Edited by LordSebastian
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a noter sugestion on "SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking."

would be that it also adds +2.5-5% for every kill affected by it on all the dmg the warframe do stacking the same way as the armor debuff up to a 15-50% max for a time

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First 2 abilities are reasonable and very nice, I can see Terror Totem being a good defense ability.


The third ability looks sort of weak and unusual, I hope it is not going to cost too much energy. Maybe change it into something that allows Necro to absorb Health and Energy from dead corpses?


The ultimate sounds pretty cool but it will be tricky to balance. Will the resurrected have the same stats as their living counterparts, or will they be weaker/stronger? Will they last untill they die (again) or have a limited time?

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soul punch: usual first power, but i love the name, dont change it!

Terror Totem: so a negative loki decoy, not a fan... and a MOA would feel terror?

Search the Dead: too expensive as it is a 3rd power, would have more sense to remove this or as his first... for energy cost.

Clone the Dead: a clone of chaos from nyx.


would be a lot of rework i know, but if DE is in the "dark theme" then (nevermind the names , is just an example):


1: possesion - necro controls an enemy, you use this enemy with his set of powers until he dies, also aggro on this controlled enemy

2: hands - a group of hands comes from the ground and get certain amount of enemies in an area to stay in their place, stunning them

3: die twice: necro makes a shadow clone of himself that, at his side, replicates every move he makes, double damage amd bigger area of attack.

4: soul reaver - in a small radious multiple clones of necro appears ( at the same time) behind enemies and stab/ punch or whatever you like them.


is just an stupid example, but i dont get why every warframe that appears should be basically the same loadoaut than previous ones.


they just have to be different from each other, necro as it is now is again doing the previous rhino formula (before the rework) of having each of his powers from other frames, being a collage..


nice anyway from DE to ask in the forums about our opinion, nice indeed...

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For Search the Dead, is that going to be a buff applied to Necro and friends that makes each kill have more drops?


And for Terror Totem, I don't like it. 3rd ability should be something like hands reach out of the ground, grabbing ankles of enemies to slow them and possibly trip them. When the arms trip the enemies, they should start strangling them, doing X DoT.


For the 4th ability, it could be an area blast that damages enemies in the area, if an enemy dies in the area then the nanites take over the body, doing what you said before.


Thank you for your time, and thanks for even asking for our opinions.

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Search of Dead is good idea for new aura (i.e. passive bonus to loot from enemies), not that much for a warframe Power.

Also other usage than always-on passive wouldn't be that effective and thus useful.


Considering the fourth skill:

I just hope they don't went with Diablo 2 necro style, where group of AI $&*&*#(%& revived dead is walking with him through the whole mission. The game is chaotic enough.

I would prefer something like nearby corpses rising and melee running against the enemies, constantly loosing health + exploding on death in poison/fire/electricity cloud or something, taking aggro for the whole time.

Considering the usage of corpses on the ground - it would need some actual player skill to cast it in effective way, due to how corpses disappears.

Considering the amount of risen corpses - basically we can go with distance limit + amount limit according to the level of the skill (+ warframe rank, to make it scale better) or use only distance limit or amount limit. I personally would go with the distance limit only, so the more enemies dies around Necro, the better.

EDIT: Completely missed the "last X enemies he kills" - that's bullS#&$, use nearby corpses instead as a proper necro.

Edited by zelgaris
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My opinion on the new "Necro" ability


1.Soul Punch:

A low cost debuff attack sounds very useful in many situations. I like it.


2.Terror Totem:

Could be useful defensive wise, but I fear that scaring the enemies to hiding might make the hunt more tedious.

If the enemies were to be defenseless while terrified it could be a thing, but other wise I'm not so sure.


3.Search the Dead

More of a mod/aura thing rather than a Warframe ability.

The alternate choice being the "Life Drain"... it also sounds very similar to Trinity's abilities.

In need for a reconsideration/revision?


4.Clone the Dead

"...creates ... clones of the last X enemies he has killed" ...Clone? I'd thought he'd reanimate them.

Also, I'm not too sure about the "last X enemies he has killed" restriction.

Mostly because this may be completely useless in some situations whereas Necro cannot count himself a kill due to (insert reason here).

Instead, if it could be something like:

"When casted, Necro absorbs (x) amounts of bodies in his vicinity and reconstructs/summons (x) amount of Flesh Golem/Puppet pet."

Sounds kinda gross but something I feel more befitting than nano-machine clones.

Edited by dyuxi
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Clone the dead will be abused I already know, kill a bombard, heavy gunner, and napalm then revieve them to kill everything else xD


That really depends on how the ability actually works. The "clones" don't have to be perfect.

I actually hope it doesn't work like you say...

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31 pages and still the #3 is nearly universally considered a bad idea. I'm glad that DE is removing it in favor of something else based on the community hot topics from the 5th. Hopefully we'll get something awesome like corpse explosion or life-steal.

Thankfully it appears that the general populace is significantly smarter than the design council who apparently thought that focusing an entire sentinel around a short-ranged, player-based vortex effect that only affects items was a good idea. Unfortunately it seems that this design-council folly may have influenced DE and resulted in the initial #3 change from life-steal to the currently despised extra-loot skill.

Edit - I'm still holding out hope that DE will call a mulligan, throw out the loot vacuum sentinel in favor of something else, and make that power a universal sentinel mod. Having a group of players create something is great and all, but there needs to be some oversight on DE's part.

Edited by GottFaust
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What to call the powers

1st - Life Tear - Sounds much more menacing than 'soul punch' which sounds generic at best.

2nd - Terrorize - Well, this is obvious, and the effects are obvious too.

3rd - Exhume - E.G. Dig Out, like robbing graves. Exhume should also make the corpses explode violently.

4th - Revenant - Revenants in folklore are animated corpses that come back from the dead to terrorize the living.

3rd alternate - Barrier of the dead - Uses the matter left over from the dead to create a barrier that slows enemies down and drains their health.

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SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


If it pops out loot from every corps, it seems like a handy skill!

Just imagine:

1. Rhino > Stomp

2. Necro > Search the Dead

3. Energy orbs EVERYWHERE!



CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


So (dead) enemies get turned into allies.

Quite similar to Chaos (Nyx), which also turns enemies into allies. But unlike Chaos, you first have to kill them, meaning that the Chaos could end up being a much superior ultimate.


Maybe have the revived enemies turn into infested-like creatures with higher damage and additional poison damage. Perhaps you should also let them explode when killed, creating a poison cloud (like the Toxic Ancient).

Also, have them follow you when there are no enemies to attack.

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If it pops out loot from every corps, it seems like a handy skill!

Just imagine:

1. Rhino > Stomp

2. Necro > Search the Dead

3. Energy orbs EVERYWHERE!




So (dead) enemies get turned into allies.

Quite similar to Chaos (Nyx), which also turns enemies into allies. But unlike Chaos, you first have to kill them, meaning that the Chaos could end up being a much superior ultimate.


Maybe have the revived enemies turn into infested-like creatures with higher damage and additional poison damage. Perhaps you should also let them explode when killed, creating a poison cloud (like the Toxic Ancient).

Also, have them follow you when there are no enemies to attack.

chaos doesn't turn them into allies it just turns them against anything that is near so they might still decide to go after you and its timed, hopefully clone the dead wont be or rather it probably wont be timed and they turn all of them into your allies its pretty much a mass mind control except you have to kill them and your teammates wont kill your minions

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now since everyone seem to be inventing new nr3 abilities so now i will to.

here is my idea


devouring swarm

a huge swarm of nanobots will emerge from the necro frame and will engulf enemies in a small area around the necro frame dealing a small dot to the victims and reduce their armor value permanently together with the dot so to say (what i mean is for each time the dot deals damage the victims armor is reduced by X).

Any corpses in the area will be devoured and each one will heal your minions a little.

if you have no minions then each devoured corpse will instead become a clone the dead "charge" (what i mean here is all the devoured corpses will become your minions if you use clone the dead).


hope this made sense

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Another alternative I came up with since so many people seem to want a Life drain ability, you can see my other additions here 


3.b) Soul Feast- 20 energy/second channeled ability - Necro drains the souls from x victims in x radius for x health/second. Cannot fire weapons/melee while channeling this ability. Enemies killed by this ability are left as a hollowed and decayed husk of a corpse on the ground


Still not sure as to whether or not we should be able to attack while healing.


Animation- much the same as the capture animation used on enemy informants, except more sinister and obliviously multiple targets at once. 

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