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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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How are you people agreeing with his ult when it's the same exact thing as another alt on the game more or less. Just worse depending on the situation..It needs to be changed. It almost seems like they just said F*** it and slapped some S#&$ on. Not too much thought seems to be put into anything other than design. Hence the terribad names and non logical skills..that don't even fit

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alrigth so i got something revolutionary for warframe(i guess XD) passivev abilitys not like auras they would be for specific warframes(add another mod slots for em next 2 auras or somethen or count it as an aura idk)an example would be for necro soul punch or loot the dead could gather souls or nono bots or something(didnt really think it through XD) and basicly help him in many ways considering this is necro a necromaner frame i think sould should do something like:once aquiring a set amount of souls instantly create a nanobot clone(like clone the dead)and stack the amount of dmg soul punch would do until set amount is reached, another use would be (for souls of course) maybe sending out a energy/hp drain from the totem poll thing so it would literatly suck some hp fomr them become a siphon when the affect fades away necro and other warframes could go 2 the pole and use context action 2 absorb the life drain from the poll giving them things like hp, energy, a dmg or armor buff idk, or something like that.besides like i sadi earlier it hink necro needs some damed offence and life drain a necromancer theme must have some kinda drain move!BUT YEAH AS I SADI EARLIER IDK ABOUT HIS PWRS SO FAR WELL EXEPT FOR CLONE THE DEAD THAT IS FOR SURE A MUST HAVE FOR A NECRO MANER SOME OTHER IDEAS I HAVE WILL BE POSTED IN THE FOURUM TOMMAROW! just sayen :D i am a serious debater -_-



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From the name and initial art I saw in the LS before yesterday's U9.8, I was really hoping this guy would capitalize on zombies and a variant of the plague that spawned the infested. A single target damage spell is very...I don't know, seeing how it turned out for Volt and Ember makes me dislike the idea of 'Soul Punch' altogether, no matter how much it may or may not do to a single enemy. The Terror is a nice CC ability, I'd honestly be fine with it, like a larger scale of Excalibur's blind. The third power though? C'mon, weren't we already getting a Sentinel designed for looting? We get plenty of loot farming defenses and mowing down infested as it is, I was really hoping for something truly neat, and...I don't know, zombie related? I feel he needs some area of effect spells that capitalize on shredding enemies and making fuel for more raised corpses. The fourth ability could be hit or miss, depending on how well these minions do their job. I'll wrap this up though;

To be honest, I was really hoping all his powers would revolve around manipulation of the dead, and that all his abilities would synergize with 'Kill enemies, make zombies, use those zombies to kill enemies, make more zombies, and then make all these zombies do this cool thing to do THIS cool thing!' 

In short, this Warframe revolving entirely around his undead minions, for the fulfillment of not only kills but other utilities, while keeping a steady supply of cannon fodder going, you know? Or maybe merge several of these zombies into an 'Ancient' esque minion that totally wrecks everything.

Does anyone here see what I'm talking about?

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Please don't tell me he is going to be called "Necro."


I was excited for this Warframe before I knew what his abilities are probably going to be, but now that I know I currently have no desire to try and obtain him. These sound like the worst abilities to date in Warframe. "Soul Punch" is such a bad name, I can see "Terror Totem" infuriating players more than it helps them, I really hope it doesn't cost 75 energy to use "Loot the Dead," and I had hoped so much that DE was more creative than just having an "omg guiz lets raiz the ded!" ability.

i agree DE does seem to have a lack lust in creativity sometimes but i have a little faith they can pull through especially with a frame so many had high hopes for i actually wish they steal my ideas like really here take a look people seem to be enjoying them https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/95600-crypt-the-wicked-warframe/page-3?hl=krypt#entry1087362 btw i think it should be named  Crypt

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How are you people agreeing with his ult when it's the same exact thing as another alt on the game more or less. Just worse depending on the situation..It needs to be changed. It almost seems like they just said F*** it and slapped some S#&$ on. Not too much thought seems to be put into anything other than design. Hence the terribad names and non logical skills..that don't even fit

i couldnt agree more these tenno need to start speaking their minds instead of taking what ever the DE gives us. unless they actually like it then sham on them

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i agree DE does seem to have a lack lust in creativity sometimes but i have a little faith they can pull through especially with a frame so many had high hopes for i actually wish they steal my ideas like really here take a look people seem to be enjoying them https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/95600-crypt-the-wicked-warframe/page-3?hl=krypt#entry1087362 btw i think it should be named  Crypt

wow, that S#&$ is such much more thoughtful hire this man.

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wow, that S#&$ is such much more thoughtful hire this man.

um... thanks i dont want to sound weird but i love things about death and reapers also im a writer so the unthoughtful stuff they put up made me mad of course this was out before they actually announced it lol by a day

Edited by Masqurade_Blademan
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I'm not so sure if I like these two. Search the Dead feels like a utility mod for all frames despite the carrion scrounger theme, it doesn't contribute to combat through direct or indirect means, Necro could use a crowd control ability in place of that. Terror Totem doesn't feel right, because it's a deployable, when I look at Necro, I think his abilities need to come from him directly, I prefer an active buff instead as well; this is what I came up with:



Necro generates a cloud of nanobots for a duration and uses an eye laser burst to near instantly send nanobots (which interferes with the target's nervous/control systems) to targets he looks at. Targets within range and under his gaze are paralyzed with artificial fear, when Necro looks away the target recovers after a few seconds.


Why? Necro appears to be a cyclops, that means there should be an eye laser! He also uses nanobots to raise the dead, so couldn't he have some other control over them? This would become Necro's combat utility ability that favors snipers; it might become perfect for boss battles, freezing bosses in place for his squad members to tear the boss apart. Creative players can sweep Necro's gaze around to paralyze a group of targets if needed.


Raising the rank of this ability increases the duration and range.


Really interesting idea and I like how it uses his theme of nanobots seen in the Raise the Dead ability. I agree that it would be great for snipers, which might encourage a more long-range style of play for Necro due to him likely being pretty weak in terms of health, shields, and armor, and I think giving another advantage to long-range play would be a nice addition to the game with this warframe's introduction. Great idea, though I think it should replace Search the Dead rather than Terror Totem because Search the Dead seems to be begging for a replacement ability in my opinion, and your Petrifying Gaze ability idea seems like it would probably be classified as a slot three power.

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TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to
freeze in fear; the rest will flee.

Better but a cap on the number of enemies that flee. If not it'll just end up getting nerfed like Vauban who was never going to be nerfed. <.< lol

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Necro seems like its a pretty solid frame



search the dead I am a bit uneasy about because of a few things.


1.) is it just power ups like energy or does it boost item drop rats and BP drop rates as well?

2.) does it stack



because if it does boost BP drop rates this frame will become a favorite just because it has a farmers wet dream of an ability. if it stacks this problem will be worse.... if  not and it only boost item drop rates such as materials with power ups... alright that's pretty fair and balanced if not..... not and only effects power ups not even gonna use it to save mod space


the Fear totem... it strikes me as a bastille reskin but if it truly is something that would make the grineer wet themselves ill let it slide... other wise just make it radial and have necro do something scary as hell like have a shinigami appear vaguely behind him before dispersing the fear spell.... or is that what you had in mind for the totem? ;).


the ultimate.... as long as it doesn't bring back bosses I have no issues with the ult.

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May I suggest a way to balance Clone the Dead?

Clone the Dead: For every so enemies killed by any and all players will add a new minion charge to Necro's ability 9/13/17/20 charges. Which kind of enemies die to contribute to each charge should determine the minion type. Should have some UI hint so Necros don't have to count by hand. On use, charges are cleared. So, no clone spam. :P

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These do not fit a Necromancer theme at all. I'm sorry but this sounds like a flop to me.

For starters Soul punch sounds like a single target attack and single target has not fared well in this game in my eyes, Instead I would change it's motif to a line skill shot that passes through targets that purge a soul from the first target hit and decaying chance to purge a soul with each target hit after that. These souls can then be used for his other abilities that I will go over in a moment. I would name this ability Soul Rend or along those lines because you are tearing out the target(s) souls. As for the decay the first hit is a guaranteed steal while any target hit after is less likely to be stolen with up to 4 targets and each increase in the skills level heightens the chance for success.

His Second Ability seems more fit to voodoo or something close since voodooism is associated with totems or dolls. Instead his second ability can be called Poltergeist, the ability commands one soul onto a target. If an enemy is the target it deals damage overtime and induce fear, if an ally is targeted it heals and offers a small buff.

His third ability..... No that sounds more like a looter or a scavenger, not Necro like at all. His third ability could be called Razed Earth, he give's the soul new flesh if not decomposing abit or alot. Gives great chance for variety in design form. It can summon either a single soul minion or if multiple four max.

His ult while the closest thing to a Necro is still lacking. His ult could be called two things based on what you do with his third. If the first option it can be called Necropolis, he spends all collected souls to summon a horde of undead, ranging from ten to twelve instantly spawned and act as normal minions. If you have his three summon multiple undead minions it can be called Abomination, the four undead summoned converge into one giant undead monster with a timed decaying health bar. Again you can also use this for a variety in design.

When my friends and I hear about Necro we were stoked about the idea and all it brought but after seeing the current ability line up we kinda got bummed out. After sitting around we talked and hashed out till we came up with these abilities and thought we would like to share them. So I wanted to tribute them in this post as well since they we're the other halves of this idea. Thanks Hastur, Senicuna.

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1)SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


2)TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to
freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


3)SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


4)CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


1) Make it ranged attack, since he is caster and guess it's squishy warframe.

2) Instead of freezing enemies in fear, make them feared, which will play animation like when they get affected by fire, for x seconds.

3) Since trinity's rework, we don't need extra hp from corpses, doubt that in high lvl defenses will ppl take their time for looting corpses. And for ammo we got conversion mods. 

Instead, replace this ability with something defensive so we has survibility as well, there is nothing to protect him for now.


Nanoshield - nanites create in front of necro shield that blocks selected type of incoming dmg. You select the type of blocked dmg by pressing the skill again. 


or more suited for Necro:


Raise a corpse to walk in front of necro for couple of seconds, and take some dmg. It could be done so corpse would copy your movement, the amount of dmg its gonna take is up to you.


4) Reanimation - simply rename the skill.

Edited by Tripfy
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People seem to be forgetting that this game isn't seeped in magic, its about technology. Every Warframe in its little tooltip explains with some scientific speak how it works, not using mana but using energy. So when you try to change the Necro to something out of a medieval setting your forgetting that these are two different genres. So thematically his ult and 3 make the most sense, although the 3 has less explanation behind it. Remember this isn't magic, we have nanobots and physics.

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do you mean to necro be a black magician !

the question here is: what makes a magician tries to find something in the bodies of its dead

i see that is bad skill " can be change it to something best

for example,

necro drop the Voodoo doll in front of enemies and the damn turning everyone whatever their gender to light infested, runners and start in the explosion, one after the other :D


this is what called a magic, but search about scrap in the bodies of the dead: (


agree with me supports " press ( + )

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