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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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What about, combine the "soul punch" and the "soul chain ideas"-you use the ability, it marks the first enemy that you attack for maybe 5 seconds (increasing with levels) and damages their health directly. If you kill the target within this time, the marker goes to the next closest enemy, and you get a 2 second* boost.


*This number was chosen at random


This way, you get a solid, single-target based skill that is also capable with mobs-the problem with other single-target based abilities.


Ability 4 should definitely stay the same.


Ability 3 should be something like a AOE health drain: for example, reduce shields by x% but stunnable enemies within range are stunned and have their health directly leaked at y%/second. I'm suggesting the halving of the shields to stop it becoming too OP (I have a cool idea of what this should look like-pictures up as soon as I have time). (x,y would obviously increase with level)


This combination would make Necro (Necrox/Phage/Hades/Reaver name suggestions) an adaptable, but not overpowered frame-he wouldn't be too pigeonholed to a specific faction, and wouldn't be a steamroller either, because he's still pretty squishy.


As for Totem of Terror I don't have any better ideas for this ability (yet). It just sounds a bit too similar in theme to Vaubans' Bastille-which, lets face it, is more useful because it holds enemies stationary. Having them run away isn't necessarily great when you're trying to defend a single point like a pod. Maybe that awesome melee golem idea posted earlier?

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These do not fit a Necromancer theme at all. I'm sorry but this sounds like a flop to me.

For starters Soul punch sounds like a single target attack and single target has not fared well in this game in my eyes, Instead I would change it's motif to a line skill shot that passes through targets that purge a soul from the first target hit and decaying chance to purge a soul with each target hit after that. These souls can then be used for his other abilities that I will go over in a moment. I would name this ability Soul Rend or along those lines because you are tearing out the target(s) souls. As for the decay the first hit is a guaranteed steal while any target hit after is less likely to be stolen with up to 4 targets and each increase in the skills level heightens the chance for success.

His Second Ability seems more fit to voodoo or something close since voodooism is associated with totems or dolls. Instead his second ability can be called Poltergeist, the ability commands one soul onto a target. If an enemy is the target it deals damage overtime and induce fear, if an ally is targeted it heals and offers a small buff.

His third ability..... No that sounds more like a looter or a scavenger, not Necro like at all. His third ability could be called Razed Earth, he give's the soul new flesh if not decomposing abit or alot. Gives great chance for variety in design form. It can summon either a single soul minion or if multiple four max.

His ult while the closest thing to a Necro is still lacking. His ult could be called two things based on what you do with his third. If the first option it can be called Necropolis, he spends all collected souls to summon a horde of undead, ranging from ten to twelve instantly spawned and act as normal minions. If you have his three summon multiple undead minions it can be called Abomination, the four undead summoned converge into one giant undead monster with a timed decaying health bar. Again you can also use this for a variety in design.

When my friends and I hear about Necro we were stoked about the idea and all it brought but after seeing the current ability line up we kinda got bummed out. After sitting around we talked and hashed out till we came up with these abilities and thought we would like to share them. So I wanted to tribute them in this post as well since they we're the other halves of this idea. Thanks Hastur, Senicuna.

if you and your friends are unsatisfied  with those try these https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/95600-crypt-the-wicked-warframe/?hl=krypt

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People seem to be forgetting that this game isn't seeped in magic, its about technology. Every Warframe in its little tooltip explains with some scientific speak how it works, not using mana but using energy. So when you try to change the Necro to something out of a medieval setting your forgetting that these are two different genres. So thematically his ult and 3 make the most sense, although the 3 has less explanation behind it. Remember this isn't magic, we have nanobots and physics.

how about dark energy that would force a slight change in these abilities 

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do you mean to necro be a black magician !

the question here is: what makes a magician tries to find something in the bodies of its dead

i see that is bad skill " can be change it to something best

for example,

necro drop the Voodoo doll in front of enemies and the damn turning everyone whatever their gender to light infested, runners and start in the explosion, one after the other :D


this is what called a magic, but search about scrap in the bodies of the dead: (


agree with me supports " press ( + )

how about for your idea have the voodoo dolls pop in front of enemies collecting all damage or most but after they explode dealing damage equal to or greater then their output 

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no. It isn't useful, my god you people just ride the wagon's of DE. yeah lets use an ammo, energy skill for 75-50 as if def missions and missions in general aren't lol easy already. I also read someone saying him having an ability just like Nyx's is so cool...LOL???? 

And i completely forgot terror totem was deployed..Why would you make him have a deployable skill..lol De's you're all just kidding right??? I've seen so many great idea's suggested by the community. Are they not cool enough because they didn't pay 80$??

damn man you seem pissed just saying but i do agree with all your post. people the bandwagons to mainstream 

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Let's talk about his skillz:


- Soul Punch: Will dish out fixed damage, seems like a beast for higher levels. Taking out armor and stacking is awesome.

- Terror Totem: Bastille 2.0. I see why you nerfed Vauban: Necro needed to look sexy and all. Not to mention it's cheaper than Bastille if it's a 2. Great balance, DE.


- Search the Dead: Farming galore.


- Clone the Dead: Pretty much what you expect from Necro. Interesting and all.


Conclusion: Plat-bait.

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I'll give my shot at this for once


1. Soul Punch: Have a projectile actually pass through and tear out the targets soul causing a small AOE  explosion behind the target 


2.Terror Totem: I like the idea off a static area for this I could easily see people running around spamming it otherwise, my only revision to this would be to have the Totem slam to the ground causing AOE knockdown, and an insignificant amount of damage. 


3.Search the Dead: <_< Make this Clone the Dead please. 5 enemies at max  1/2/3/4/5/ anything more i fear would be a bit much. Also Rename Corpse Copy 


4 Death Incarnate: Upon casting, Necro urrounds himself in a static cloud of plague dealing respectable damage over time. Enemies caught within the cloud are immobilized and choke upon the air around them. Damage as follows 125/200/425/500/  at max lasts for 15 seconds 5/8/11/15


Personally I think this will eliminate the overlap with Nyx's chaos and the new sentinels abilities. 


I am open to criticism on this and would appreciate anyone tweaking or adding values where I have or have not placed them. :D

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I love the aspect of the Necro warframe but i feel as if the totem would be a little bit of a let down and that a lot of people will just get rid of the mod for the soul punch full upgrade and the summon full upgrade. There should be an aoe soul steal where the amount of dead around you makes it more powerful or even replace the totem with a bind that if they die they become a minion for X amount of time. But this is just my opinion...i like the Necro's looks and i think i'll spend the plat.

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I love the aspect of the Necro warframe but i feel as if the totem would be a little bit of a let down and that a lot of people will just get rid of the mod for the soul punch full upgrade and the summon full upgrade. There should be an aoe soul steal where the amount of dead around you makes it more powerful or even replace the totem with a bind that if they die they become a minion for X amount of time. But this is just my opinion...i like the Necro's looks and i think i'll spend the plat.

A let down? Terror Totem is an excellent CC ability, enemies closest to the totem will be stricken with fear and unable to move or shoot, enemies further away will just run away in fear. This ability will be incredibly useful for high waves in defense, it makes for easy target prioritization like Chaos, Nyx finally has a friend. She creates hallucinations, Necro creates fear.

Edited by __Kanade__
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damn man you seem &!$$ed just saying but i do agree with all your post. people the bandwagons to mainstream 

dude, i'm so &!$$ed lol. Not only is necro complete bs. People are like "OH SO COOL" "HE HAS AN ULT JUST LIKE NYX" like really..Idiotic posts like that throw me over the edge. Also terror totem is a decent of an idea but needs work. and should NOT be a deployable skill. It should be an effective aura or something that radiates around him upon casting. Not placing a stick on the ground and AI getting herpa derp "scared" and booking it


and do you realize how easy this game is? WE DON'T NEED TO WASTE 50 ENERGY OR A SKILL SLOT TO FARM MATS.



Edited by SoulDust
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Mob: 100%HP

Hit 1 for 25%: reduced to 75%HP

Hit 2 for 25%: reduced to 56.25%HP

Hit 3 for 25%: reduced to 42.1875%HP

Hit 4 for 25%: reduced to 31.6506%HP






I understand where you're coming from, but 31.6506% of an enemy at 100 HP is 31.6506 HP, while an enemy at 1000000000HP would be reduced to 316506000 HP.  This is a big difference in life and you still have to kill them both.  The armor dampener will help us finish them off.  So even after four shots with this method, we still haven't killed the enemy with only 100 HP, which is kind of worrisome.  

On another note, I can see each of his powers being useful.  I can also see each being worthless.  


Soul Punch now makes me a little worried if it can't kill an easy target after four hits, nor can it truly kill anything if taking a percent out from current health when cast.  But it can also be a great equalizer when hitting bosses.  


Terror Totem could be very difficult to use properly, forcing you to chase down enemies that may get stuck later on, or causing any number of issues.  However, on a high level defense mission, this could be a great game changer and attached to the objective so as to keep it safe.  What's better than reducing damage done to target?  Scaring away anyone who could hurt it.  Also, if it could be stuck to people, then maybe Rescue missions wouldn't be so hated.


Search the Dead could be a complete waste of a mod slot.  It may be forma'd out by everyone if its usefulness runs dry.  However, blueprint hunting and rare resources COULD become easier to farm.  Also agree that its name should be changed to "Reaping". 


Clone the dead could be unwieldy because you have to do your own killing.  May be difficult in a team with three other highly trained killers.  Also see issues in PvP combat.  However, this is my favorite power out of the four and may actually use a 'frame's ult now.  I feel like this fits necro the best and is a great power, no matter if we cast in bosses to be summoned.  


Also, I hope this new 'frame may usher in a new wave of Scythe weapons.  Hate is a blast and I'm working towards the Reaper Prime.  I think that a new one may be a great complement for him.  Of course, I may be utterly wrong in saying this, but it's my opinion.    

Edited by Shadowpen
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Daaaamn this guy looks so much better than Diablo II necro. Too bad his skills are so much lame :D

Is soul punch doing this strange "supernatural" damage type? It would sure as hell be good time to use it. Is it -5% of whole armor or 95%-5%of those 95%?

Will this searching be aoe or used on one body only?

Clones will be permanent? Will those active die when we use this skill again? Will we have to wait for all the clones to die? Will for eg. ancient healer clone heal the team?

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dude, i'm so &!$$ed lol. Not only is necro complete bs. People are like "OH SO COOL" "HE HAS AN ULT JUST LIKE NYX" like really..Idiotic posts like that throw me over the edge. Also terror totem is a decent of an idea but needs work. and should NOT be a deployable skill. It should be an effective aura or something that radiates around him upon casting. Not placing a stick on the ground and AI getting herpa derp "scared" and booking it


and do you realize how easy this game is? WE DON'T NEED TO WASTE 50 ENERGY OR A SKILL SLOT TO FARM MATS.



you have a great point lol i think something like my nightmare idea would be nice its radial and everyone fears something which the dark energy expliots and i know ive been waiting for a mod like that for awhile i be pissed if it was a ability 

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I actually really wished the devs could make some sort of warframe like Frost (a warmage) but he can control time. He has lower health and medium armor, atk, and speed, but high energy. He could look like some sort of priest and maybe has abilities to 1. (25energy) ally you tag (or yourself) gets teleported X seconds ago to the last position he was in, including original health and shield stats. 2. (75energy) ancient runes appear on all allies' weapon for large weapon buff 3. (50energy) all enemies within radius get their shields drained, with elemental dmg and slow down time. 4. (100 energy) all enemies within radius will age hundreds of years old and fall crumpled and rotten. I hope you may include some sort of similarity to this warframe.

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Geoff: "The first one is Soul Punch..." *laughs*

Steve: "You're laughing because it's a dreadful name!"

Rebecca: "It's all subject to change, the names, it's just general..."


Don't get hung up on 'it has a terrible name', guys. They know the names are bad, they wanted to get the mechanics out first and work the names later. They don't even have a name for the frame yet, "Necro" is just the internal name.

If you have a problem with the names, make your own suggestion.


Necro: Thanatos

Soul Punch: Haunt Soul Spear

Terror Totem: OmenGrim Tiding

Search the Dead: n/a because I personally hope it's replaced

Clone the Dead: Seance / Witching Hour

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