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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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i don't understand why people hate the "search the dead" so much its a support skill that gives power,health and ammo (maybe resources)


with the incoming gear change you might rethink your useless rants and just wait until the frame actually goes life ... and i used re"think" loosely here

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i don't understand why people hate the "search the dead" so much its a support skill that gives power,health and ammo (maybe resources)


with the incoming gear change you might rethink your useless rants and just wait until the frame actually goes life ... and i used re"think" loosely here


Because you use power to get power or health or ammo.


a. you expend 75E to get a resource

b. its random what you get so it might get you 25 sniper ammo when you dont have a sniper primary and need energy or health.


Its just stupid. Its a waste on your energy that would be better spent to punch someone 3 times or summon a bunch of mobs with the ultimate for 25E more.

Edited by Mietz
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since others have had a stab at making a powerset, Im gunna give it a go though mine will most likely suck.


Soul Talon: Necro fires a bolt of phased Nano bots that phase into a foe and then begin to dismantle the hosts nervous system slowing them down and weakening their damage resistance increasing with each subsequaint blast.


Dark Walker: Necro emits a cloud of nanites that attatch to him building a phantasmal suit of armor (looks a little like a grim reaper made) the nanites then shift Necro out of phase slightly, while in this limbo state projectiles, explosions and melee have a chance to pass harmlessly through Necro as if he was nothing but air, this lasts X ammount and percentage of phased attacks depends on rank.


Dread Reckoning: the nanites spread out in dark waves infesting their hosts and overiding their control centers forcing them to run away, the affect looks almost like they are afraid, this cloud of nanites follows Necro around as a miasma, the Nanites constantly shift and form skull-like faces within the cloud (For dramatic effect)


Reanimated Clones: Necro sends out a wave of nanites that copy the "blueprint" of whatever foe they infest, they then begin breaking down the foe into base componants, when the foe is either killed or dies from the nanites, the nanites then build a new version using the base materials of the foe before emergins as a nanite replicant that follows Necro till slain. (their appearance looks like a biomechanical undead version of the original Corpus/Grineer/Corrupted or Infested)

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i don't understand why people hate the "search the dead" so much its a support skill that gives power,health and ammo (maybe resources)


with the incoming gear change you might rethink your useless rants and just wait until the frame actually goes life ... and i used re"think" loosely here

It should do more than just searching.

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Firstly, Clone The Dead should be renamed to "Reanimate", just sounds a bit more delicious.


Secondly, Search the Dead is utterly useless as it is in the suggestion. Life Drain/Leech should be put back instead, where in my opinion, should affect only living targets. Think of it as a molecular prime that instead of slowing down and reducing armor, has the chance to plop out Health and energy orbs.


If it could be made to also have a slight chance of dropping mods/resources instead that would work too, but as of now, its kind of useless (personally I never run out of ammunition during a game unless its defense (and even then it's still pretty rare!)).

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So I have a couple of ideas

I feel like all of the last three need reworking if not replacing

Terror totem sounds ok I guess

I have a problem with clone the dead considering necro has to kill the last X mobs, which means you would need some high tier weapons or high damage abilities

And loot the dead is cool but seems useless as an ability

So here are some of my ideas

An ability precast that every time you kill a mob it leaves behind a poison cloud or something necro related

Next is a shroud of darkness which could even be its name or nightmare. A shroud of darkness would appear and souls would attack mobs.

Next is like a big spell circle and it would place one circle where you are standing and another where your cross hairs point. Any mob that reaches where your standing circle gets teleported to the other circle.

Finally necro would disappear and pull mobs underground and spit them out doing damage with ragdoll and invincibility

Also the golem idea was cool too.

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If I really think about his ability set I have to say thats it's overall look is OK, if everything is not too weak or really at a too short amount of time (or only 3 bots for his ulti). BUT there is one thing what is a problem in my opinion... and that is "Search the Dead" yeah I know that most people are saying the same, but it is really not the best ability to use esp if you have to run around and try to survive. One idea I have is some kind of transportation or a Bolt with a good explosion radius what will slow the enemy. He should really be more like a swift kind of Necromancer and not someone like a guy who stops at every corner to loot a corpse for the drops. The idea would be a little bit better than the transportation but this is MY opinion and I'm fine with it because shooting an bolt of something like dark energy what slows something would really be a great idea for a Necro Frame. And the transportation could be something like setting a point to switch your current position like a small Totem-like thingy what pokes out of the ground. And one idea I had is maybe something like a controllable small Bot who will jump at an enemy and cause an explosion what will push back the enemy or just explode if you press 3 again (maybe made of an corpse or something more dead related). But overall everything is fine and keep up the good work.

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I like the idea behind soul punch, but I feel like souls have no real place in a game based on space ninjas. Powers 2 and 4 I don't have a problem with, but search the dead sound awful. The only way it would be truly useful is if any searched bodies, i dont know, EXPLODED!

ok for the last time yes i want the bodies 2 explode but wat i want 2 say is god damn u basturds i know magick and S#&$ dont belong in a space age themed game but remeber i can always make a scientific version of the same &#! power example call it soul punch, actual science beheind it necro sends hostile nano bots towards target that burden his armor and sting the victim in other words sting=dmg burden armor= well u know debuff

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the necro warframe's abilities are fine but i don't really like the names. how about. . . . . .

soul punch --> reap
terror totem --> dirge (a dirge is a song for those who have passed away. often times they are creepy.)
search the dead --> harvest
clone the dead --> return

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SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.

Sounds pretty cool, 5% seems pretty damn low for a single target attack but maybe the damage will balance that.

TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.

Sounds okay, a bit heavy on RNG.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc)

I don’t really like the name or flavor of this ability, though the general mechanic seems good. Perhaps if it was something like “Reap - Necro and teammates gain health and energy from nearby dead bodies”. I like the idea of a particle effect with a stream of energy flowing from bodies to Necro and his allies, rather than just orbs.


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.

The mechanic fits the character, although the name doesn’t. “Raise the dead” or somesuch would be a much better name, even if the literal mechanic is cloning dead.


Some other ideas:

FEAR THE REAPER: A faint shroud surrounds Necro, lasts for X seconds, reducing armor of enemies in aura by X%/second and slowing them.

SOUL COLLECT: Deals X armor ignore damage and steals target’s soul. Souls stack up to X and have a duration of X seconds. Each soul increases Necro’s health and power strength by X.

SPECTRAL SCYTHE: A giant ghostly scythe appears in Necro’s hands, replacing his melee weapon temporarily, and swings in a 180o arc in front of Necro. Deals X armor-ignoring damage and makes enemies in swing stumble/knock back. The scythe disappears after the attack.

CHEAT DEATH: Duration of X seconds, if Necro is killed during the duration he is revived immediately/brought back to X% hp.

Edited by Gadgie
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