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Okay, just a few points that are bothing me...


1. I heard they are replacing Raid with Survival missions.

Why? When I'm going to play a game of warframe, there are typically only 3 mission types that I play. Exterminate, Raid and Capture, most others I avoid. Of the others, I play Defence because of the rewards.


I don't know about rewards for something that isn't made yet, but, Survival is another one of those game modes that I would avoid, effectively giving me less of the game that I want to play. However, this is a personal choice.


Rescue, Spy and Deception missions were particularly high on my avoid list. A lot of the time I'd go into a mission with the specific purpose of trying to level a primary weapon... and they I get stuck for the entire mission only being able to use a pistol because I have to carry a data package around the level... Annoying.

Rescue isn't as bad as it used to be, but still something to avoid solo because of how often the hostage gets stuck in the world, but at least you don't instantly fail the mission when he dies now.


my advice, Don't remove a game mode completely, you know what levels people play, perhaps there are certain ones around the map that get played less than others, Consider replacing those specific levels with survival, and perhaps take levels of more than one specific type, and add 1 or 2 survival levels per planet map, don't do a sweeping replace of the entirity of one type, I believe it to be a mistake.


2. Ingame bug reporting.

I am here for one reason and one reason only... you do not have an ingame reporting system, otherwise I'd avoid the forums entirely, like I do with all forums. These forums are particularly bad, with people posting one word replies, and linking pictures. My internet connection is crap, I seriously don't have the bandwidth to download picture after picture after picture when all I'm looking for is a change log.

2 possible solutions to this problem. the first being an ingame reporting and sugestion system, so you can just click a button, write a paragraph about your problem, solution, idea etc, and you're done.

the other solution is police the damn forums. "FIRST!" Delete the post and ban, yes BAN, A warning is not a deterant from moronic behaviour, you need to ban people from posting. I'm not talking permanant ban, just, ban for a day or a week etc. Post nothing but a link to a picture in %7Boption%7D tags? delete the post and ban, etc etc.

in fact do both of these anyway.


3. Unstuck button.

Okay, I heard that DE said "Never going to happen." why? "because people would just use that instead of logging into the forums and telling us where they got stuck." Okay... $&*&*#(%& argument.

1. I have never reported where I got stuck for 1 reason: you have to log into the forums. if there were an ingame reporting button, I'd use that and actually report some bugs for the first time ever.

2. if you had an ingame bug reporting system, the unstuck button could AUTOMATICALLY generate a bug report and provide MORE information than anyone trying to tell you on the forums, such as the room ID number, and exact X, Y and Z co-ordinates.



4. DE's general direction is... just wrong.

Bugs have existed in the game since before I started, and still exist to this day. I'd tell you about them, but I have to use a forum to do it, so don't, that and I can't think of them off the top of my head right now.


DE really should spend more time fixing bugs, and less time on promoting the game.

Let me present you with a scenario, dipping into experiences I've had with the game myself.


New guy signs up to play Warframe.

New guy plays a few levels, then falls through the world, and is stuck having to quit.

New guy then plays an event mission (which in all honestly, should NOT even be remotely considered in any way shape or form while you're still "in Beta", fix the @(*()$ bugs first, thats what beta is for), and finds that it is relatively unplayable because of the bugs.

New guy takes 2 weeks off because of bugs

New guy hears of the next event weekend, so gives it another shot

New guy encounters the SAME bugs he stopped playing to avoid

New guy quite permanantly


I suspect that you lose 10% of "new players" within the first day or so because of bugs, and another 50% due to my scenario. I myself am avoiding the game for a while because of the bugs, only really playing events because they're never going to come around again.


Fix and Finish the game, THEN do events, not the other way arond...

DE... Get a clue...



*breaths deeply* Okay, I'm done ranting for the moment...

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These forums are particularly bad, with people posting one word replies, and linking pictures. My internet connection is crap, I seriously don't have the bandwidth to download picture after picture after picture when all I'm looking for is a change log.

2 possible solutions to this problem. the first being an ingame reporting and sugestion system, so you can just click a button, write a paragraph about your problem, solution, idea etc, and you're done.

the other solution is police the damn forums. "FIRST!" Delete the post and ban, yes BAN, A warning is not a deterant from moronic behaviour, you need to ban people from posting. I'm not talking permanant ban, just, ban for a day or a week etc. Post nothing but a link to a picture in %7Boption%7D tags? delete the post and ban, etc etc.

in fact do both of these anyway.


>>Bubba from east africa has a limited net connection.

>>Well educated conclusion:

>>Ban everyone who dares to post a picture


Should i start to call you names or are you able to figure out what IQ your deeply broken reasoning suggests?

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>>Bubba from east africa has a limited net connection.

>>Well educated conclusion:

>>Ban everyone who dares to post a picture


Should i start to call you names or are you able to figure out what IQ your deeply broken reasoning suggests?

I'm not against posting pictures, some pictures, for example, screenshots while bug reporting are obviously useful, and sometimes necasary.


Animated gandalfs and picards and god knows who else chearing, facepalming or demonstration some other emotion that fills the standard resolution screen, with no other content in the post are not useful, and these are the ones I'm sugesting they should issue temporary bans on, especially when they're posted on the first page of a news post, that a lot of people want to read.




An example of WHY those animated pictures are bad is because there are sometimes pictures and/or videos in the news posts themselves, and on poorer connections the pictures/videos you do want simply do not load because of all the extra unwanted crap that's stealing the bandwidth.

Edited by bobingabout
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They are fixing bugs, but at the same time they have to get people excited to play this game, especially with ps4 release around the corner.  Promoting is essential to any game.  No player base= no money/feedback. 

I agree with the unstuck button idea.  I do wonder though if there might be a way to abuse it so maybe limit it to a few times per map.  I also agree with not removing raid, however, I do think it should be reworked to be different than other missions. As it stands right now there is very little difference between it and capture missions.  The reason alot of people like the new survival mode( i personally do not) is two fold.  First reason is that you can actually test your frame to its fullest without a pod handicap. Secondly you can farm insane amounts of materials/mods to keep you going for a long while.  First day that they event started I ran cassini once and had approximately 7000 nano spores 1000 plastids and 10 orokin cells, all for 15 minutes of easy killing.  People can dispute these reasons, but for the more part they fall into those two categories. 


As for the forums, sometimes a picture says more than a paragraph of words.  It may suck if you have bad bandwidth but that's just the world you live in.  if you don't like it, that's just you.  You cannot impose your rules on the majority of people because you can't afford/have better bandwidth.  Not trying to be an a$$ just saying it in all fairness. 

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I completely agree with some of your points, specifically the ones about bugs and such.

It's like they started getting money and have just gone "Oh hey people are willing to pay for a buggy, unbalanced and unfinished game! How can we make more?".

We don't need more 'Frames, we have more than enough to keep the game going for a while. When you release them so often it stops being "OMG A NEW FRAME!" to "Oh another one? I guess it's stronger than ky old one so I might grind it out."

We don't need scarves and cosmetics, we need to fix weapons and 'Frame clipping issues.

We need bug fixes because some are getting ridiculous now after being around so long.

But I will just get flamed if I make a topic on the forum and it probably won't be seen anyway, so I'll just go get some food instead of giving feedback.

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As for the forums, sometimes a picture says more than a paragraph of words.  It may suck if you have bad bandwidth but that's just the world you live in.  if you don't like it, that's just you.  You cannot impose your rules on the majority of people because you can't afford/have better bandwidth.  Not trying to be an a$$ just saying it in all fairness. 

it isn't "Just me" though, I actually have a very good internet connection for england, at 8meg down, 1 meg up, a lot of people do not. the main idea for banning people for posting links to pictures, and 1 word replies actually comes from other forums, some well managed forums in fact.


One basic rule: ALL posts must be "on topic", if you're not contributing to answering the question, or posting counter-questions etc, then you are not on topic, and therefore breaking forum rules, and deserve to have your post deleted and be warned/banned.


This rule is one of the prime rules on all forums I consider to be successful, aparantly warframe forums doesn't give a crap about posts being on topic, and just lets everyone run riot, hence, masses of people posting links to silly pictures.





It's like they started getting money and have just gone "Oh hey people are willing to pay for a buggy, unbalanced and unfinished game! How can we make more?".

We don't need more 'Frames, we have more than enough to keep the game going for a while. When you release them so often it stops being "OMG A NEW FRAME!" to "Oh another one? I guess it's stronger than ky old one so I might grind it out."

We don't need scarves and cosmetics, we need to fix weapons and 'Frame clipping issues.

We need bug fixes because some are getting ridiculous now after being around so long.

But I will just get flamed if I make a topic on the forum and it probably won't be seen anyway, so I'll just go get some food instead of giving feedback.


Exactly the point I Was making too!



At this point, bug fixing should be a priority. I'm not against adding more new content, I just disagree with what content they're choosing to add. I don't think we really need any new warframes, or event limited edition things right now, those can wait untill the game is more stable. New game modes... Fair enough. Weapons? maybe. However, they seem to be adding just the odd new random weapon that you either have to farm for, or can just buy off the market, we don't really need any more market weapons right now.


Something that does need looking in to for "new weapons" is ballancing the Dojo labs, currently the Bio and Chem labs only have 2 each, where the Energy lab has... 6 I think? 4 rifles, 1 melee and 1 pistol. I'd consider the energy lab complete, and try to design and create as many weapons for the other 2 labs as one of the weapon creation priorities. I've even posted a sugestion for a new weapon, but aparantly was ignored.

Edited by bobingabout
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Backseat moderating is also against the rules. You can be reported for that. Bear in mind.

"A picture speaks a thousand words"

There are many different types of people who have different styles to get their point across.

Some write walls of text. Others give one-word answers. It doesn't matter, and no matter how superficial it is, it is a reply to be respected.

Not trying to be a d*ck here, but like the others said, you cannot force upon your own rules on people.

Anyways, on to your post .

1. I agree with your point that Raid should not be removed completely as a game mode. Takes the variety out.. Somehow. In terms of difficulty, Survival can be ended quickly by simply not picking up any oxygen. Use a Warframe that can do massive defence like Frost or Vauban and stall until the oxygen reaches 0%.

2. -Omitted-

3. The in-game automated bug reporting systems sounds like an interesting concept. I agree.

4. Cannot agree more. Instead of constantly rolling out new content, the entire game in general needs to be polished to ease balancing issues in the future.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Backseat moderating is also against the rules. You can be reported for that. Bear in mind.

"A picture speaks a thousand words"

There are many different types of people who have different styles to get their point across.

Some write walls of text. Others give one-word answers. It doesn't matter, and no matter how superficial it is, it is a reply to be respected.

Not being a d*ck here, but like the others said, you cannot force upon your own rules on people.

Well, this is my rant, and my opinion, some people will agree with me, other will disagree. I don't seriously expect anything I say in this thread to change anything. (Though one can hope.) The points about the game rather than the point about the forums spam are more important anyway. Why do you think the point about the forums was last? you generally put the most important things first.


Lets just say I consider posting links to animated pictures immature.




1. I agree with your point that Raid should not be removed completely as a game mode. Takes the variety out.. Somehow. In terms of difficulty, Survival can be ended quickly by simply not picking up any oxygen. Use a Warframe that can do massive defence like Frost or Vauban and stall until the oxygen reaches 0%.

It's actually harder than it sounds sometimes, I was in a Survival alert last night where oxigen tanks were dropping from every other enemy, so much that you could barely walk without picking them up. We accidently endured for 25 mins when we decided to drop out at around 18 because of enemy difficulty.

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Whilst I agree with the points you've made, I've long since bothered trying to voice my concerns. It's not that they fall on deaf ears, rather that those that care  have heard it all a couple dozen times, and those who disagree flame the thread into oblivion because it's easier to delete a thread than it is to prune it of inappropriate comments.


Still, good effort, Tenno!

Here's another Implementation for Unstuck that would have solved all of Scott's short-sighted issues with such a feature:



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1. It was the least played mission type and is arguably the same as capture.

2. Would be useful, yes.

3. No comment.

4. Bugs aren't that easy to fix, and many of them are not nearly important enough to take precedence over other things.

Edited by MeteorKing
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for one i dont think they should remove it completely yet i dont like runing raid cause its just too repetitve and a bad way to level.


second i agree a ingame bug button would be nice


third is that even necissary? just abort


finally u cant just say ignore promotion and fix all bugs, the community is help keeping the devs afloat with funding, as i figure they dont get much funding to pay for all the people working on the game, thats what founders is for and platinum purchasing. also they started events as beta itself since they wanted to see what the community likes so events in the non beta game will be more well recieved instead of hit and miss.

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It's easy to say "fix bugs" however in practice it's not always that simple. Some issues just require some plain scrip editing however some may request an elaborated workaround - you don't know how it looks from the other side so don't be ignorant about it.

Unstuck button with, let's say 10 min CD, that teleports you to safe spot in current/last cell generating bug report at same time surely would do the trick. I'm not sure however how would it work when you fall behind textures.


In-game bug report - must have.

Events are not only for our pure amusement - they are here for testing purposes as well. They help DE to decide what direction should they take to suit playerbase in future.

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third is that even necissary? just abort

I bet your record is terrible, I don't have a single abort to my name (and would like to keep it that way), and have a success rate of at least 90%.


I really feel you on the "stuck" thing. There's a horrible issue in the void I just never bothered reporting because, hell, why should I go through the trouble.

Exactly, now if there was a little button in the game that would only take a moment to report a bug, I'm sure you would've.


With bugfixes and patches come more bugs to fix and patch.

All games that receive updates are guaranteed to have bugs.

Depends. Good games to update and add new content, Excelent games will have all the newly introduced bugs completely elimited within a week. It is possible, but not when you're trying to roll out even more new content.

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3. Unstuck button.

Okay, I heard that DE said "Never going to happen." why? "because people would just use that instead of logging into the forums and telling us where they got stuck." Okay... $&*&*#(%& argument.

1. I have never reported where I got stuck for 1 reason: you have to log into the forums. if there were an ingame reporting button, I'd use that and actually report some bugs for the first time ever.

2. if you had an ingame bug reporting system, the unstuck button could AUTOMATICALLY generate a bug report and provide MORE information than anyone trying to tell you on the forums, such as the room ID number, and exact X, Y and Z co-ordinates.



This! This is such a good idea for a game that is still in beta. They'd get so many bug reports they'd drown in them!

The bugs you talk about might still be in the game because it is so inconvenient to record and present them.


However, that is the only constructive part of your post.

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>>Bubba from east africa has a limited net connection.

>>Well educated conclusion:

>>Ban everyone who dares to post a picture


Should i start to call you names or are you able to figure out what IQ your deeply broken reasoning suggests?

he wants to make these forums just like artotzka. grim, dreadfull, sad.


glory to artotzka.

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I agree with you on all points, especially the unstuck button. I never post where I get stuck. I have to take a screenshot, upload it to steam, go make a post on the forums, put the picture in, and then hope someone reads. Usually after getting to the end of a level and then getting stuck in a wall I'm not really in the mood to do that.


And the bugs... oh my god the bugs, and some of them have existed for several updates with many many threads and posts about them yet we get "dual vastos are here, here's a catalyst, btw "X" ability is still broken."

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