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The Alert Isn't Working Very Well


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So I just went on for about 40 minutes in this 24 hour alert and I end up dying not from lack of oxygen but from enemies and it says mission failed and I get nothing of what I've collected all through the mission or the catalyst. Pretty S#&$ty if you ask me.


That's how survival works at the moment unfortunately, you have to suffocate to get your rewards, getting shot doesn't count.

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So I just went on for about 40 minutes in this 24 hour alert and I end up dying not from lack of oxygen but from enemies and it says mission failed and I get nothing of what I've collected all through the mission or the catalyst. Pretty S#&$ty if you ask me.


You're correct. You won't complete if you die from shots. You'll complete if you die from lack of oxygen.

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So I just went on for about 40 minutes in this 24 hour alert and I end up dying not from lack of oxygen but from enemies and it says mission failed and I get nothing of what I've collected all through the mission or the catalyst. Pretty S#&$ty if you ask me.


Getting wiped out from damage and running out of revives or forfeiting will fail the mission (as with any other mission type).


Running out of air will complete it.

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Umm, after I died at the 30 minute mark. I hit forfeit cause the host sucked and the lag was terrible, and I still got all the rewards. Now if you don't want to sit there and watch the others play and abort mission you get nothing, Or if all of you die before the oxygen runs out then you fail and get nothing. But I have forfeited for lag reasons more than once let the others finish and i have gotten everything I pick up and what ever credits and rewards there are.

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They really should rework the way it ends before putting survival in place of raids... My idea is for every survival map to have a "safe room". This safe room is where the players spawn and it has 2 doors on opposite side of the room, one leading out to the battle field the other stays locked for the fist 5 mins or so. Enemies can not enter this room, so if for some reason you need to go AFK you can go back to there and be safe, however you dont gain xp or credits while idle there. And when all the players are in the room at the same time the second door opens revealing an extraction zone. If they did something like that then death or %0 o2 would casue missin failure. Plus this gives you the chance to take a break in a game mode that could potentially last for hours non stop...

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I do think this needs to be looked at though... I don't recall the alert saying how long you needed to survive to get the reward (if I did, I completely missed it), it doesn't seem to offer any additional incentives for surviving longer, and the "win-condition" is not obvious unless you played in the recent survival event - you win by "dying" from oxygen loss, but you lose if you "die" from damage, which you can avoid by sitting at the rez scree nuntil the oxygen runs down?  That's not very intuitive or new-player friendly...


When I did this, we had no idea how long we had to survive to get the reward, and an over-zealous Rhino just kept on going and going.  At the 25 minute mark we still had 97% oxygen and plenty of drops sitting around.  At 30 minutes we were dying a lot, but managing to keep up and still had plenty of oxygen. I started to get worried that we'd get wiped out before the oxygen could run down and fail (I didn't know about the sit-at-rez-screen trick), so I had to hide and stop rezzing my team mates so that the mission would finally end...


I like survival as a new alert type, but it really needs:

  * Clear feedback on how long you need to survive to get your reward (ideally in the HUD)

  * What (if any) the additional rewards are for surviving longer

  * An option to end/continue (like defense) when you hit each milestone or some type of in-game method to end the mission (maybe an extraction room that's always available at any time, but only ends the mission if all surviving group members go there)?

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