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Weapon Suggestion: Bow


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@lonelydrone: I don't think it'd be that hard to make a specialised single mod slot for a weapon where you can only equip one of the said mods. And call it the "ammo type slot". Not so overpowered then.

Then we're in the same boat, Caprica.

Because a MOD, can be put in any mod slot. You're talking about a specialised item and a unique slot for AMMO TYPE.

whats the difference? just change the module icon, for an arrow icon.

anyways, thank you for making clearer what i meant to say. Much appreciated.


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I said different in model, MODEL. if that isnt clear enough... the bows would look different with the same stats.

And I also thought in mods, what i dont like bout that, is that u could use various different types at once, thats not what i want or meant.

C'mon, a bow with a high-speed, explosive, impaling arrows? that IS overpowered.

Besides, different bows MODELS, with the arrow types system, would make some individual bow playing, even if everyone uses bow in a party.

About the models:

Yeah i'm all in for different models but i'm not the one that did those pictures.. :D Those are just examples of what they COULD look like.. :P You can't imagine how hard it is to find fitting, unique sci-fi bows on the web, you'd be surprised. Specially when i was looking for something REALLY cool.. :D

And also, bows using things like you said, eg. magnetism, i'm all up for it! :) I'll be sure to include these things there.

And Arrow types:

I'm all up for it. But remember: This is a suggestion only, i only want that this thread is heard so the devs can maybe, just maybe like it. I'll add your ideas! :) That ammo type slot thingy would be awesome! :P

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About the models:

Yeah i'm all in for different models but i'm not the one that did those pictures.. :D Those are just examples of what they COULD look like.. :P You can't imagine how hard it is to find fitting, unique sci-fi bows on the web, you'd be surprised. Specially when i was looking for something REALLY cool.. :D

And also, bows using things like you said, eg. magnetism, i'm all up for it! :) I'll be sure to include these things there.

And Arrow types:

I'm all up for it. But remember: This is a suggestion only, i only want that this thread is heard so the devs can maybe, just maybe like it. I'll add your ideas! :) That ammo type slot thingy would be awesome! :P

true that, HEAR US DE!!!!


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I should add an ammo type: Plasma. If anyone gets hit by it, they disintegrate, so that no enemies can see the body and trigger the alarm. And, if you want, I can post this thread to the design council

I'll add Plasma to the idea section.


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Other bow/archery threads:



Archery-themed Warframe idea:


Looks like you have some good ideas here, but I'm going to suggest to the devs they combine the threads to reduce duplicated efforts. Also should probably be in Weapons & Warframe Feedback

Edited by FrankJaeger
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Other bow/archery threads:



Archery-themed Warframe idea:


Looks like you have some good ideas here, but I'm going to suggest to the devs they combine the threads to reduce duplicated efforts. Also should probably be in Weapons & Warframe Feedback

You serious...?

That isn't helpful in any way. This is my idea and those are theirs. Forums will always have multiple suggestions of the same sort, specially when it comes to something like bows. How about you give critism about THIS idea, which i made instead of bothering devs which quite frankly, i doubt they care about at all.

Also when you COMBINE threads, the idea gets lost and it's a lot easier for me to keep this post alive. If the devs would be bothered. they will do something themselves, this doesn't affect you in any way. Not to mention people haven't even seen those ideas, not to mention some are pretty stellar and not even explained.

Stop being such a wannabe forum police please and do something useful like giving more ideas like the other good people here.

Forums are for people posting their own suggestions. This is mine, if someone else made it, good for them, they keep their alive. I keep mine. Also, this is different from their ideas.

I also made a full explanation how to use this bow, which in this case, is a part of the gameplay also. A lot, so in a way, it fits here also. NOT TO MENTION YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WITH A ''PROBLEM'' WITH THIS. People like you give me headaches.

Just because you spent 250 bucks on this game, does not make you a better person and give you the right to be the FORUM POLICE.

Sorry for being aggressive but that's just plain annoying. If you made a post which you try to keep alive and heard AND you've wasted more than 5 hours into thinking these things. Maybe you'd understand.

When someone tries to ''sabotage'' me and my idea, for no apparent reason, which i monitor and update as i go along, i tend to get defensive.

Please, if think your doing the community and the devs a favor by ''suggesting'' the devs to combine, which makes these things a lot harder to find AND DISCUSS, then you are very, VERY wrong.

Again, i apologize if i've insulted you, THAT i did not want to do, but i'm a little ticked off. I only wanted to make sure you knew what you we're doing and if for the right reasons.

Because ''multiple suggestions'' is not, specially when this is different from the others.

Edited by Torguish
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Torguish, there's no need to get mad at FrankJaeger, merging all these threads into an organised single thread would make it easier for devs to read through the ideas and decide what's good and what's not, not to mention it would keep the forums relatively clean as we won't have to go through countless threads asking for the exact same thing. Admittedly it could possibly get lost among other posts, but maybe not if the moderators carry it right below the OP, as in keeping all the OPs together in the first pages.

Can you honestly tell me which would help get the main idea implemented into the game, lots of similar threads with a couple of pages or a single massive thread full of supporters as well as people who don't want it..?

He merely suggested the merge, and I agree with it, that being said we don't have any kind of power over the forums because of our "Founder" status. There's no need to be disrespectful. If anything, you're the one sabotaging your own thread right now with that last post you've made. Let's keep it civil.

{PS: I'm not forum-policing either, I just support the general idea and I don't think this is the way to do it}

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Torguish, there's no need to get mad at FrankJaeger, merging all these threads into an organised single thread would make it easier for devs to read through the ideas and decide what's good and what's not, not to mention it would keep the forums relatively clean as we won't have to go through countless threads asking for the exact same thing. Admittedly it could possibly get lost among other posts, but maybe not if the moderators carry it right below the OP, as in keeping all the OPs together in the first pages.

Can you honestly tell me which would help get the main idea implemented into the game, lots of similar threads with a couple of pages or a single massive thread full of supporters as well as people who don't want it..?

He merely suggested the merge, and I agree with it, that being said we don't have any kind of power over the forums because of our "Founder" status. There's no need to be disrespectful. If anything, you're the one sabotaging your own thread right now with that last post you've made. Let's keep it civil.

{PS: I'm not forum-policing either, I just support the general idea and I don't think this is the way to do it}

I understand this but the fact that the post I made, which is different from the others, which i try to keep alive AND monitor to add ideas other players and people wan't got taken away from me. If a forum admin would have said to me ''we need to merge this to the other posts'' i would have been like ''fine. if you must. But can i atleast have CONTROL over my own post, which i made, for which i gathered my materials for?''

Are you really saying that a post where someone randomly comes and critisizes the location and now pretty much hides my post from everyone, for which again, i used many hours for, helps me in NO way, or ANYONE for that matter, just says ''lol im gonna tell em to move this.'' WHEN CLEARLY, this wasn't even an issue.

If he would have done it at least in a more respectable way rather than just crashing the party and pooping on this whole i idea i have. How am i now going to make sure i can make this idea heard & seen? I added multiple ideas which other people suggested. And i like to do things like this, i have suggested before ideas into game which got implented.

There was no warning, no nothing. This is what &!$$es me the most off.

If it wasn't for this fella over there, i would have been happy along with many others. Or am i not getting something here?

Which do you think it's easier:

Me, putting everything useful on the first page.


Rambling through 7 pages of random throw ins about bows and warframes with bows?


Like this, my original post had these things covered, now people are throwing in the exact same things i've already shown. See that I mean?

Also to Dansilent:

Not bad but go back a few pages, theres something i said which i think, you would like.

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Agreed, things got really messy, that's why I said all the OPs should be gathered in the first pages instead of randomly scattering the posts around by the date of post. Once that is done, then surely it will be more helpful. Maybe you could "report" your OP and request it to be moved right below the new OP?

I suppose he could've been more elaborate when reporting your thread. But it's not too late to fix things.

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