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For those of you who don't have her yet/ can't read, here's how she works.


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First off... :facepalm: wait until you have the frame and have tested it out. Make use of the /profile name chat function to check peoples profiles. I love seeing suggestions for sweeping reworks by people who don't even have the frame.

Here we go...

1- Against an enemy with full health, it stores a percentage of their health in the ball of gore floating over the shield, and knocks them on their butt for an easy finisher with her claws. It will always generate/ refresh the shield, which works like Volts, only there's no speed loss in carrying it. Used against an enemy under a certain percentage of health, it will kill them instantly, and store that as damage as well. The only issue is getting dropped out of the map by it; that damage store has a purpose. "BUT ITS ONLY IMPACT!" Shut up Michael, we'll get there in a minute.

2- Sliding uppercut someone into a health fountain. A very good health fountain that actually restores a solid amount of health per second for anyone inside the ring. The only issue is has is the same problem as Nyx's 1 used to. If its active on the last enemy in a defense, you need to wait for it to run out. Hitting it again should cancel it/ retarget it on a new enemy.

3- In conjuction with her 2, infinite energy, and with her 1 as well, you're protected while using it. Lead with 2, hit 3 a few times, congratulations, you have a full bar of energy. Again, if you're getting shot at while using it, that's what her 1 is for.

4- "IT DEALS SO MUCH DAMAGE!" "IT DEALS NO DAMAGE!" :facepalm:Let me put this as simply as I can. Enemies her 4 marks with V icons are given a status effect that makes everything you hit them with have a 100% chance Hunter Munitions effect. This goes for any gun, melee weapon or ability, including her charge up 1 blast. Think Nova's M. Prime, only instead of slow and a bit of extra damage, all incoming damage for that enemy has Munition's effect applied. It all gets turned into a slash proc. At lower levels the basic damage will kill enemies outright, at higher levels, the effect provides one of the best scaling options there is. My only complaint is that the charge time is too long.

Passive- Unfortunately, mostly useless. If you pay attention, you will never be running out of Health with her ability loop. I'd recommend removing her 3 from affecting it, so it only runs up on damage from an outside source.  Then set the percentage to run down over the course of 10 seconds from a full 100% charge, regardless of your current health. You start attacking/ shooting, the 10 second timer starts, provided it's charged to 100%. 9 sec for 90%, 8 seconds for 80%, 4 sec for 40% etc. Kind of like Volt's, just doled out over time as a percentage boost. It is a passive though, and most of them suck anyway, so whatever. 

Basically, lead off with a 2, then 3, then 1, then a few more 3's, then 1's and 4's. She's a very active ability based frame with legit synergy.

So, in summary. Falling out the map is a bug. Her 2 persisting past the end of a wave is a simple oversight only affecting a few mission types. Her four takes a bit too long to charge. A bug, an oversight, and a charge ability. Whoop-de-doo. Otherwise she's excellent all around. She can kill, she's got survivability, she can generate team heals, and she can support damage output with one of the best status effects in the game.

9/10 overall (-0.2 for each ability issue, -0.4 for passive) 10/10 for thiccness. :tongue:

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you can cancel 2 if you have your reticle over the mob in the altar to cancel it, you can have multiple blood altars going at a time, at this moment its unlimited, and if it bleeds long enough it also damages the mob your holding and will if you have enough strength eventually kill it.

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