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For Those Hopping For A Overheat Revert.


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Probably isnt going to happen. Remember a tank named Rhino? Well, when his Iron Skin was gutted it killed all possibility of Rhino being able to tank past lvl 50 content. Alot of us flooded the boards. Nothing changed. Now rhino is CC/support with one odd extra skill that frankly, i dont even bother to slot anymore in a group.


Overheat, you will be missed.

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Armor rework won't change the issues with the current Ember. She has no UTILITY and her powers are close-ranged when she can't live in close range due to low shield/health/armor/speed values considering.


Saryn's a half caster and half tank, and her skills offer close-range damage (except venom) and survivability.


Ember's not a half-tank (not anymore) and her skillset ONLY offer close range damage, and little to no survivability.

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Probably isnt going to happen. Remember a tank named Rhino? Well, when his Iron Skin was gutted it killed all possibility of Rhino being able to tank past lvl 50 content. Alot of us flooded the boards. Nothing changed. Now rhino is CC/support with one odd extra skill that frankly, i dont even bother to slot anymore in a group.


Overheat, you will be missed.

Tank past level 50 content? I don't even ever take health damage with Rhino until I'm facing level 90 enemies at least.


Armor rework won't change the issues with the current Ember. She has no UTILITY and her powers are close-ranged when she can't live in close range due to low shield/health/armor/speed values considering.


Saryn's a half caster and half tank, and her skills offer close-range damage (except venom) and survivability.


Ember's not a half-tank (not anymore) and her skillset ONLY offer close range damage, and little to no survivability.

This is my response, done before the changes:

To prove it possible I just ran a mission on Pluto with Ember solo without ever using Overheat (I used it right at the start of the mission by accident, but I never used it when enemies were near). For everyone who thinks Ember is crap in the late game:

-I only took health damage TWICE, and neither time brought me below 200 health.

-I got more kills with WoF than with my Strun Wraith, I also only got about 3 kills with my Dual Zoren (Melee Channel is great on Ember), and I never used my secondary at all.

-I never once ran out of energy. In fact I had WoF nearly permanently active.

-Crewmen died in 3-4 ticks of WoF. Moa's and Ospreys both tied in 2 ticks.

-I thought that if a Corpus Tech snuck up on me, it would kill me before I had a chance to do anything about it. Resisting the urge to use Overheat, I proved myself wrong when it actually happened and managed to get behind cover with 250 health left.

-I did not rush past enemies. If I saw an enemy, I would try to kill him.

I also only had +280 shield capacity (less than 600 shield), and in fact probably didn't even need that if I had played more carefully. I had Constitution, Continuity, and Focus all fully maxed out, and Stretch and Streamline both only 1 rank from being maxed out.

The mission I ran was Cypress in case you are wondering. The only thing more endgame than Pluto missions are T3 voids and higher waves of defense.

So no. Ember doesn't NEED Overheat's damage reduction to be useful.

Also all her skills are utility. Fire damage causes a brief panic animation in certain enemies, which is a short duration stun.
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That describes every enemy in the game. If you have a point, would you care to elaborate?

Like heavies, ancients, techs. Stuff that would rape you within line of sight... S#&$ doesn't happen to them, only the weak &#! mobs you're dispatching with your guns.

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Like heavies, ancients, techs. Stuff that would rape you within line of sight... S#&$ doesn't happen to them, only the weak &#! mobs you're dispatching with your guns.

Last I checked, my guns work on the heavies just as well as they do vs the lighter enemies, but there are a heck of a lot more lighter enemies so its great to have a skill that can deal with them while I focus on the big guys.
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Like heavies, ancients, techs. Stuff that would rape you within line of sight... S#&$ doesn't happen to them, only the weak &#! mobs you're dispatching with your guns.


If you're talking about fire stuns, then you're totally incorrect. Fire effects ALL enemies, especially infested. Everything gets stunned by fire damage other than bosses and maybe heavy grineer (I can't remember off the top of my head if they're affected or not.) This is something everyone seems to forget. Ember is the boss of stunning enemies. All of her abilities do both DoT and force enemies into stun animations for at least 5 seconds.

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If you're talking about fire stuns, then you're totally incorrect. Fire effects ALL enemies, especially infested. Everything gets stunned by fire damage other than bosses and maybe heavy grineer (I can't remember off the top of my head if they're affected or not.) This is something everyone seems to forget. Ember is the boss of stunning enemies. All of her abilities do both DoT and force enemies into stun animations for at least 5 seconds.

Ancients are still doing moon walks. Heavies have always ignored me. It is no more effective than a fire mod on your weapon, and the rainbow build is pretty much THE build for weapons.

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Ancients are still doing moon walks. Heavies have always ignored me. It is no more effective than a fire mod on your weapon, and the rainbow build is pretty much THE build for weapons.


Odd. I did Xini solo only a few hours ago as my Ember. Heavy and Light infested alike were stunned and unable to attack thanks to my fire blasts and overheats.


Sounds like something's wrong on your end.

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Armor rework won't change the issues with the current Ember. She has no UTILITY and her powers are close-ranged when she can't live in close range due to low shield/health/armor/speed values considering.


Saryn's a half caster and half tank, and her skills offer close-range damage (except venom) and survivability.


Preach. If she isn't a tank, give her something besides questionable damage to do her "job". She's supposed to have "surprising crowd control possibilities", so...what are they, DE?

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Preach. If she isn't a tank, give her something besides questionable damage to do her "job". She's supposed to have "surprising crowd control possibilities", so...what are they, DE?


Fire based aoes that stun enemies within its range of affect as well as (now currently very nicely buffed) DoTs. It's funny. People say she doesn't have CC, yet by the very nature of her fire elemental abilities, she automatically has CC with every one of her skills.

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Preach. If she isn't a tank, give her something besides questionable damage to do her "job". She's supposed to have "surprising crowd control possibilities", so...what are they, DE?

It is surprising. Surprising how bad they are. Mobs should point and laugh at her for 2 seconds every time she casts a skill.

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It is surprising. Surprising how bad they are. Mobs should point and laugh at her for 2 seconds every time she casts a skill.


Because what I want to say has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I'm going to Spoiler it.


All you do is spout negativity and totally ignore every single positive point someone shows you about Ember.


You obviously have a vendetta against DE, and obviously hate this frame. You have nothing constructive to say, and have reduced yourself to someone who really shouldn't be listened to anymore - both by the devs and by the rest of playerbase.


I think it's time you moved on. You're just degrading yourself and lowering the IQ of this forum in general now. Say what what you want back, because I won't read it - just like you don't read anything that's against your views. I can finally see now why people eventually start ignoring you. I think I shall do the same from now on.


Enjoy your evening.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Keep it to yourself, we don't need it here.


Fire doesn't stun on my end. Infested and Corpus ignore it. Medium Grineer sometimes get stunned. Heavies, definitely not.

If it's meant to stun, make it stun. Don't do a half-assed attempt and disadvantage a reasonable portion of the community.


So yeah, we'll stick with the "doesn't have CC" argument, thank you very much.

Edited by Holynight6
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Keep it to yourself, we don't need it here.


Fire doesn't stun on my end. Infested and Corpus ignore it. Medium Grineer sometimes get stunned. Heavies, definitely not.

If it's meant to stun, make it stun. Don't do a half-assed attempt and disadvantage a reasonable portion of the community.


So yeah, we'll stick with the "doesn't have CC" argument, thank you very much.


It's interesting how everyone who hates the revamp says they're not getting stuns from fire damage, while everyone I know who uses Ember does, infact, gain stuns from her fire damage skills - especially against infested...both Light and Ancient. Very odd indeed. There is probably a percentage chance of it occurring, but the way you're trying to say it, is that it rarely if ever happens for you. Interesting. Of course, keep in mind enemies do become immune to the affect if they were already hit by it (at least I think so. Usually they die before the stun animation ends). And I did clearly state that I wasn't sure if Heavy Grineer get affected by it.


And your definition of "hate" is totally different from mine. I stated an observation that others I've noticed have also stated while trying to engage that person. If I wanted to truly "hate" on him, there would be far more "colorful" words in that post. I will agree though, that you're correct in saying it doesn't belong here. I'll put it in a Spoiler.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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