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To Help People Understand The Logic Of Changed In Patch 9.8


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The thread has evolved into a "are they handling early game properly", and it's easy to say that they aren't. There's no question about it. It's also obvious that putting "no-duh" stats as mods that drop in an random fashion isn't working. They need to bring back passive leveling. Th old Skill Tree was horrid, but that doesn't mean Skill Trees are horrid.


As regards the ammo drops and ammo boxes, just wait for the damage model changes.


For those worried about all the "lazy" fixes, yes, they are making "lazy" fixes, but they're also working on fixes that aren't so lazy. The new damage model might suck, but either way, it's not a lazy fix. They're trying.

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I think the problems for new players were far worse before.

I do agree that you need alot of ammo in the beginning. This, im sure will be fixed.

A bigger issue is the spawning, and a lack of energy should be on par with the planet would you are on.

We need some noobs voices here tho.

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So I am more inclined to believe xylia, for 2 reasons. 1) he has reset his acct and the maajority of his threads are regarding rng drops especially at noob levels( and lest we forget your old enemy tyl regor, who apparently was finally nice to you) and 2 piercing shot drops are very few ( which especially helps against corpus<head shots are now viable> and grineer<armor doesn't block everything>


Taking his words however at face value, i decided I would put it to the test.  I pulled out my lvl 20 ember, bought a braton, equipped it and decided to use it as my sole weapon.


I chose e prime as my starting location.  First door that opened, lvl 10 napalm, yay right off the bat.  Shields take 20 damage per round, face 39 armor 13.  took around 20 shots to clear his life once the shield was gone.  moving on  i think my shade started to do more damage than me at one point >.> sawmen were more sturdy than grineer lancers, since they'd move into melee range and it was hard to aim accurately with their faces up my nose.  grineer lancers armor seemed ridiculous compared to the napalms.  was still 39 to the face, but if i missed the face then it was 5-8 damage.  when they move fairly quickly and in packs it is quite common to misplace shots.  undeterred i soldiered on.  by about the 5th napalm i ran out of ammo.  so i swapped to my despairs and tried to pick some up.... but to my great dismay there was none!  Moving on i abandoned my despair and opted to use fireball( its rather useless but w/e it was more realistic i suppose for a newbie comparative with slash dash)  instead and finally after 2 minutes obtained 100 rounds.  then another napalm showed up and i spent 30 of it with a fireball, and the rest on the trash mobs.  then a noobie really did pop into my game, and i felt obligated to make things easier for him considering the foolishness of ammo drops for new guys.  queued up world on fire, got the objective and moved around to make sure the majority of napalms and seekers were toasted and that he could handle the rest. 


All in all after changing tactics, i had only accumulated another 100 rounds making my grand total of ammo 700 rifle ammo start to finish.  pistol ammo i wasn't tracking but i can go back and check for everyone.  mod drops included ammo drum and 2 fusion cores. considering i just bought a braton and took it in, i can't accurately say that they'll run out of ammo as quickly as i did.  I probably only killed 80 grineers consisting of napalms/seekers/lancers/shields/sawmen/scorpions but it chewed through ammo very quickly. 


The point that is being made vk, and c3dric( opposing views on xylia from both but i will consolidate) is that although braton can go the distance after potatoed forma'd and modded, and the same with strun, without any damage modifiers or atleast a puncture mod to do damage to more enemies at once, a noobie will find themselves strapped for ammo, or zeroed out in most cases with little to no chance of picking up enough to continue to use the weapon.


I started at the beginning of update 9, (actually i had made it to venus before they reworked vor) and can tell you it was tons easier because i had a piercing mod. not even seration. not hells chamber or stormbringer or frost shots. just piercing so that more of my damage would follow through.  I still though ran out of ammo as a new player very quickly but managed. 

i continue to run people through venus and earth for fun, but i will tell you non of the aforementioned mods drop at all.  In fact i barely get piercing shot as it is.

hopefully this will help you to reconsider stances.  if not, do as i did, just buy a braton, don't mod it and go crazy

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I actually didn't reset my account, I made a 2nd account purely for the purposes of testing my "Getting Started" guide in Players Helping Players, but yes, that "Newbie Account" is as pure as possible -- I solo'd everything except for Defense, Mobile Defense, and Rescue (some of those I solo'd too), and I did not accept any sort of outside aid, carries, or anything to keep it as "Newbie Pure" as possible, nor did I make any kind of Platinum purchases. The only "non-pure" thing I have on my newbie account, is Equilibrium, and I'm not even equipping that, just to keep the test "pure".


But with that said... you also had a sentinel with you. Sentinels require Control Modules to build, which you cannot get until Europa. Try to imagine what you did, but without a Sentinel helping you (you mentioned it was doing more damage than you were at times). Or, try unequipping the Sentinel and run that mission again... with a Braton and a Lato. I think you get the idea, though, from the way you're talking.

Edited by Xylia
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Mostly my endeavour was to verify the difficulty in having only a braton.  i left shade as my sentinel, since i was to lazy to unequip.  On the by and by I managed to shoot down most enemies before it engaged them, but i can see how you could see it as an unfair assessment.  i also had all my general stuff equipped, flow, all ember skills, focus etc,... but like i said, till i ran out of ammo, i only used braton.  that was only 3 minutes into the mission. one minor edit: no redirection or vitality was equipped


there was no intent to disavow your assessment, but rather enforce it.  I suppose i could have taken my new frames there and suffered death, but i prefer to win and not lose :P.  Just piercing hit would actually allow a player to go a long way.  I remember that was the only mod i had on my original braton.  at least for the longest while.  Being able to do full+ damage on grineer as well as head shotting corpus makes a world of difference. 

for others imagine that you are stuck fighting only ancients and you must use all the ignored damage types for ancients.  yeah not fun at all.  but with the right mods you can actually handle them fairly easily. 


No one is calling for the newbies to have all the mods up front. 

What i do propose however is a different set of mods that newbie frames can have.  Remember the old electric slash or w/e its called( melee electric mod) and how it only went to 40%?  maybe we could have those for newbies.  Minor serration, minor hornet strike etc, that only scale up to approximately 25-40% extra damage. as well as minor redirection which gives 60-80% additional shielding.  these could go a long way to helping them move along, as well as teaching them the importance of getting better mods and fusing them.

So yeah support this ^  that way newbies get help, and they don't get your high end mods to start

Edited by r3dzer0
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Ahh, I see.


I missed the part where you said you were using Shade.


Seems a lot of people have the Cube out these days from what I've seen in groups, and well... a decently modded 'cube can just roflstomp early level maps himself.




But yeah, I knew what you meant, I was more curious. It is good to know that other people are indeed testing this and seeing the problem.


Oh, after I read and replied to your post, I used my newbie account to solo a couple Void missions. Void 1, obviously.


Man, the Blue Orbs are so hard to come by in Void 1 these days. I had trouble keeping Iron Skin up (Rank3, no Focus) in a Lv15-20 mission. I wasn't taking laser trap fire or anything, that was just from the mobs, and several rooms had all the mobs bunched up then I'd go through whole empty rooms in that first Exterminate mission I did.


In the Raid mission I did afterwards, I was treated to whole rooms of mobs when trying to figure out how to parkour some of the container rooms as Rhino. If I spent more than 30 seconds in a room, I'd go back to the previous room to find 15+ mobs in a room, with far too many shield vases flying around (that one time there were 5 side-by-side-by-side....overkill much!?).


But I suppose one isn't expected to solo Void... oh well. I managed to do it but it was difficult.


And what's up with the absurdly short timer on the Parkour Vaults? The 2nd one, I paused for like 3 seconds to look at what I was actually supposed to DO, and the wall was closed before I even got across the gap. Jeez. Could give people a little time to figure it out?

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Gorgon is my most used weapon (which I bring into rank 100+ content, even though it takes 130 rounds to the head to kill anything, even after five forma...I do have solid secondaries and melee weapons for when I can't afford to screw around), and I have been averaging one ammo box every other mission for a while.


If I buy all the rifle ammo boxes I can, I will have enough for my current rate of consumption until hell freezes over (about 5,000 missions, or 1,500 hours).


Did you forget? The only reason most vets have millions of credits is because they overdosed on void runs.


I've done far fewer void runs than most players with my play time.


I still had 3.3 million credits on hand...before I decided to buy hundreds of ammo boxes and large heals.


Yes, Braton and Strun are awesome guns..... with mods. Mods that don't drop until after Earth in Mod Drop 2.0. Also, try to remember Redirection won't drop until after Earth, either. Good luck with that 300 shields and guns that do 20 damage a shot.


Are you sure about this? I could swear I have recently seen Redirection drop on Venus, maybe even Mercury.


Until they run smack into a Napalm in E Prime after going through the smooth Venus levels.


And after that first encounter, they will know how to defeat them, and won't have real trouble with them.


And what's up with the absurdly short timer on the Parkour Vaults? The 2nd one, I paused for like 3 seconds to look at what I was actually supposed to DO, and the wall was closed before I even got across the gap. Jeez. Could give people a little time to figure it out?


Nothing wrong with the timers.


You figure things out via trial and error, if you fail to get into the vault the first half dozen times, so be it.


It took me at least four of the new void missions to get into the vault at the end of the new vertical laser shaft parcour area, and still haven't managed to reach canisters up top before the sphere closes. I'm learning as I go, and get closer each time.


Three seconds is an eternity.

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Nothing wrong with the timers.


You figure things out via trial and error, if you fail to get into the vault the first half dozen times, so be it.


It took me at least four of the new void missions to get into the vault at the end of the new vertical laser shaft parcour area, and still haven't managed to reach canisters up top before the sphere closes. I'm learning as I go, and get closer each time.


Three seconds is an eternity.


The problem with this, is that missions are entirely random, and out of probably a good 30 void runs, those two missions I did earlier were the very first time I had ever seen those kinds of rooms in any Void mission.


So they are either incredibly rare, or they just recently added those to the game. And of course, since Void Keys are consumable, now I gotta go out and get more keys (T1s are fairly hard to come by) to try again.




Are you sure about this? I could swear I have recently seen Redirection drop on Venus, maybe even Mercury.


Very sure.


Ever since Mod Drop 2.0, 100% of my Redirection drops have been from Level 20+ mobs, usually 30-40. My newbie account had done all kinds of missions on Mercury, Venus, and Earth. An Alert popped on Earth. Level 20-22. What dropped from the 2nd mod pill? Redirection. Sadly, I failed the mission because of extreme lag (it was Mobile Defense). After much cursing, I got to Metis on Jupiter. 20-22 Raid. What dropped first thing? Redirection.


I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen a Redirection drop <Lv20 on either of my accounts since Mod Drop 2.0.




And after that first encounter, they will know how to defeat them, and won't have real trouble with them.


The only real way you can "Deal" with them, as a newbie with little mods, is to run as fast as you can and pray the next objective doesn't take you back into that same room. There are no ways to "Deal" with Napalms -- they hit you through walls and obstacles, they take ridiculous amounts of ammo to kill if you don't have a Kunai yet (which is impossible until you get to Saturn), and they do way too stinking much damage with the unavoidable blasts. And let's not forget, they almost never come alone; they bring lots of friends and are oftentimes found in tight hallways.



I've done far fewer void runs than most players with my play time.


I still had 3.3 million credits on hand...before I decided to buy hundreds of ammo boxes and large heals.


Dunno where the bleeeeep you got that many credits, did you exploit Cronus before they nerfed the BP drop rate back then or something? My Main Account only has 1 million credits, and I've probably done about 30 void missions and for awhile I was even doing credit alerts if the reward was high enough, and if the alert itself was in a planet I felt like doing. But then I crafted a lot of crap -- I have 6+ pages of weapons, and I have every Warframe in the game, all of which were crafted except for Volt, Loki, Frost, and Nova. Oh, and I made a few Clan Weapons too (which are ridiculously expensive credit-wise).

Edited by Xylia
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I've done far fewer void runs than most players with my play time.

I still had 3.3 million credits on hand...before I decided to buy hundreds of ammo boxes and large heals.

How the hell...I never got above 400k, I've run maybe 20 total void missions. My gross income is 6.5 mil, but the majority of that was spent on forge (constantly building and ranking up to get Acrid/Supra).

Anyways, I decided to make a new account (DE don't ban me, please). I've played around 2 hours and am halfway through Venus (no Jackal yet, no defenses yet). Still using base weapon set (managed to miss the Cronus pickup, but I have a Seer bp) and built up 21k credits, not enough to buy Braton. Missing my tater farm and OP stuff aside, it's actually going pretty well, but it's the experience that makes it that way - I regularly do 70-80% of damage and get more than 3x the kills of the real newbies in missions (from the post-mission window). Vor is really unbearable the first couple times you fight him - took the (all rank 0) team 4 revives and probably 30 minutes (in the boss arena alone, not the time getting there and getting out) to kill, whereas my main rank 8 account can kill him in around 1 minute (now I understand why his shields take so long to recharge, though).

The only mods I had equipped at that point were lvl 2 Slash Dash, lvl 1 Vitality, lvl 1 Quickdraw (pistol reload), and unranked Staggering Force (melee stun) - that's the most you can expect a new player attempting Vor for the first time will have. Most newbies don't know about all these great mods and building them up and grinding and stuff. They just want to get out and explore the Origin System. They'll try Tolstoj (Vor) as their 5th or 6th mission. They get lost, they don't know how to loot and sometimes even what to shoot, and some of them don't even know enough about the game to bother to pick up mods and resources.

To return to one of OP's concerns, though, I don't think that health, energy, and ammo drops have decreased. There's enough to keep you alive and gunning, but not too much so that it's too easy. This is from both the low-level experience and the high-level freshly-forma'd unranked experience.

Edited by theasl
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If you actually run out of ammo on mercury, learn to use melee more for goodness's sakes.


I started playing post-update 9 and I had NO problems. Vor was kind of hard with my first weapons but not once I figured out how to use cover to hide from pretty much all of his attacks, realised that I could use my skana's jump attack as a crowd control tool, and equipped some basic + damage mods to my MK1braton.


All this complaining is seriously unfounded. And if you're not playing solo (which should be a challenge - this game is a multiplayer) you're going to have an easy time regardless.

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If you're running out of ammo, remember that you have a secondary weapon as well as a melee weapon. Even with reduced drop rates of ammo in missions, using another weapon and running over ammo boxes will fill you right up once you switch back after using your secondary/melee for a while.

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The only time I ever used ammo boxes is when I reached a higher level wave in a Defense mission. I bring a few health restores for Nightmare Mode missions in case it's Vampire mode.


But it would be nice to see some new stuff to use, like grenades, smoke bombs, or a reusable cool-down item that grants a temporary shield or buff. Space ninjas need gadgets too.

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The only time I ever used ammo boxes is when I reached a higher level wave in a Defense mission. I bring a few health restores for Nightmare Mode missions in case it's Vampire mode.


But it would be nice to see some new stuff to use, like grenades, smoke bombs, or a reusable cool-down item that grants a temporary shield or buff. Space ninjas need gadgets too.


Bruce Wayne + Ninja/Assassin Training = Batman

Ninja + Tenno Evolution = Space Ninjas


Space Ninja == Space Batman?


I'll take the gadgets, please :D

Edited by Wiegraf
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retried, and i think i know the root cause of all the problems.  added a lato un modded, unranked, no WoF, solely used fireball if i resorted to a skill, less than 10 melees.  Ran out of ammo 3 times on braton.  nearly ran out of pistol ammo.  there were about 7-8 ammo drops for rifle.  I think the problem isn't that they don't drop, its moreso that it does crap for your weapon.  +20 rounds isn't even half a clip.  Maybe to reconcile the drops they should consider it restoring percentages or a clip entirely.  pistol is ok, because in the end +20 rounds is a 1 1/3 clips.  but napalms are no fun with just a lato and no braton. 


If you're running out of ammo, remember that you have a secondary weapon as well as a melee weapon. Even with reduced drop rates of ammo in missions, using another weapon and running over ammo boxes will fill you right up once you switch back after using your secondary/melee for a while.

refer to what i said above, there is no "fill up"  you get 2-3 clips after a few minutes

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icosta27, on 06 Sept 2013 - 8:01 PM, said:

I joined the game after update 9.. kthx.

You joined July 8, 2013. Update 9 was July 12, 2013. That gave you 4 days to level prior to Update 9, and was well before Mod Drop 2.0 (which happened somewhere around August 9-12, 2013 going by DESteve's post on the subject), and so I am very willing to call you out and state you are misremembering your experience at best, or more likely just lying at worst to try to score points in your argument's favor.


And, while you are happy to praise Jefftiffy, like he was the only one to "get" it, you missed that he had a steady group of friends. The point Xylia is making, that you are missing —or purposely being obtuse about— is that many newbies to Warframe will not have a guaranteed group of 4, and that, in fact, most newbies are going to be experiencing a lot of the early content solo. Newbies will also experience a lot of the mid to late content solo as well, being that many early Defense and Mobile Defense missions are not popular. That was my experience in June, and from what I have seen on the forums that experience was not an exception to the rule.


So, while you had the benefit of getting some Armor Piercing or Crit mods, at the least, prior to Earth very commonly, newbies are not getting the same benefit since Mod 2.0. While you had the benefit of getting Redirections on Mercury, newbies are not getting the same opportunity since Mod 2.0.


Newbies end up getting stuck with very underpowered weapons because the mods to make them viable do not drop. That leaves their option to spend platinum either on weapons that require no/low Mastery, or on mod packs on the hopes of getting some damage or survivability mods. That is not a good newbie experience no matter how you slice it, and all the tutorials and wikis in the world will not make the experience better (so why you even suggest tutorials and wikis as helping this issue is beyond me).


Combine that with the unreliable (at best) grouping mechanics, where people without steady friends who want to do lower level content, and the problem just gets worse.


Fundance, on 09 Sept 2013 - 07:57 AM, said:

If you actually run out of ammo on mercury, learn to use melee more for goodness's sakes.


I started playing post-update 9 and I had NO problems. ...and equipped some basic + damage mods to my MK1braton.


All this complaining is seriously unfounded.

As Xylia has said many times in this thread, after Mod Drop 2.0 damage mods for rifles no longer drop until you get to Earth. Mod Drop 2.0 happened about 2 weeks after you started. Prior to Mod Drop 2.0 you could get some actual damage mods —Piercing Hit being the major common one that dropped that increased damage against Grineer by a boatload— prior to reaching Vor. Unfortunately your experience of just, "Putting some damage mods on the Mk1," is no longer an option for newbies joining after Mod 2.0 apparently. As ammo drops have been lessened too, well after you joined, you opinion on "Just use melee" that is largely worthless as well given the lack of damage options for melee and the high amount of stagger when you are swarmed and without ammo.


Yes, go figure, when you have damage mods it becomes easier to handle the enemies. Go back and do it all over again, in a new unmodded frame, starter weapons only, only use the mods that drop in missions now. See how easy it is for you then. Your experience was prior to the changes, so your opinion that the complaints are unfounded is based entirely in ignorance of what the actual current experience is. Xylia is rightly pointing out what the current experience actually is, from actual first hand testing and experience of the current mechanics. Xylia's information is more valuable to the community than any declarations of, "I joined 2-4 weeks prior to Mod Drop 2.0, and it was fine for me, so it is fine for all newbies who joined after."

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You joined July 8, 2013. Update 9 was July 12, 2013. That gave you 4 days to level prior to Update 9, and was well before Mod Drop 2.0 (which happened somewhere around August 9-12, 2013 going by DESteve's post on the subject), and so I am very willing to call you out and state you are misremembering your experience at best, or more likely just lying at worst to try to score points in your argument's favor.


And, while you are happy to praise Jefftiffy, like he was the only one to "get" it, you missed that he had a steady group of friends. The point Xylia is making, that you are missing —or purposely being obtuse about— is that many newbies to Warframe will not have a guaranteed group of 4, and that, in fact, most newbies are going to be experiencing a lot of the early content solo. Newbies will also experience a lot of the mid to late content solo as well, being that many early Defense and Mobile Defense missions are not popular. That was my experience in June, and from what I have seen on the forums that experience was not an exception to the rule.


So, while you had the benefit of getting some Armor Piercing or Crit mods, at the least, prior to Earth very commonly, newbies are not getting the same benefit since Mod 2.0. While you had the benefit of getting Redirections on Mercury, newbies are not getting the same opportunity since Mod 2.0.


Newbies end up getting stuck with very underpowered weapons because the mods to make them viable do not drop. That leaves their option to spend platinum either on weapons that require no/low Mastery, or on mod packs on the hopes of getting some damage or survivability mods. That is not a good newbie experience no matter how you slice it, and all the tutorials and wikis in the world will not make the experience better (so why you even suggest tutorials and wikis as helping this issue is beyond me).


Combine that with the unreliable (at best) grouping mechanics, where people without steady friends who want to do lower level content, and the problem just gets worse.


As Xylia has said many times in this thread, after Mod Drop 2.0 damage mods for rifles no longer drop until you get to Earth. Mod Drop 2.0 happened about 2 weeks after you started. Prior to Mod Drop 2.0 you could get some actual damage mods —Piercing Hit being the major common one that dropped that increased damage against Grineer by a boatload— prior to reaching Vor. Unfortunately your experience of just, "Putting some damage mods on the Mk1," is no longer an option for newbies joining after Mod 2.0 apparently. As ammo drops have been lessened too, well after you joined, you opinion on "Just use melee" that is largely worthless as well given the lack of damage options for melee and the high amount of stagger when you are swarmed and without ammo.


Yes, go figure, when you have damage mods it becomes easier to handle the enemies. Go back and do it all over again, in a new unmodded frame, starter weapons only, only use the mods that drop in missions now. See how easy it is for you then. Your experience was prior to the changes, so your opinion that the complaints are unfounded is based entirely in ignorance of what the actual current experience is. Xylia is rightly pointing out what the current experience actually is, from actual first hand testing and experience of the current mechanics. Xylia's information is more valuable to the community than any declarations of, "I joined 2-4 weeks prior to Mod Drop 2.0, and it was fine for me, so it is fine for all newbies who joined after."

I beat mercury with no mods and a brand new guns so I don't see your point here but ok. Stop using my thread as a QQ xylia thread.. xylia please make your own thread if you have something you believe is important to discuss. Thank you.

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I beat mercury with no mods and a brand new guns so I don't see your point here but ok. Stop using my thread as a QQ xylia thread.. xylia please make your own thread if you have something you believe is important to discuss. Thank you.

Not to jump on the band wagon, but the issue stated wasn't mercury but earth really.  Secondly the idea was the ammo drop decrease/ removal/replacement of ammo boxes as a whole.  Originally it was stated by xylia that it would hurt new players who didn't have the damage output to compensate for the lack of ammunition.  I myself tested out a Braton and a lato, as you can see in my post above and really the problem isn't that it doesn't drop per-say, but rather that it doesn't drop enough.  Yes with some weapons it is more than sufficient.  Picking up 20 ammo rounds for a lato gives you a lot of options, but 20 rounds for a braton does jack squat, that's 3-5 enemies at best.  and possibly 1 if you run into napalms. 


There really is only one solution that i can see aside from resetting drop rates( they were probably skewed to lower due to survivals insane amount of ammo drops) and that is have ammo pickups restore percentages of your overall ammunition, or have it replace a full clip.  weapons with higher clip sizes would benefit really from either, while smaller ones would more than likely not see much change at all.  this could also lead to a mod that could increase the amount of ammo you receive on pickup. buuuuut just saying :P

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