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Are We Ever Going To Get Dedicated Servers?


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Why doesn't DE start a donation fund or a kickstarter or something the likes of it? I mean, if there's something everyone would benefit from, it's dedicated servers, and there's gotta be a lotta people here that would donate for something like that.


Edited by RazorTip
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A simple option to join or to host before starting a game would be sufficient, ah yes, nevermind that useless feature, more melee weapons pls.

That's assuming the Netcode Engineers and programmers decided to become artists and sound engineers. Game development isn't that simple, y'know.



inb4 if they are doing their job why can't they do that?

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Instead of dedicated servers, how about something that actually tests how much you can realistically pull down and send up to the net, while keeping all the AI running at the same time?  And then, people who do not have the hardware or internet to host, can always join an existing game, or be told they can only host for 1 or 2 people and have a game setting that would prevent a 3rd or 4th from joining their hosted game.

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Instead of dedicated servers, how about something that actually tests how much you can realistically pull down and send up to the net, while keeping all the AI running at the same time?  And then, people who do not have the hardware or internet to host, can always join an existing game, or be told they can only host for 1 or 2 people and have a game setting that would prevent a 3rd or 4th from joining their hosted game.

Or give us the actual option of which squad to join (when they are available), as well as letting us know their latency. I hate clicking in a mission by accident, end up joining some random laggy host and watch everything teleport around me.

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They're in the top 15ish on steam alone. They have thousands of founders.


Money ain't an issue.


DE has been working on Warframe for quite a while now, It's been in Beta now for nearly a year. Over 100 employees are working on Warframe or with Warframe developers. Warframe also has around 51000 Founders, last time I checked.


I did some calculations back when they had 46000 founders, based on the type of Founder they were.


From Founders, DE has raised a little over 3 million dollars. However, if you were to split that up evenly amongst 100 employees, each employee would get around 33000 USD. And of course, that isn't realistic. There's more to business costs than Employee payments. You'd be nuts not to Found the game while the option is still available, but I'd assume that non-Founder purchases would also equate to a million or so USD. Since I can't access that info, I couldn't tell you. But my suspicion is that Warframe hasn't even closely broken even yet, when you consider that Warframe would have been in development costing money waaaaaaaay before people started paying for it. 


So yeah. Money is still likely a pretty large issue.

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DE has been working on Warframe for quite a while now, It's been in Beta now for nearly a year. Over 100 employees are working on Warframe or with Warframe developers. Warframe also has around 51000 Founders, last time I checked.


I did some calculations back when they had 46000 founders, based on the type of Founder they were.


From Founders, DE has raised a little over 3 million dollars. However, if you were to split that up evenly amongst 100 employees, each employee would get around 33000 USD. And of course, that isn't realistic. There's more to business costs than Employee payments. You'd be nuts not to Found the game while the option is still available, but I'd assume that non-Founder purchases would also equate to a million or so USD. Since I can't access that info, I couldn't tell you. But my suspicion is that Warframe hasn't even closely broken even yet, when you consider that Warframe would have been in development costing money waaaaaaaay before people started paying for it. 


So yeah. Money is still likely a pretty large issue.


That's really not saying anything. You just think they're making less than they should. I think they're making more than you're thinking. I mean, 3 million users in July..51,000 founders..who probably spent even more money after the fact. I have a guy in my clan that said he spent over 600 dollars, mainly on void keys. Not to mention all the strategically placed 'platinum discounts'. You can tell me how wrong I am, and I can tell you we're both talking out of our asses. But they're pretty successful, that's my point.


They probably don't want to spend the money on dedi's. Or they don't have the means to change around the netcode, or client to support it, make a server, find a vendor to host the servers. Deal with the backlash of people in remote parts of the world, Australia servers come to mind there.


Also, what I'm actually interested in is; you're telling me all 100 people are working on this game? Because it was my knowledge that maybe a quarter of the studio was working on this. And that kind of made sense. But 100 people..and this? Man, that's..I don't know. This game is too fly by nite to be done by a large team. And 100 people is a pretty big team. It's not like, crank out call of duty ever year size..but that's still a lot of people.

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Dedicated servers are not planned for Warframe, on the side of DE. There might be, one day, fan-run dedicated servers as a software kit provided by DE. That's the ticket and directly from the horse's mouth.

This is ultimately the most likely in the long run. Many PC games rest on 3rd-party (fan) hosted servers to survive. Functionally we are being forced to be both Server and Client at once. That's what you do when you host. Go down the list of major PC MP games, they're all mostly 'fan' hosted.

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This is ultimately the most likely in the long run.


This is a direct paraphrasing by a dev. Dediservs by DE No, fanservs maybe far, far down the road. Also: dedicated servers are, decidedly, not client/server on the same machine. We're talking about Clan Coolbeans setting up the server called Clan Coolbeans Communication Center, and everyone with a password can use that server for their WF sessions.


Right now we are playing peer-to-peer, where one peer hosts and plays at the same time and the others play "on him". That is the opposite of dedicated servers.

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