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Suggestion: Add Vaulting Maneuvers [Warning: Lots Of Images]


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I love doing acrobatics in Warframe.

Being able to run around doing wallruns, flips and rolls is one of the things that make this game one of my favourites.


There is a move I'd love to see added to the game — vaulting




More precisely, the Speed Vault (examples here: http://youtu.be/m1DR9UxkNIE?t=4m36s). When you gotta go FAST, jumping over obstacles slows you down and doesn't feel as cool as if you were to do a speedy fault over the obstacle and continuing ahead at full speed.

Additionally, Speed Vaulting over obstacles takes one hand (some other vaults take two free hands), so the active weapon would stay out while you did a stylish, kicking vault.



My idea is that SPRINT + JUMP while near an obstacle too low for initiating a vertical wall-run will make you vault over the obstacle without losing speed or perhaps even giving you a slight speed boost.



Examples of such obstacles




If instead of an obstacle it was a change in level (still too low for a full vertical wallrun), you'd roll on your shoulder up onto the platform, maintaining your speed.



Example of such a platform (bad screenshot, but you probably recognise the room)





The curve your movement would draw in the air would be flatter than that of a regular jump, so in cases where the obstacle (usually in the form of a rail/fence) is in front of a drop in level, you'd get further horisontally when vaulting (marked with red arrows) in comparison to jumping over the rail (marked with blue arrows).



Examples of obstacles followed by a drop in level




Now this is where the really cool stuff starts.


The melee attack you'd do from a Speed Vault could be a horisontally spinning strike, akin to the one you when stealth killing Infested Chargers.



(in my sketches I have drawn the figures with dual swords, but other types would work just as well)


The idea is that clicking MELEE in the middle of the vault will send you spinning with your melee weapon out, hitting enemies in front of you.

The attack will spin you around until you hit the ground, making you exit into a roll as we know it, as opposed to 'nailing' you to the ground for a second like a ground attack does.



Example: clicking MELEE at the top of the vault will send you spinning. If there is a drop in level, you'll continue spinning until you hit the ground.



Example: spinning strike not what you want right here? Wait with tapping MELEE until you have exited the vault to do a regular ground attack.



===== OTHER THOUGHTS =====

• Doing a vault without following it up with a melee attack will knock over an enemy standing on the other side of the obstacle, in the same with that JUMP + CROUCH kicking does. Since Speed Vaulting has a kicking motion of the legs, it would feel very appropriate (and satisfying)


• Because you use your free hand to vault, you could still be able to shoot while mid-vault, like when you are diving or ziplining.





I personally think adding this mechanic to the game would make the cool factor even higher. 

DE, I hope you see this and consider it.


Thanks for reading, what do you think?

Edited by AtokNiiro
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This. Is. DA SHIZ. We will take turns in bumping this once per day, so DE will notice this and introduce. Absolutely great feedback with examples and everything.




BTW - Isn't there animation of warframe vaulting over low obstacles? That works like once in the million attempts? I am pretty sure I saw it few times, especially in early beta.

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Although i will disagree with "E/X" nodes infront of those objects, since it would work terrible and would not feel fluid. What would feel better, would be Assassin's Creed/Mirror's Edge/Dying Light-like fluid movement button (can be a sprint) to overcome those obstacles in fluid without breaking the movement.




Don't show them this game. It might make them want to join.

Those stereotype prejudgements... *sigh*

Edited by eStecko
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This will take a lot of animation work... but it is amazing and will truly help making mobility in Warframe MUCH less clunky and more dynamic.

It happens very often that we get blocked by a chest-high object which we then have to jump over awkwardly, mostly losing most of the dynamic and speed in the process.

I really like this and I hope this gets noticed!

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And I am just sitting here... It's been whole summer and I still haven't made a thread like this with drawings which i am capable doing myself, I have an enormous amount of movement ideas in my head.

In conclusion movement needs a lot of tweaking, stupid nonsense bugs needs to be fixed, the detection of edges, walls needs to be improved and overall parkour doesn't feel smooth and responsive. Sometimes I wish I could just go to them and scream important ideas to their faces because it often gets lost in the forums.

FOR THE LOVE OF PLAYERS PLEASE DEVELOPERS WATCH AND LEARN from a game called Overgrowth. Yes it's a game with humanoid rabbits and it's in very early alpha with some flaws but please google it or take a peek here to see how responsive and smooth movement feels. 

You don't have to pray everytime for it to stick to a wall and you don't have to launch yourself into space once you want to stop wallrunning. Edited by Aure7
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What? I am a PC gamer, I am the elitist and my opinion is right over the console users! *keep the joke going*

Being unexperienced gamer, for which CoD is their first (fps/mms)game or someone who needs attention in any form and trolls on the internet  or someone who just, let's say not clever, and does not see that xbox vs ps vs pc or game vs game discussions lead nowhere or be it polite, civil and clever people. Those are seprate groups and shoud not be thrown togather into "CoD stereotype". Although i do get the "joke", yet it is not funny at all, since it points at vocal negative minority, that is the loudes pretty much in every community. And before you ask, yes, i would fall into CoD1/2/4 communities and thats why i distanced from many major forums in all of those titles, since the mentioned minority above. You can learn unexperienced player, but for toxic players, there is close to no punishment over the internet and some companies are even afraid punishing those who verbaly abuse other players, kudos to Riot in this regard.

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Being unexperienced gamer, for which CoD is their first (fps/mms)game or someone who needs attention in any form and trolls on the internet  or someone who just, let's say not clever, and does not see that xbox vs ps vs pc or game vs game discussions lead nowhere or be it polite, civil and clever people. Those are seprate groups and shoud not be thrown togather into "CoD stereotype". Although i do get the "joke", yet it is not funny at all, since it points at vocal negative minority, that is the loudes pretty much in every community. And before you ask, yes, i would fall into CoD1/2/4 communities and thats why i distanced from many major forums in all of those titles, since the mentioned minority above. You can learn unexperienced player, but for toxic players, there is close to no punishment over the internet and some companies are even afraid punishing those who verbaly abuse other players, kudos to Riot in this regard.


Take a joke.

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