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Please DE... I beg you...

When we take a resource, UI needs to show it first, get priority before ammo, energy, life, etc...

Sometimes we can't even see what kind of resource in the middle of so many things on the ground.

Is that a very hard thing to do? Make things easier to us. Why I need to focus 10 seconds to find what resource it was?

Every single livestream I watched, I was telling you that. Would be a good step forward.


I'd like that as well, showing more than 1 pickup at a time maybe with a smaller font in 3 lines, and definitely showing resources first. It's terrible to find out which resources are dropped when you're hard pressed on a defense mission, hoping the resource will not disappear.


Please DE... I beg you...

When we take a resource, UI needs to show it first, get priority before ammo, energy, life, etc...

Sometimes we can't even see what kind of resource in the middle of so many things on the ground.

Is that a very hard thing to do? Make things easier to us. Why I need to focus 10 seconds to find what resource it was?

Every single livestream I watched, I was telling you that. Would be a good step forward.

Also give the loot text another color, or maybe even better, make the logo of the said material pop-up instead of text.


Or... you could pick it up because it's a recourse and just see how many you got after the mission is completed. 

So let me explain to you why exactly this is annoying. I for one have adopted your method quite some time ago, ever since i've had enough of any type of resource, but i doubt that's the case of many players ... Now some of us play with friends or clan mates. If one of them says "I really need a neurode", we will try not to miss out on that drop and make sure we can mark that loot for him. With the current system, too many times it's impossible to see what you picked up once the ground is littered with loot. No biggie if you're a solo or PuG player, but for people who care about their friends/clanmates getting what they're looking for, it would be a welcome addition to the UI.


So let me explain to you why exactly this is annoying. I for one have adopted your method quite some time ago, ever since i've had enough of any type of resource, but i doubt that's the case of many players ... Now some of us play with friends or clan mates. If one of them says "I really need a neurode", we will try not to miss out on that drop and make sure we can mark that loot for him. With the current system, too many times it's impossible to see what you picked up once the ground is littered with loot. No biggie if you're a solo or PuG player, but for people who care about their friends/clanmates getting what they're looking for, it would be a welcome addition to the UI.

Perfect statement.

My english level can't do that (isn't my main language).


What I would like is 2 different UI elements:

1) What is currently there, but only includes ammo, credits, health & energy.  could be expanded to 2 or 3 lines of text as well

2) Second box, possibly scrollable, that would list resources and mods in the order you receive them.  Allows for at least 5-10 lines of text.


I understand it might be an issue for anyone playing on small resolutions, but something needs to be done.  This is a loot based game that's hiding the loot.


Definately. I'd say cut out the health/energy text out, and just leave the rest, but makes loot appear first


Yes... or... when we take loot, it shows on different line... above. I dont know, is very easy to perform a solution to this.


Yes, picking up ammo and showing the same message all over again every time we walk by it while we are full, this isn't really needed and annoys me. Pretty much every other pickup has priority over resources, which is really bad when you play as a team where each other is looking primarily for resources.


yup this is a long time annoyance. What would also be awesome for the resources is if you couldn't fling them around the map with a melee weapon once they are on the ground. This is a particular problem with the orthos and orthos prime. I don't even understand why you can do this -_-


I'd rather DE work on blade storm rather than this,

Funny thing is...

This is my third thread about it. Every time people tell their need about that and no change at all until now.

This change is simple to do. Very simple. Would please every one.


A scrolling vertical bar along the side of the screen, under the minimap, that displays the most recent resource pickup, then fades out as more resources are gathered, allowing you to see the last 4-5 picked up.  The ammo notification for pickup can stay right where it is on the bottom, removing the "X is full" message.

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