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Shield. Why Not? (Ideas)


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Were Space Ninja, not medieval Knights.

Nope wrong, if I go faction (https://warframe.com/game/factions/tenno) and it said on the tenno part said "Noble Warriors" which we can be any warriors and Excalibur is word of the knight time.


So no Objection. and true it had for said master of blades, but shield can be a blade if we master hammers or blunt weapons so that part is faulty.  Someone need fix that part.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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Were Space Ninja, not medieval Knights.



We have a Warframe that does nothing beyond slamming people around with his immense size, I think we can do shields.

(Good Jesus that picture is so much larger than I expected)

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There was an old fan-suggestion of an infested buckler that was pretty popular.


basically it was a pustule on your arm that, when you melee, is basically the "whip" ability in Prototype. However, when you block, it extends and hardens, becoming a shield that blocks all frontal damage as opposed to the current 30%


I like the idea of having a shield melee weapon and would like it implemented into the game.

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Nope wrong, if I go faction (https://warframe.com/game/factions/tenno) and it said on the tenno part said "Noble Warriors" which we can be any warriors and Excalibur is word of the knight time.


So no Objection. and true it had for said master of blades, but shield can be a blade if we master hammers or blunt weapons so that part is faulty.  Someone need fix that part.

Then the motto should be "Warriors Play Free" or "Tenno Play Free", not "Ninjas Play Free". 


Shields are a no no, we can already block and they did say they're working on fixing the parry system. A shield would just make it redundant, same for adding jetpacks, that would also make being able to move about like a ninja redundant when you can just use a jetpack all over the place. 


You don't need a shield just like you need a cover system. Your on the move constantly.l

Edited by __Kanade__
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no shied, no shield

we got block function that be hidden because even the designer found it useless in current game state (Rush, burst damage, as fast as possible)

HAHA, say that to Captain America when he rushed get his friends out the jail.  He freaking can rush with his shield.  It just the it is going be difficult to have a side arm.  Not only that "THIS IS" Warframe bro, anything can happen even random grineer's saw gun, their funky weapons looking, and many random more that we will see in the future.


Then the motto should be "Warriors Play Free" or "Tenno Play Free", not "Ninjas Play Free". 


Shields are a no no, we can already block and they did say they're working on fixing the parry system. A shield would just make it redundant, same for adding jetpacks, that would also make being able to move about like a ninja redundant when you can just use a jetpack all over the place. 


You don't need a shield just like you need a cover system. Your on the move constantly.l


yes yes shield.  Its fun and funny same time. Come on everyone think shield shouldn't be left behind good old bashing.  How about this, we will nerf the shield a bit, (I wish I could draw example, but my computer doesn't have simple paint) an energy shield that extend ready to block which give lesser stamina in use for blocking and dis-extend when not used in blocking.  It be like yellow blond hair from show call "RWBY" but, close to that idea.

P.S link of that show here: http://www.crunchyroll.com/rwby and yes it is sort of guys flicks stuff, but it kind of cool at lest its not too sexist I say in my book for moment.

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I think a ninja shield would be an energy shield attatched to the arm that runs off it's own energy. Blocking hits from grineer napalms would temporarily deplete its energy, which can be replenished by waiting awhile. Shield power goes up as you rank it. It also benefits from warframe defensive mods.

using our energy shield from our suit to use energy to second shield?  Naw, I think it should connected to our stamina which our stamina is still energy in use still.

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Ah, I am always for shields. There was a large topic a while ago, with extensive ideas being thrown back and forth.
Let's have some Copypasta from what I did in that post.

"Shield in primary slot - Heavy Shield, always active, reduce accuracy with pistol when not aiming, cannot dual wield, no-aim firing over shield (a-la Grineer), aiming and firing leads to holding the shield on the side. Grineer shield currently used, a thermoplastic-based Corpus shield, morphics based Tenno shield. Switching weapons switches primary and melee.
Shield in secondary slot - Smaller shield, wrist/arm projection, inactive when primary out, active when melee out (but must be switched to or in blocking mode), can still dual melee. The projection based shield.
Shield in melee slot - Taken out for blocking, but light attacks are low-damage stagger attacks, and the charge attack is a push-back. Still allows full use of guns otherwise."
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Then the motto should be "Warriors Play Free" or "Tenno Play Free", not "Ninjas Play Free". 


Shields are a no no, we can already block and they did say they're working on fixing the parry system. A shield would just make it redundant, same for adding jetpacks, that would also make being able to move about like a ninja redundant when you can just use a jetpack all over the place. 


You don't need a shield just like you need a cover system. Your on the move constantly.l



Ninjas for DEFENSE MISSIONS! sounds rly great

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Then the motto should be "Warriors Play Free" or "Tenno Play Free", not "Ninjas Play Free". 


Shields are a no no, we can already block and they did say they're working on fixing the parry system. A shield would just make it redundant, same for adding jetpacks, that would also make being able to move about like a ninja redundant when you can just use a jetpack all over the place. 


You don't need a shield just like you need a cover system. Your on the move constantly.l


How you dodge homming bullets and perfect aim lasers ? just wondering...

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I also say no to shields. 


They're some really stupid ideas and excuses here. It's the whole "When do we get jetpacks?" question all over again.


You already have a shield, why do you need another one? 


Why do you need a jetpack when you could just parkour your way anywhere and everywhere?



Shield and Sword? Ya right, this isn't Chivarly. Tenno stick to an old tradition, but it is the future so they have to adapt. Tenno remind me more of those Spec Op Ninja from Ninja Gaiden 2. They used guns and swords, not sword and shield.


Want to use another shield? How about you go work on being agile and dodging rockets and such? There's your extra shield.

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Thank you for your support.

Any items can be transformed into deadly weapons in the hands of a Ninja, especially if it's Tenno from Warframes =) So at least light or energy shield mentioned by Mr_Slippy_Fist (thanks by the way for this example) should ideally integrate into the game.

However, I understand that shield as a primary weapon will never be. It raises a lot of problems, such as balance or what modifications installed on it. But as a melee weapon it should work...

f*** yeah!... Thanks man, when i went to the movies and saw the shield in elysium i instantly thought of how handy that would be in warframe.

you might like my other ideas, check these out.



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I also say no to shields. 


They're some really stupid ideas and excuses here. It's the whole "When do we get jetpacks?" question all over again.


You already have a shield, why do you need another one? 


Why do you need a jetpack when you could just parkour your way anywhere and everywhere?



Shield and Sword? Ya right, this isn't Chivarly. Tenno stick to an old tradition, but it is the future so they have to adapt. Tenno remind me more of those Spec Op Ninja from Ninja Gaiden 2. They used guns and swords, not sword and shield.


Want to use another shield? How about you go work on being agile and dodging rockets and such? There's your extra shield.

you already got one weapon in game why you have plenty of them? You already got one sword why you need 20 of them? Why you have bows in game while you got guns? Why you got throwing knifes while you have pistols? Why you have guns when you got rocket launcher?

I can tell you why, because everyone pick the one what like best, thats the one of the many reasons. 

You are not forced to play with it if you dont like it. Easy as that.


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I do love tanks. So i choose one of them - Frost. But there was a feeling that something was missing... Exactly!The shield =) What do you think of this? to add shield as a melee weapon?



- this could be a weapon of defense, so its damage and attack speed will be low;

- while shield is equipped, block absorbs all damage from front attacks and defends from knockdowns (finally there will be reason to install Endurance mods));

- perhaps, shield even could passively add armor (about 40-50), that will be useful for unarmored warframes;

- charged attacks (Shield Bash) could knock down enemies and normal attacks - stun;

- while shield is equipped, slightly slows down the speed.


And if  really go crazy, then maybe give an opportunity to use a shield as a primary weapon instead of guns (possibly throw it like glaive) in addition to a standart melee weapon? =) so that it would be able to use them together.

Speaking of shields, did they put back in that Mag "Pull" would remove the shield from the Grineer guys again or no?  If not, then I doubt a shield is on the horizon, though it is an interesting thought...

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I want to dual wield shields!
Blocko and AkBlocko!


I mean, this is one of those games where everybody gets to just relax and have fun killing things. We have sawblade guns, bows, the glaive, revolvers, little floaty guys who help us kill things, and in U10 we should be getting scarves. Letting me equip a shield and bash people with it is not going to break the game. I'd personally rather see it negate damage when it's hit, much like the the Grineer shields already do.

I'd be super happy if I could strap big metal plates to Rhino and smack Grineer around with them. Let's make some noise about this, maybe we'll get the option. For you guys who don't want shields, just don't use them.

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