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Repeller & Atmos Systems drops need to change.


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I've reached a point of endless frustration. I think Repeller systems and Atmos Systems need to have another means of acquisition or a higher drop rate chance. Currently, I cannot move onto the rank 4 in Vox Solaris because I have been unable to acquire the needed Repellar systems. Of the over 100+ runs I have done across all 4 Orb Bounties I have only ever seen Repeller systems twice. I have spent hours farming for them over the course of several days and I end up giving up after an hour or so of farming and getting every reward but the one thing I need. Either the drop chanced need to be raised a second time, or these resources need to either be purchasable with platinum or with standing from Vox Solaris. I'm sick of wasting my time and being denied every time I reach the doors of Fortuna.    

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Well that's RNG for ya. I had a ton of Repeller Systems, and very little Atmo Systems for the longest time. Also is is no great thing to get to Rank 5. There's nothing there that's remotely useful that you MUST get to rank 5 for. Everything you need is on rank 4 anyway. The arcanes may look good on paper, but as I am trying them out, they are very underwhelming. The Cetus Arcanes, while half of them I'd actually use, at least had a lot of useful arcanes. Something for everyone, and practical arcanes. Fortuna, or Vox Solaris arcanes, are very lackluster.

Seriously, I feel that the ideas ran out and these are the bottom of the barrel drags for arcane ideas here with Vox Solaris. Don't sweat it, just play a few runs of PT Phase 2 a day, and don't expect anything. Just try to enjoy yourself and not stress yourself thinking that you MUST HAVE THAT RANK AND HAVE IT NOW! Because you're clearly doing yourself no good.

Plain to see just by the post. I have a friend just like you, with the same problem. Opposite of my RNG.

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3 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

I had a ton of Repeller Systems, and very little Atmo Systems for the longest time.


That had to be a VERY rare case. Were you running all bounty stages or just the 4th? Because I'm just farming the spider, and my systems distribution looks like this ATM:



Looking back, I hardly ever got Repellers from non-spider phases, so I guess that Stage 4 is your best bet... But yes, I do think that the acquisition method is too grindy/RNG based right now. We need more of em, and better ones. 

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6 minutes ago, Reifnir said:


That had to be a VERY rare case. Were you running all bounty stages or just the 4th? Because I'm just farming the spider, and my systems distribution looks like this ATM:



Looking back, I hardly ever got Repellers from non-spider phases, so I guess that Stage 4 is your best bet... But yes, I do think that the acquisition method is too grindy/RNG based right now. We need more of em, and better ones. 

Phase 2 because you can complete it under 2 minutes if you're quick. Typically 1m 30s and add additional time for the elevator to slowly extract you. Takes far longer to run Phase 4 in comparison. Another friend of mine, has about the same RNG as I do.

Also Phase 2 grants you all the Strain mods you'll ever need. Just saying. I don't need any of the 3 Systems, I was just replying and stating the difference in RNG. Everybody has got to have 100+ Gyromag Systems.

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I've speed ran phase 2 more than i really wanted to (maybe 20 times) and had not one repeller systems reward. Simply not fun regardless of what the drop chances are.

I was also solo'ing the spider for a bit but that grew old quickly as well. Typically I can choose to pay plat to skip some grind but not in this case... not that i'm asking for this, unless DE make the systems tradeable (DE selling rare mission rewards for plat is a slippery slope). My progression in vox solaris is essentially gated behind this resource. There's nothing else in the game for me to do other than sorties (once again).

Time to put warframe down for a bit I guess.

Edited by AvatarX76
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