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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


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my question is who keeps whining about "desecrate"? not all abilities are molecular prime, guys. and this one is different, which is the entire point of a new frame. it adds a new utility, and as megan said, wait until you test it out to see if you like it or not. I'm a fan


then I saw the video. mother of god. interesting new UI, and the DZ weapon skin looks..creepy. also, the survival gametype sounds excellent! having to run through an entire level collecting oxygen sounds really cool. looking forward to that.


also it looks like community speculation on kunai prime was false, but those floating holsters look pretty cool on cyclops prime (i'm a little on the fence about her look, if you couldn't tell)


last but not least: glaive mods? hopefully somewhere in those 20+ mods coming out

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No armor 2.0 in U10? Doesn't that mean that all the new weapons will be useless again unless they're all armor ignore types?

Also why didn't the video show the new ingame HUD? The gameplay parts all lacked UI.

no, they just haven't finished the armor overhaul that they're planning, so it won't change yet. the armor update will most likely make all weapon types fairly viable at higher levels, unlike how it is now where only armor ignore and armor penetrating damage are any good. you also may not understand the acronyms UI and HUD. not interchangeable, I think

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don't change mag's new pull, is one of the best first powers right now, anyone who wants the old pull does not play high level misions it seems...

(bringing a venomous ancient or grineer bombard at your side is a death sentence, no matter what melee you have and no redirection or mod can save you)

also a lot of people used old pull to troll other players, like loki and is teleportation right now, so dont change pull please...

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Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10.

Well then acrid, seems that you and I will still be working together for a while yet.


@DE - when you say 'will not be in day 1 of Update 10' is that code for 'it'll be out a couple of days after' or will it be patch 10.7 a month or so down the line?

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no, they just haven't finished the armor overhaul that they're planning, so it won't change yet. the armor update will most likely make all weapon types fairly viable at higher levels, unlike how it is now where only armor ignore and armor penetrating damage are any good.


That's exactly the issue. The armor update isn't part of U10, meaning all those cool weapons they've shown us will be useless unless they use AP/Physics impact/Serrated blade/Poison damage for as long as the armor rework takes to be implemented.


I know what UI and HUDs are. The HUD was supposed to be replaced, and in the gameplay parts we didn't see it, hence me asking why.

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my question is who keeps whining about "desecrate"? not all abilities are molecular prime, guys. and this one is different, which is the entire point of a new frame. it adds a new utility, and as megan said, wait until you test it out to see if you like it or not. I'm a fan



Except that desecrate is meta utility that just shortcuts grind at best, and just an ammo mod at worst. The fear ability is utility. Of all the things that could've been done with a necromancer theme, single target magic find was the worst.

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If search does not allow almost infinite 4 abuse, extra Blueprints and added rare resources then it is not worth keeping as a skill.

While that would be great, that could be seen as an unfair advantage.


I propose "Soul Drain" as a replacer: Drains X%/X%/X%/X% health from enemies in a X/X/X/X radius to replenish that of Nekros. If Nekros has full health at the time of use, the absorbed health increases Nekros' total amount, which slowly degenerates back to the original number. For example, if he is damaged and has 312/ 500 health and uses the skill, he'd be healed back to 500. If he was at 500/ 500, his health "overflows" to, idk, 750/ 500, which, over time, would trickle back down to 500, assuming he wasn't taking any damage. Boosted by Power Strength and Range.

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Pretty..average "Hot Topic"..

..Really..I'm..not hyped at all.


  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
Did the team finally did what's needed? Fixing her? Finally?

I know giving us Overheat back won't be possible (still irritates me, but..acceptable), and clearly combining skills like Rhino won't make her "unique", but..c'mon..

"Unique" isn't "Kamikaze your way hoping to out-damage the enemies" you know.

Also, if fire damage doesn't supposed to stun nor stagger enemies that long, why don't make it that it does continuous DoT after hit? Like poison from Contagion.

C'mon, guys, she's one of the first frames ever made!

Does breaking her apart is the team's way on making a frame "unique?"

Just asking, because apparently nothing's better happened to her.

More people think that she's just average in..everything, not "unique" in any way possible.

Good thing I have Acrid to compensate her chicken bones, but, I don't think most people can stand with this "Ember" any longer.

Edited by LittleReshiram
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What about Nova?when is she getting nerfed?her ult clears a whole room of t3 void defense...its not fun to play,i love that char,but im currently using first rank of the ultimate beacuse maxrank isnt fun anymore..it feels like cheating or something :(!


dont get me wrong i realy like that warframe,but it removes any challenge...

and i dont think the game should be balanced against super high wave defense missions to be honest....maybe onw ave 70 the point is arrived when her dmgpeak goes down...

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Seriously, can one of the community managers go, ask Scott what the hell he was thinking, and then post his reply here?


I mean, maybe he can explain his motifs better than "You wanted a fix, so I brainstormed and went for craziest idea possible".


Come on, DE! You got to know that crazy changes only work if community can say "no thank you, we just needed a small fix".

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What about Nova?when is she getting nerfed?her ult clears a whole room of t3 void defense...its not fun to play,i love that char,but im currently using first rank of the ultimate beacuse maxrank isnt fun anymore..it feels like cheating or something :(!

dont get me wrong i realy like that warframe,but it removes any challenge...

and i dont think the game should be balanced against super high wave defense missions to be honest....maybe onw ave 70 the point is arrived when her dmgpeak goes down...

I don't think nerf is necessary.

Just make the AI smarter and not huddling in one small area everytime.

Her Ult only shows its teeth when enemies are many and huddling in small, confined area. If the AI is smarter, and, like, evading their friends who got Primed, that'll give you and me more challange, right?

Or shorter the range.

The damage on Nova's is already decent.

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'With Update 10 poking its head around the corner....'

LOL, never liked corners. I guess i'm sought of happier but knowing that Update 10 is even closer but it also makes me feel even more crazy. Can u please, please, please, PLEASE give me some sought of idea of WHICH corner Update 10 is coming from? Meaning when.

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Again.. 2/3 of your supposedly "Community Hot Topics" are merely a recall of information about incoming stuff instead of what the community is talking about or wants to be changed for the good of the game. Why don't you just call it "Developement TL;DR" in the future to keep expectations low when it comes to community topics the dev's are aware of and looking into it?

Maybe they WANT them to be Hot Topics?


And that said, I immediately flashed to-

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Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10.


This makes my U10 excitement, wilt and shrivel up. But I have faith in you guys that we'll see that new model soon. 

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I don't think that there's any way for a corpse-looting power to work well enough to justify energy use without creating a Best Farming Frame, but I'll withhold judgement until I give Nekros (great name, btw) a shot.

I think the New Pull is MOSTLY better, but I would like to see enemies be PULLED consistently, instead of going random places/distances. I don't know if it's possible to have them both move consistently AND ragdoll, but if it is possible, it would make pull much better Crowd Control than it currently is (and CC is the reason I picked up Mag in the first place). Also, it needs a damage nerf. Right now you can use it to kill rooms full of enemies from the other side of a closed door.

As for Ember, I think the best idea is probably just to give people what they want and improve the damage reduction on Overheat.

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