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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


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9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.

You're missing:

Saryn's Venom is no longer satisfying because we broke the damage while fixing the related FPS issues.


WHY MUST DE IGNORE THIS?  I've seen more threads about it than even threads complaining about Ember since 9.8.

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Movement continually gets worse.

Stop trying to nerf the fast players, who are after all merely trying to optimise their time spent with your compulsory grinds, and work on the movement.

It's buggy, nothing conserves momentum, nothing generates momentum in an intuitive way, climbing onto boxes instead of wallrunning off them is still maddeningly inconsistent.

UI is pretty! and console-friendly now I guess. It frustrates me that you can't immediately see and click on the mod selection screen for stuff anymore.

As a general rule, animated menus are awful. Does the dev team leave window-dressing crud like this enabled on their dev machines? I doubt it. :<

Loadout A/B/C button is simple and greatly appreciated. Appearance A/B/C likewise. I would note that here also extra mouse-work has been introduced to access all your appearance options, though.

New Grineer Settlement tiles are great.

Derelict keys... wow. Wasn't unnecessary player burnout a hot topic mere weeks ago? Whole discussion in livestream before last? What happened to that?

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Movement continually gets worse.

Stop trying to nerf the fast players, who are after all merely trying to optimise their time spent with your compulsory grinds, and work on the movement.

It's buggy, nothing conserves momentum, nothing generates momentum in an intuitive way, climbing onto boxes instead of wallrunning off them is still maddeningly inconsistent.

UI is pretty! and console-friendly now I guess. It frustrates me that you can't immediately see and click on the mod selection screen for stuff anymore.

As a general rule, animated menus are awful. Does the dev team leave window-dressing crud like this enabled on their dev machines? I doubt it. :<

Loadout A/B/C button is simple and greatly appreciated. Appearance A/B/C likewise. I would note that here also extra mouse-work has been introduced to access all your appearance options, though.

New Grineer Settlement tiles are great.

Derelict keys... wow. Wasn't unnecessary player burnout a hot topic mere weeks ago? Whole discussion in livestream before last? What happened to that?




The changes to stamina would be fine if sprinting and jumping didn't take stamina. Stamina was added when, for some reason, DE threw block into the game without bothering to finish the mechanic. If you want to make blocking a thing, that's fine, but don't tack on tedious and unnecessary limitations to the movement mechanics. Please, movement is the single best thing about Warframe. Stop messing it up. Just stop.


The Derelict keys would be fine too, if you could just build Assassination keys without having to grind the others first. Make Derelict Assassination require normal nav coordinates, maybe 1.5x or 2x the amount of other keys. It's nice that players can do missions that aren't defense in order to get these keys, and it's nice that going slowly through a mission to find all the lockers and crates is rewarded instead of rushing. Why lock stuff behind an additional grind wall on top of everything else?

Edited by litlit
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Movement continually gets worse.

Stop trying to nerf the fast players, who are after all merely trying to optimise their time spent with your compulsory grinds, and work on the movement.

It's buggy, nothing conserves momentum, nothing generates momentum in an intuitive way, climbing onto boxes instead of wallrunning off them is still maddeningly inconsistent.

UI is pretty! and console-friendly now I guess. It frustrates me that you can't immediately see and click on the mod selection screen for stuff anymore.

As a general rule, animated menus are awful. Does the dev team leave window-dressing crud like this enabled on their dev machines? I doubt it. :<

Loadout A/B/C button is simple and greatly appreciated. Appearance A/B/C likewise. I would note that here also extra mouse-work has been introduced to access all your appearance options, though.

New Grineer Settlement tiles are great.

Derelict keys... wow. Wasn't unnecessary player burnout a hot topic mere weeks ago? Whole discussion in livestream before last? What happened to that?



Quoted for truth.


The new UI is pretty, but the amount of clicking required to get into things is ridiculous. So much wasted space, and everything is needlessly condensed in a way that screams "console friendly". Please please PLEASE don't dumb things down for PC in a CONSOLE fashion. Is it a crime to have different UI for PC and console? A more "classic" design for the arsenal is sorely needed.


Also the arsenal really needs to be BIGGER. There's so much wasted space and the icons/text are so small it's a freaking chore clicking on the things I want, and since I have to click two or three times to get into a simple menu it's even more noticeable.



Rough suggestion on how to immediately improve the UI (still needs a LOT of work imo):



Edited by DavidSPD
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Bastions Bastille was a great change IMO. Its puts more emphasis on effective vortex use now. Vortex still affects every enemy it hits and no long affects players, therefore for a slightly larger energy costs and slightly smaller coverage area your getting a much more effective immobilize.

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9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:


  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.


Please... there is some WAY to read all the 36 pages of Ember feedback?

I only ask to read all the post because it's seems than you dont even read at all... at last if you say something like "just wait until 2.0 armor comes" i will stay more calm... but you think we need more damage



Just please, read all the posts

it's all i ask

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I had the idea Crush should actually get a scaling damage amp for enemies with armour rather than armour ignore. As more armour would give you more to crush into your enemies that or a massive armour debuff.


Armour ignore would be essential for crush otherwise.

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9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.


As a lovely Mag player, I'd just like to comment that I don't mind the 'absolutely random' pull directions.  I was curious as to whether or not Pull counts as an AoE ability (apparently it seems to get all enemies around me in a certain radius so yeah).

I'd enjoy it more if the ammo and orb drops didn't randomly pop out of the storage containers and enemies to fly down into pits and unreachable areas.  :(

The procedural generation of levels needs a tweak to force containers to face AWAY from walls!


Other than that, I do miss the opportunity to experience the 'Raid' gametype.  I'm incredibly upset that they got rid of Raid but left in those god-awful 'escort missions' called 'Rescue'.

What the hell are the devs smoking to think that ANY escort missions are good? Where can I get some of that?


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I had the idea Crush should actually get a scaling damage amp for enemies with armour rather than armour ignore. As more armour would give you more to crush into your enemies that or a massive armour debuff.


Armour ignore would be essential for crush otherwise.

I've been suggesting this since february but no-one seems to like it. Makes perfect sense to me. Hell, I would imagine it's what new players expect, from the skill's description. More armour = more crush! The only question is, should it also remain effective against light units, or just CC them? (imho the latter)

Still, doesn't matter. Crush is clearly forgotten in a big pile of stuff marked "hope this fixes itself when damage 2.0 comes" and that's... actually kinda fair enough, if frustrating.

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P.S. mag players don't mind the random pull directions because at least they know when they've pushed the button. For everyone else it's just monsters teleporting in random directions and crumpling into tiny balls that don't display damage numbers or health bars or hit effects ._.

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Good day! Think is right, to share their views about the abilities of Necros, as you consider our opinion! In my 2, 3, 4 abilities Nekros sucks! On the second day after the Necros and I gathered what was my surprise when I was you hit it to the end and nifiga not surprised by his abilities! 3 the ability to do not understand why, 4 complete nonsense, where mass murder by a superior power of "Stomp Reno" and in fact I'm waiting for. Of all the abilities you can use only the first one. Very sad Developers! I hope you redo his abilities! I urge all who can influence change in ability to support me!

Thank you!
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Watched live stream. Not sure if concern over Nekros was properly addressed. You say you listen yet choose to brush it off as a "We know best, we won't change him" With out more justification other than "We think it works." In this live stream you even tackled that you need to be better at EXPLAINING these kind of statements and just glossed over that back tracking on your own word already. 


You keep going on and on about how you want constructive feed back. I see a lot for Nekros... yet you can't give us the same courtesy and explain WHY you think the abilities that the community dislikes work.

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Change the ability of the new Warfreyma necessary! First you need to add the ability to damage the square, or the ability to cover multiple targets (reduced armor to increase by 15%)! Next 3 ability to change, or that it was a defensive ability, or whatever it causes damage. In the four abilities I suggest to increase the damage of clones. Since they are more distracting than cause damage.

Edited by Nfix
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