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DE needs to fix the dojo building


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I am a clan leader that want to completely  rebuild and rework our clans dojo but that is completely impossible because of how the system works right now. First of all i would have to wait two hours for every room that i want to destroy, second i would have to kick 60 active members because i cant replace a barrack, third i can't in any way fix the layout i'm looking for because can't use the clan halls as i want to. I'm with DE in the part that you need all of the smaller halls to get to the big ones, But if i already have the biggest one, why can't i then remove one of the smaller ones and place it somewear else. I'm completely puzzled by this. Would it really be so bad for them to fix stuff like this so you can express your creativity more freely?


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I must agree. I also want to build new stuff in my clan's Dojo but I feel so limited. The building mechanics are a lot better than before, sure, but I feel like DE should keep (and finish) adding stuff and tweaking the Dojo system. For real, apart from a few decorations here and there their focus on dojo died. We don't even talk about Kingpin at this point.

From me:

  • Add more decorations, like more existing faction decorations and new factions, like infested;
  • Further improve Decorator mode and decoration snapping/clipping;
  • Add the possibility of cut/paste a room with it's decorations, in case we need to move a heavily decorated room/hall to another location (note that nowadays with the more and more complex decoration sets this becomes an actual need);
  • Add more effects;
  • Add blank garden sized rooms, like the Inspiration hall.

Of course we could have more, but these are the areas I can remember of, and that I feel they're more important in order to bring the current dojo system overhaul cycle to a conclusion.

Edited by (PS4)Pauloluisx
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i built my own clan a lot of time ago,  then some time ago i decided to rebuild it from 0 since it was messy with rooms and stuff all over the place, so i did it and it was one of the S#&$tiest experiences i ever had in warframe. warframe? more like warlame.

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19 minutes ago, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

warframe? more like warlame.

I'm not even sure what to say about this, it's just....what?

Anyway, in response to the whole Dojo issue, I've never personally had an issue with it, though that's mainly because of the fact that I joined a dojo with people who knew what they were doing when it came to dojo building. 

by the sounds of it though, it is crucial for someone to build a dojo perfectly the first time since they will find it to be a nightmare if they have to go back and polish things, and that really doesn't sound like a good thing since most people will just build a dojo just to gain access to the labs, and it could result in the dojo looking really lackluster since you were focusing on one single thing instead of focusing on making the dojo look nice.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Pauloluisx said:

I must agree. I also want to build new stuff in my clan's Dojo but I feel so limited. The building mechanics are a lot better than before, sure, but I feel like DE should keep (and finish) adding stuff and tweaking the Dojo system. For real, apart from a few decorations here and there their focus on dojo died. We don't even talk about Kingpin at this point.

From me:

  • Add more decorations, like more existing faction decorations and new factions, like infested;
  • Further improve Decorator mode and decoration snapping/clipping;
  • Add the possibility of cut/paste a room with it's decorations, in case we need to move a heavily decorated room/hall to another location (note that nowadays with the more and more complex decoration sets this becomes an actual need);
  • Add more effects;
  • Add blank garden sized rooms, like the Inspiration hall.

Of course we could have more, but these are the areas I can remember of, and that I feel they're more important in order to bring the current dojo system overhaul cycle to a conclusion.

Another problem that i have run into is this thing with child components, why is that eaven a thing and it dosent eaven work properly. I was trying to destroy a room without any ''Child components'' and still the game tells me that there are.

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Agreed Dojos are limited in so many ways.

  •  Add all decorations from the maps ingame to the dojos
  •  Make it so that you can choose upon creating a new hall if it should be Orokin, Corpus, Grineer or Tenno
  •  Add a way to count a certain members contributions to the dojo so you can promote accordingly
  •  Lets us use the ascension altar for clan activities so that you can either give your members plat, credits or endo from the ascension altar
  •  Also I would like to be able to time missions from the dojo itself, lets just say you want to do an activity with 4 members in a team killing an eidolon and time it all from the dojo once they entered said missions so you can see who won.
  • Btw, pls remove forma from dojo and clan building, such a waste of time...

The dojos are there so we can connect with other Tennos but it is so limited that it becomes counterproductive and meaningless. 

Btw I also dont like timed memberships in dojo and clans and yes my old clan which I created had at least 30 days inactivity period but maybe you should be able to have some sort of inactive period clans for less active members. Once you maybe wanna focus on other games you should get downgraded to some kind of basic dojo clan...
I solved this by leaving the clan i created and start a new one, only a close friend and me are in it but there are no inactivity and we can do whatever we want to.

Edited by (PS4)Deadwood_Lane
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1 hour ago, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

i built my own clan a lot of time ago,  then some time ago i decided to rebuild it from 0 since it was messy with rooms and stuff all over the place, so i did it and it was one of the S#&$tiest experiences i ever had in warframe. warframe? more like warlame.

Just having built a new clan on my own I know what you are saying, Oracle room being obligatory such a waste of time and all the formas just to create 5 labs is just ridiculous. Once you have been playing for a long time and start doing some things over you see how ridiculous forma is, imo at least.. But, I guess you talked about the time required to destroy rooms aswell which should be fixed for real.

Edited by (PS4)Deadwood_Lane
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