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Update 10: Hype-Merge-Mega-Thread.


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Spending energy to get mods, unless energy drops a lot too, you'd run out fast.


If search does not allow almost infinite 4 abuse, extra Blueprints and added rare resources and rare mods then it is not worth keeping as a skill.

what about when your running out of ammo? you know cause some people use guns.

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Spending energy to get mods, unless energy drops a lot too, you'd run out fast.


If search does not allow almost infinite 4 abuse, extra Blueprints and added rare resources and rare mods then it is not worth keeping as a skill.



what about when your running out of ammo? you know cause some people use guns.

And Ammo packs plus Mutation mods.

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It's not, really. I haven't seen any official numbers or anything, but I'm guessing that the majority of the playerbase ISN'T in the US or anywhere near it. And Europeans hate to be treated like second rate players :P

Poor logic. They don't release content to fit player scheduels, they release content to fit *work scheduels*

They aren't going to keep another time zone's hours just to cater to a particular gaming demographic. Why there seems to be so few EU time zoned games is there is a distinct lack of games being developed there comparatively.

You're not being treated or mistreated specially because of some sort of bias, you're just dealing with global schedule conflicts.

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Inbefore there'll be some bug with Desecrate which'll allow multiple Nekros to use this ability many-many times over the same corpses, dropping tons of mods and resources.

Then people will abuse it for weekend and, when DE fixes (nerfs) it on Monday (removing mods and resources from drops), complain about how:

a) they're dissapointed in DE;

b) DE is against fun;

c) DE ruined Nekros;

d) said person got rigged of 20$;

e) said person quits game because DE heads in wrong direction and forces one gameplay style on us.

Jokes aside, Nekros may become an insanely great assist for beginning players. Golem isn't that high-level, so it shouldn't be too hard to beat it in reasonble time, then these new players may join Kappa games and produce mods and resources, thus benefitting whole team.

Edited by Re6ellion
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they never said they were bringing update 10 today

To be fair, they pretty much just did.


Plus, this has been their MO since day 1. They start dropping teasers the day of the patch; the whole community knows it's coming but there's not any official "Hey guys, it's coming today" comment; then there is a problem within the first hour or two, that problem gets patched 4-5 times over the weekend yada yada yada...

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Poor logic. They don't release content to fit player scheduels, they release content to fit *work scheduels*

They aren't going to keep another time zone's hours just to cater to a particular gaming demographic. Why there seems to be so few EU time zoned games is there is a distinct lack of games being developed there comparatively.

You're not being treated or mistreated specially because of some sort of bias, you're just dealing with global schedule conflicts.

Well said.
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That was my reaction, since I've yet to seriously run low on ammo. Ammo Mutation, son!

To add, even before Ammo Mutation, it was rare that I ran low on ammo. If you tailor your equipment right(aka, don't run Dual Furis and Grakata while playing with a frame with limited offensive abilities), it's very rare that you will chew through all your ammo.

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12 pm is normaly patchtime in cet

Major updates, like U9, often take into the evening hours(6pm-ish EDT) before they go in.

Often, like U9, these patches come with major complications that - despite DE's best attempt to avoid - slip through. Look at all the hotfixes 9.8 had to go through in such a short amount of time, it's no wonder that DE wants to make sure this update is as stable as possible before making it live.

Edited by DBugII
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