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Nekros Desecrate Shouldn't Drop Mods And Resources


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Blah blah blah, too many comments to read. Okay.



You're *@##$ing about a skill that you saw a total of, what... MAYBE 10 seconds of? You're judging the frame as a whole, from THAT? You're completely forgetting the fact that, *YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE THIS FRAME*.


Yes, at first, there will be teams of 4 Nekros. That's because everyone will be wanting to see how he handles. Give it a couple of weeks. The numbers will go down immensely. Don't judge something you have not used before. 

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People act as if every other frame is running with 4/4 abilities equipped. Not sure if you guys noticed, but most people only run around with 1-2 of their abilities, because the others are not fitting their playstyle. Don't wanna run around with Desecration, don't use it. But no, you'll complain you have to use it because you'll miss out on loot. Because others will get more stuff than you, who doesn't wanna dedicate to getting loots, but get it shoved for free into every pocket.


People say they want damage-dealing abilities instead. Abilities which more than often they will not use since they "are not cost-effective / are a letdown / could have been so much more / sux / iz 4 babiez / rather use the energy for more soul punches or SotD".


And then comes the hammer: Nobody has had access to the frame yet. Total Playtime: 0 seconds. Total time whining on forums: ##

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First and foremost this thread is stupid. Other frames have other skills that make them more viable in certain situations. Nova=murder machine,

Vauban=defense master vs infested, Frost=defense master vs corpus/grineer, Rhino=survivalist, Mag=positional control master, Banshee= dps support specialist, Loki=speed run specialist, Ashe= invis DPS specialist, Ember= infested exterminator, Volt=Corpus exterminator, Excalibur=well IDK what his specialty is, Saryn= better dps than rhino while still survivable, Trinity=team medic 


Now we have a Farmer. I for one am glad to see this and now it gives us a chance to screw the RNG GODS for a change vs us always being on the bad end of that deal.

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sounds to me like the OP doesnt have a clue as to what he is talking about. as was stated, 0 seconds total of playtime of him so far seeing as he isnt released yet.   OFC a mod dropped in the damn video showing his skills. who says that was their first take of recording? they probably recorded ability uses numerous times till they had one drop all said in the video as a good example. that doesnt mean you go BAM 75 energy for a mod, 25 energy, 25 hp and some ammo. no it will have varying drops just like anything. second, give me one reason to bring necro with that ability to a high tier defense mission. i would rather spend energy on something more practical than body looting. that being said its not like the ability is useless seeing as it could potentially be used on a boss and even possibly replicate drops from said boss. however that does not make this ability either useless or OP. it just makes it a Unique ability that could be useful in certain situations. just like everything in the game.  nothing is good for absolutely everything. everything has situations where its better than others, like loki decoy and vauban tesla. if it was such a bad and unbalancing idea it would not even be implemented into the game. so stop crying and give the frame some time before you make a nerf thread.

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> Start infested endless

> Spam skill that costs likely 75energy (Being a slot-3 and all)

> die because you can't ult

> Lose all profit.


Yeah, seems sound, why don't i just shelve my ember with her basically perma WOF and take nekros. /sarcasm

Fool, Desecrate also increases your energy gain.

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Fool, Desecrate also increases your energy gain.


Can, not does.


Higher level mobs take longer to die, this potentially means more casts of skills between additional orbs, and if the RNG doesn't throw you energy, and instead throws ammo and health at you, it was 75 energy to gain back 0. (Stock)


Or, you could throw out the 50 energy skill that makes things flee and take more damage and help your team with something that actually matters, since in defense it's not like the amount of loot is an issue.

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ok, then trinity should not heal or give energy

rhino should not give a damage buff

same for banshee, also she should not make them visible on the map

frost and vauban should not have defensive skills

nova should not have a teleport



so, Nekros can produce extra loot, sooooo...and now?

be happy if you have one in your group, but a group of only nekros...i dont know if it would be good.

you would still need a mixed group. im happy if there is a nova in my group, a saryn, mag, frost...whatever, they are all usefull.

just because he can use corpses for extra stuff does not mean that it will be his only skill. also how do you know how corpses would react? they still despawn.

Edited by LazerusKI
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What the difference between killing things faster (thus resulting in more loot), and killing things slower but generating more loot from each kill?


If anything this allows people who don't like the super high DPS frames to still be able to get a good amount of loot as long as they have a Nekros with them.

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The fact that they kept desecrate as an ability is extremely pathetic.

1. It's obvious that this ability is broken. No warframe should have an advantage in resources and mods.

2. The ability itself is incredibly lackluster. Searching enemies for loot is very boring and uncreative for an ability.

3. Devs have clearly shown that they don't care about the quality of gameplay. Instead they release content just to make profit off of it.

Anyone who fails to see what's wrong with this ability is clearly too much of a fanboy or just too stupid in general. And no, I'm not trolling.

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Thinking about this, it's absolutely fine. 


Who cares if one frame can get a few extra mods now and then. This game rains mods, the energy cost means you won't be able to do it for every single body, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that the drop rate's not going to be increased when you do search so most of the time you'll just get ammo. 


This is a massive fuss over absolutely nothing.


This community needs to learn to stop knee jerking to every little change.

Edited by Zakalwe
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To all the people saying "why not?" - It promotes an unbalanced number of Nekros users.  If you're inclined to using public groups, you're going to get a lot of Nekros parties due to people wanting the extra loot.  While this in and of itself is not a bad thing, it further promotes the notion that this is "Grindframe" and puts an undue emphasis on grinding, rather than the actual gameplay.  This is somewhat of a design flaw that can be fixed using other methods.


People can already more loot by killing enemies 3-4x faster by spamming abilities like Molecular prime. It all balances out. 

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The fact that they kept desecrate as an ability is extremely pathetic.

1. It's obvious that this ability is broken. No warframe should have an advantage in resources and mods.

2. The ability itself is incredibly lackluster. Searching enemies for loot is very boring and uncreative for an ability.

3. Devs have clearly shown that they don't care about the quality of gameplay. Instead they release content just to make profit off of it.

Anyone who fails to see what's wrong with this ability is clearly too much of a fanboy or just too stupid in general. And no, I'm not trolling.


1.) Any warframe that can kill enemies quickly already has an advantage in resources and mods.


2.) No other warframe has a similar ability. Adding ANOTHER aoe damage ability would have been uncreative and boring.


3.) Every business exists to make money.  Also, https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/3-update-build-notes/ would suggest they do in fact care about the quality of gameplay. This is BETA. Things are supposed to go wrong during testing, so they can be fixed before the game is released (officially).


Apparently, everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is a fanboy or stupid. There's no possibility that you're just short-sighted (sarcasm).

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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The fact that they kept desecrate as an ability is extremely pathetic.

1. It's obvious that this ability is broken. No warframe should have an advantage in resources and mods.

2. The ability itself is incredibly lackluster. Searching enemies for loot is very boring and uncreative for an ability.

3. Devs have clearly shown that they don't care about the quality of gameplay. Instead they release content just to make profit off of it.

Anyone who fails to see what's wrong with this ability is clearly too much of a fanboy or just too stupid in general. And no, I'm not trolling.





1. Once you get to a certain point in the game, there's no need for farming mods anymore.


2. Let's say you play A LOT of defense, like I do, you're on wave, let's say 50, you run out of ammo, but still have energy. You could use this skills to get another clip, which hey, it's better than nothing.


3. This game is FREE. Basically, the only thing they profit off of is when people buy slots for more frames, or more weapons.But then, there are also the lazy &#! people who don't want to farm, or work all the time, so they buy the weapons or frame. And also there's the people who just want to support the game.

Edited by Espheni
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