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QoL change: Add a 'double shot' fire mode to all dual wielded non-automatics


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As the title read: add a secondary fire mode for all dual wielded non-automatics that makes you fire one shot from each gun per press of the fire button.

There's two ways it could be implemented. Either A: It fires two shots, one from each gun, as fast as the fire rate allows, or B: It fires both pistols at once, but at half the fire rate, so you still end up with the same RPM. (Personally prefer option A!)

Now the important question is, why? Because a lot of the dual wielded pistols are pretty, well, spammy, and if you don't bind fire to your mousewheel, or use a macro, or have a ridiculously fast clickrate, you're gonna lose out on a lot of potential DPS, not to mention kill both your finger and your mouse. Console players don't even have the option of binding fire to the mouse wheel. And with a lot of really good secondaries recently released that fire real fast, such as Akvasto Prime, Akjagara Prime,  Akbolto Prime (Especially Akbolto Prime)... It'd be really nice to have a fire mode to effectively cut down the amount of clicking (or button presses for consoles) in half.

It isn't strictly -needed-, but I think a lot of people would find it a really nice and fairly simple Quality of Life addition, and would make the more spammy dual pistols a lot more attractive to use without having to resort to using your scroll wheel (which, again, isn't an option on console). With it being an alternate fire mode, you'd still have the option for precise single shots if you prefer that, so nothing is lost. I don't think any double pistol got an alt fire either, so... Shouldn't cause any problems there!



Edit: This is the complete list of relevant guns.

Akbolto (Telos, Prime), Aklato, Aklex (Prime), Akmagnus, Akvasto (Prime), Dual Toxocyst, Akjagara (Prime), Akbronco (Prime), Twin Rogga

Edited by Redpaws
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I believe Akjagara simply fires two bullets at a time (from all the sources I've seen and read at least). It's like the Quartakk, where it fires multiple shots at the same time, almost like a shotgun. But instead of 4 shots at once, it fires 2 shots at once. Though it doesn't split status chance between the pellets like a shotgun would, which is a big deal. With Akjagara Prime, you'd end up firing off 4 rounds per 'double shot', since each pistol fires two bullets when fired.

This would also mean something like Akbronco Prime would fire off two rounds, and even the Twin Rogga. Not as relevant, but... Might as well include. Also void corruption can grant unlimited ammo, so it could have some use for fun full RoF builds, which also applies to, say, Akvasto Prime with its relatively small mag size. In fact... I'll add all the relevant guns to my first post.

Edited by Redpaws
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A decent idea. Though I'd propose the alt fire be a toggle to duplex-auto mode. For those unaware of how the whole two weapons in the game using this work (Tigris and Zylok), it fires one shot upon pressing your fire button, and a second upon releasing it. This means a brief click results in virtually simultaneous fire of the two shots. While a held click allows you to delay the followup shot for as long as you'd like. I don't believe the gap between the two shots is affected by fire rate, or if it is it's very minimal. The gap between each burst is basically the true fire rate in this mode.

I'd say this is the best currently implemented fire mode to simulate good dual wield firing. Also I'd prefer toggle so people can just use their preferred style without requiring heavy use of the alt fire button.

Also about the Akjagara. Each gun shoots two bullets. Used to be shotgun style. They changed it to Quartakk style burst for some combination of consistency with non-shotgun style weapons, and as a buff to it's status chance.

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On 2019-01-21 at 3:10 AM, Redpaws said:

There's two ways it could be implemented. Either A: It fires two shots, one from each gun, as fast as the fire rate allows, or B: It fires both pistols at once, but at half the fire rate, so you still end up with the same RPM. (Personally prefer option A!)

It's a little more complex than this, because status and multishot...

On 2019-01-21 at 12:16 PM, Redpaws said:

I believe Akjagara simply fires two bullets at a time... It's like the Quartakk...

This is a useful comparison, but the Quartakk used to be quite different.

The Akjagara fires two bullets for one trigger pull - really close together but not simultaneously.

The Quartakk fires 4 bullets for one trigger pull, and used to fire all 4 at the same time (it was recently upgraded, which we'll come to later)

So, add 50% multishot to both:

- Akjagara fires 2 bullets, each with a 50% chance of a second shot, so 25% of the time you get 4 bullets, 25% you get 2 and 50% of the time you get 3.

- Old Quartakk fired 6 bullets.

The other thing to be aware of is status. Suppose we mod both to have 50% status.

- Akjagara fires 2 bullets, each with 50% status.

- Old Quartakk fires 4 bullets, which share 50% status, with each bullet having a 12.5% status chance.

If you make this new mode fire two shots at once (like the Old Quartakk) you potentially half your status and change your multishot (which can interact with the status). This might be desirable if you can get 100% status before multishot, but would be a bit of a nerf for most weapons, and a big nerf for most dual shottys.

Alternatively if you make this behave like the Akjagara (i.e 2 shot burst) this becomes a powerful buff to most dual weapons.

When the Quartakk was changed from 4 shots at once to a very rapid 4 shot burst it was a massive buff. It went from total MR fodder to, well, still probably MR fodder but it now has some fans. That 50% status per trigger pull went right up to about 93% that at least 1 bullet will proc.

To be honest the firing mode is one of the reasons I really like the Akjagara and it's part of the personality of the weapon - I don't really want weapons like the Akvasto and Akbolto to have we the same thing. We have too many similar Ak...s as it is.

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