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some suggestions for k drives


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i built all 3 k drive types leveled them, then i  built one with the pieces i wanted and put 3 formas to fit the mods i wanted on it, got all the mods and max rank with the vent kids, so i can say i have decent amount of experience with k drives, i would like to point out some improvements of various nature for k drive to make it become more fun

-speed:  i put all the speed increase mods (extreme velocity and nitro boost, rail guards) on k drive and then i confronted how much time it takes to reach from point a to point b on a clear route with no bumps or stuff to avoid just to test speed, then i test with itzal with  hyperion thrusters and it  takes half the time if not less to do the same route, i would increase all value of speed mods for k drives or increase base speed and sprint speed to make it on par or close with archwings

-breakable stuff: (containers, iradite formations, grokdrul things, etc) when you bump into these containers at a considerable speed will either happen that you break the container and stop, or break the container and fall of the k drive, i would suggest to remove both of these things and let people to break containers with k drives

-cetus wisps and k drives: since k drives can ride on water i use mine to farm wisps but you cant catch wisps while on k drive, you have to dismount the k drive and get the wisps yourself i would suggest to make possible to get wisps while on k drive

-leveling k drives: is takes roughly one hour to level one k drive to lvl 1 to lvl 30, and im pretty confident that affinity boosters do not work on k drives, at least let affinity boosters to affect k drives affinity gain

-focus and k drives: other than putting formas and mods on k drives you can install lenses on them, i put a regular naramon lens to test out if i can gain focus by doing tricks and killing enemies, the result is:  no focus gained whatsoever and no its not that i got small amount of focus, i literally gained no focus, i think that is a missed opportunity and farming focus by doing tricks would be cool

-3000 score lock: i think it would be more fun if we could get higher scores than 3k

-losing all the score: sometimes will happen that after doing tricks the k drive will land on a small bump, and falling down the small bump will cause to lose all the score, thats pretty annoying, i would suggest to remove that thing 

another thing i forgot

-auras and some exilus do not affect k drives, such are loot/enemy radar etc

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What I'd like to see for K-Drives is that they be given a reason to exist. Something beyond grinding trick points until you've maxed the Vent Kids syndicate and some single player "races/time trials" mini-game thing.

Single "vehicle launcher" segment in gear wheel:

Operator -> K-Drive

Warframe -> Archwing

K-Drive could be used to address operator mobility (so you don't need to dash constantly). K-Drive would play a role in operator combat (ex. Monkey's cloud from Enslaved). Maybe there are operator only K-Drive missions where you have to stop an armored Corpus hover train or something...

* I'm not a huge fan of using the operator, but I've accepted that DE (and many others) likes them, something along the lines of the above would at least give K-Drives a unique roll and to me would make more sense than having a Warframe use a K-Drive.

** TC You're suggestions are fine as far as tweaks/fixes...but I'm pretty much done with K-Drives at this point and hoping DE doesn't add new planks/mods in the future without re-visiting K-Drive's niche in normal game play.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was going to create a new topic but since it is quite similar to this one I´d like to add some things if you don´t mind 🙂.

- Magus Drive: I like this arcane a lot but I´d prefer if it was a passive effect like Magus Vigor. Dismounting every time in order to refresh the buff is quite inconvenient and I don´t really see why it shouldn´t be a permanent effect. If that´s not possible for some reason please improve the k-drive mid air re-enter functionality. Sometimes it´s possible to do this combo: "jump -> dismount -> use transference -> re-enter the k-drive" in order to refresh the buff while in mid air. However most of the time it doesn´t work especially if you are not the host.

- the second point is a little bit related to this. I´d like to see some improvement for mounting a k-drive (and maybe archwing as well). There are a few problems like loosing momentum when re-entering the k-drive in mid air. Also the duration of the mount animation is far to long in my opinion.

- separate key bindings for k-drive

Last but not least some bugs I have discovered:

- not sure whether this is an actual bug but sometimes you can´t enter you k-drive and you get a message "invalid launch point". I get that this happens when you are in corners or something but sometimes this occurs on a seemingly even area. Same problem with archwings.

- sometimes your orientation changes when mounting the k-drive. Or more precise the direction your warframe is facing is different from the camera/crosshair for a short time. Probably a host/client issue because this didn´t happen to me in solo play yet.

- a bug that causes the camera to act like you are zooming in while on the k-drive (you can´t the your warframe anymore). Can´t remember exactly what happened but I think I did get knocked down while zooming with my primary weapon during the air k-drive dismount combo.

- Magus Drive doesn´t stack. Not sure whether this is a bug or intendet but it´s the only arcane I know that doesn´t improve if you have 2 of them.

Edited by Arcira
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For speed I still maintain that we should be able to build momentum going down hills. This would make it a bit of a challenge to achieve the efficiency that archwings already have. We could have a mod that reduces the rate at which you lose speed upon landing a trick or something along those lines.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2019-01-23 at 10:22 AM, Sharkgoblin said:
  1. i built all 3 k drive types leveled them, then i  built one with the pieces i wanted and put 3 formas to fit the mods i wanted on it, got all the mods and max rank with the vent kids, so i can say i have decent amount of experience with k drives, i would like to point out some improvements of various nature for k drive to make it become more fun
  2. -speed:  i put all the speed increase mods (extreme velocity and nitro boost, rail guards) on k drive and then i confronted how much time it takes to reach from point a to point b on a clear route with no bumps or stuff to avoid just to test speed, then i test with itzal with  hyperion thrusters and it  takes half the time if not less to do the same route, i would increase all value of speed mods for k drives or increase base speed and sprint speed to make it on par or close with archwings
  3. -breakable stuff: (containers, iradite formations, grokdrul things, etc) when you bump into these containers at a considerable speed will either happen that you break the container and stop, or break the container and fall of the k drive, i would suggest to remove both of these things and let people to break containers with k drives
  4. -cetus wisps and k drives: since k drives can ride on water i use mine to farm wisps but you cant catch wisps while on k drive, you have to dismount the k drive and get the wisps yourself i would suggest to make possible to get wisps while on k drive


  1. -leveling k drives: is takes roughly one hour to level one k drive to lvl 1 to lvl 30, and im pretty confident that affinity boosters do not work on k drives, at least let affinity boosters to affect k drives affinity gain
  • - YUP
  1. -focus and k drives: other than putting formas and mods on k drives you can install lenses on them, i put a regular naramon lens to test out if i can gain focus by doing tricks and killing enemies, the result is:  no focus gained whatsoever and no its not that i got small amount of focus, i literally gained no focus, i think that is a missed opportunity and farming focus by doing tricks would be cool-
  • YES!

-3000 score lock: i think it would be more fun if we could get higher scores than 3k


-losing all the score: sometimes will happen that after doing tricks the k drive will land on a small bump, and falling down the small bump will cause to lose all the score, thats pretty annoying, i would suggest to remove that thing 


  • another thing i forgot
  • -auras and some exilus do not affect k drives, such are loot/enemy radar etc


it might help you to use bullet and formating instead of - dashe, i tried to reformat your poll with numbers but i coulnt get it perfectly since i wrote some answers in agrement, yeah K-drive collision and score cap its pretty bad, maybe there should be a altitude and mph machine or meter like the pedometers we have in RL which would make sense to upgrade or get new skins or decals for customization, since then you could trade in your points and score for them, i dont know much about k-drive, but i want it to also come with teammate regen, the machines are abandoned so often by us and other teammates, the veryleast our pets/robot should use them somehow, as they can be transformed into turrets and weapons, used to reload a 4th weapon or serve some special function, 

another thing i like its that you should be able to attack by burning out or calling a giant shield, but the k-drives would require some fuel sources to burn up, the energy warframe is simular but there are other items the players can use nearby to access some special attacks, and abilities for the k-drive proffesional players and noobs to get excited over transforming their skates into tools and weapons or additional stationary AI.

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It would be nice if Cetus wisp would magnetize and other resources triggered or performed some special reactions and animations that give points and style appropriately with k-drive.

Archwing should get points and new acrobatics, collectable items on the ground magnetize + radious increase.

=afterburner, requirements and upgrades, realistic wind, turbulence and weather implications should affect both k-drive and archwing, and each give or require fuel, and gain tittles and points, while players unlock additional passive traits they should also learn dodging and response tactics to perform in harsh weather underpreausre, level up should give access to boosters and other upgrades to make the itzal and other features like armoredcore and gundam wing games, there should be some interesting upgrades added to keep players fighting in space, and on k-drives, the current rewards for space missions are low and enemies die quickly because they dont PARRY or  guard efficiently or timely, they should be able to perform some evasive rolls, dodge, and deflect soem bullets or indirect attacks from all corners, thats why people quickly get to level 60 game and there is no skill level other than the obvious tests to rank up, players just shoot things or get carried through missions by a random highlevel player who is using rivens and arcaplasmor, the enemies die so fasts so all is left to do is forced extraction, the lockers and surrounding area dont have anything crucial to unlock or adapt to, there are no temporary weapons to find, or interesting rare enemies in the areas or EMP,weather,or special enemies, so you HAVETO extract and choose some new mission, which makes collecting repeated items and mods uninteresting, 

as far as skating its not a EA snowboarding game that ilove, or hydro thunder, but its definetly pretty awesome, it might help to include some new NPCs in all the relays and additional mods per mission/planet to give players who dont't have a k-drive a clue, maybe include some replay for the junctions that allow the archwings to race to get RIVENS, 

additonally make racing and lunaro important part of tenno society by adding new blueprints for weapons and decorations, nightwave's problem is that there is nothing new other than the packs of forma and umbra, alot of the items the players already own, and that regular warframes who aren't prime can be deleted because players can just get or buy a prime version that is much stronger, there are no augments or segregating between prime and non-prime warframes so DE you are losing money from not making these correctiosn sooner, mastering a warframe or completing both should unlock some special weapons and blueprints, as well as additional attacks, stances, or special items from leveling both warframes to max, or purchasing or aquiring their blueprints, maybe its a good time to come up with some new ships, and designs for k-drive abilities, or transformations to keep players interested in regular warframes.

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There isnt enough cleaveges or challenging areas for K-drive to be rewarding or challenging, other than the occasional bump or bug i think k-drive was more challenging to learn than it is to advance. I personally havent got any mods, or learned any new tricks or abilities/special attacks, so it would be good if these things came naturally with training, to gain points while turning, jumping or collecting items should cause some axis in the machinery to trigger special attacks, and some berserk overdrive and heat levels, as well as native shields from the players angle of attack, wing, or knockback, 

so please allow some passive machine and adjustments to the archwing and k-drives so that they are interesting to use on first basis without requiring long leveling or additional purchases,

other native skills and subtricks, aerial rolls and rivens should befine with leveling up since not everyplayer knows how to equip mods or function at their fullest potential, mounting should be enough to start up sub-skill or passive defenses, archwing should also be modified in a simular way since it doesnt have anything actually fun, it might be worth making one of the whole planets or two into archwing racing and k-drive requirements expansions to gain new understanding and meet other enthusiast from other planets, and junctions or relays, since i think bounties and syndicate are too complicated ways to reward players, earth and other nearby planets should build some race tracks, and focus on PVP or sports until lunaro is made more interesting or made native to a particular solar area, nightwave is interested in revenge and vigilante, its not Esports or Lotus, so adding more NPC for K-drives would be really interesting to update the radios, cities and alerts that we miss.

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