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Not Sure Why Everyone's So Upset With The Golem Set Up...


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IT's very easy to find nav points in the standard game.

There are derelict runs in recruit chat every few minutes at the least.

Once in derelict, Golem navs are very easy to find - I'm getting 5-10 per run.

Golem keys take 3 hours, yes, but in that time you can farm more points for more keys, or find friends and share (4 of you = 1 key every 25 minutes, one Golem every 45).

Then, as far as I can tell, the Golem gives a guaranteed chance at a Nekros part. At least, every run I've made so far has given one.

It's taken me about 4 hours, to get Chassis and Helmet, and it's been fun not a grind.

I honestly can't see it taking much longer to get helm unless the rng starts to hate me.

So far, it's actually been fun collecting the keys.

This game has to have grind, it's the way the FTP model is supported in Warframe (and I don't see that changing), but DE have actually - imo - made the grind feel more fun with thi updated, and the rate at which you acquire the parts to build the keys is very high, with the only real bother the 3 hour wait. But this can be negated with 3 other mates, as said.

Are people really finding it a chore to do this?

Edited by Zakalwe
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It is way more fun. Even the toned down sprint speed, which I hated last night, seems to be causing me to make fore tactical decisions and be more careful about who i kill first.


My only problem is that you have to farm once to get keys, farm again to get another keys, then farm again to get a blueprint.


It's not as bad as it sounds, but it is really annoying how many different steps you have to repeat over and over again to get there.

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Well the system is fine. The problem is that the core game has gone unchanged. Warframe doesn't need all this end game stuff until the core game is better. J2000 should have replaced J3 and the tileset should have gone onto Jupiter. End game is nice for us 300+ hours people but new players need proper non repetitive content.

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Mostly because its change and not many like change. A lot of us were used to just taking them on in regular assassinate. Not have to get a bunch of stuff beforehand.


I am more concerned at who will be replacing J3 if this is permanant.

Edited by Blk_Mage
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the waiting for an hour for 1 key to get parts for a 2nd key then wait 3 hours to enter a mission that  might drop 1\3 of the blueprints with like a 25% chance is FAR more than just a grind.




if you are truly "unsure" as to why people are upset... then you might be living in some imaginary world where every one gets 16 hours to do what ever they want and then 8  full hours of good sleep.


in the real world i need to be for 12 hours a day at my post in the army then 3 hours on public transport just so i can play a game or 2 for 2 hours maybe before going to sleep so iam not tired the next day where i get to do this all over again.

i don't have the time to waste on stupid  design decisions like arbitrary  time limits for items i craft when i need to make 2 different keys and  more missions just to get a new piece of content.

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the waiting for an hour for 1 key to get parts for a 2nd key then wait 3 hours to enter a mission that  might drop 1\3 of the blueprints with like a 25% chance is FAR more than just a grind.




if you are truly "unsure" as to why people are upset... then you might be living in some imaginary world where every one gets 16 hours to do what ever they want and then 8  full hours of good sleep.


in the real world i need to be for 12 hours a day at my post in the army then 3 hours on public transport just so i can play a game or 2 for 2 hours maybe before going to sleep so iam not tired the next day where i get to do this all over again.

i don't have the time to waste on stupid  design decisions like arbitrary  time limits for items i craft when i need to make 2 different keys and  more missions just to get a new piece of content.

Find 3 other people dong the same thing.

Cut wait times into 4.

25 per Derelict.

45 per key.

You can pretty much get a steady stream of them.

If you truly have that little time, then find a friendly guild to help you! ask them to set up some keys for when you're ready, and you'll repay when yours are done. :)


Edited by Zakalwe
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At first I was kind of disappointed that we have to grind so much until I actually got to fight the Golem.

DE made the Golem a really good boss, I had a lot of fun fighting him and it looked pretty epic. I actually get the keys now to fight the Golem again rather than primarily doing it for Nekros just because he's so much fun to fight and getting a Nekros part for it is just the icing on the cake.

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1 Void Exterminate netted me 10 navigation data. Ofc I had to explore the level and find the secrets but taking my time to check out the level properly felt really good to me. It has added a little depth to the missions and I think it's a step in the right direction.


Also, i think DE will nerf the key construction time in the future, once the appeal to buy Necros with plat has subsided.

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RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG.


S#&$ty system, not to mention the RNG material drop rates too.


Mixed with the 6 hour wait, it's a complete and utter turn off.


I watched the video of the golem fights, it looks amazing. Just so happens I won't enjoy it anytime soon.


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RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG.


S#&$ty system, not to mention the RNG material drop rates too.


Mixed with the 6 hour wait, it's a complete and utter turn off.


I watched the video of the golem fights, it looks amazing. Just so happens I won't enjoy it anytime soon.


Hayden, trust me man, get three others to work with you and it happens very quickly.

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It's the Arid Fear event all over again.


Didn't DE listen the first time that being forced to work with people isn't always the best thing?


You have to do it in 4 man groups though, so you're already working together.

Really though, I can understand why the concept upsets people, but the reality is you can negate a lot of the grind if you work together. If you don't like working together, I guess you're stuck. :(

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I've heard people claim they get 5-6 nav coordinate drops per run in M Prime, and that it's super easy to farm them. This hasn't been my experience though. The most I've seen on any run is 2, and I've had several with absolutely none. My friends have had similar results.


Getting 2 drops per normal run and even 10 drops per derelict run is still going to bring the entire process in at around 60-80 hours of total time, with at least a third of that being runs. Why aren't more people concerned that a company asks for over an entire work week of effort from them for a virtual class in a video game?


Tens of hours of time you can never get back have value, even if it's not in dollar bills. Companies often don't care, but it really worries me that the people themselves are starting to forget.

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I've heard people claim they get 5-6 nav coordinate drops per run in M Prime, and that it's super easy to farm them. This hasn't been my experience though. The most I've seen on any run is 2, and I've had several with absolutely none. My friends have had similar results.


Getting 2 drops per normal run and even 10 drops per derelict run is still going to bring the entire process in at around 60-80 hours of total time, with at least a third of that being runs. Why aren't more people concerned that a company asks for over an entire work week of effort from them for a virtual class in a video game?


Tens of hours of time you can never get back have value, even if it's not in dollar bills. Companies often don't care, but it really worries me that the people themselves are starting to forget.

I guess user experience varies.

It would bother me if it felt like a chore, but I'm having fun with the new content.

It's just as much a grind going over the same boss 50 times when it won't drop that last BP anyway...

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You forget that the keys were 6 hours each at first. So as a free player or as someone who simply wanted to play the derelict missions and didnt want to pay to rush it you initally had to wait a total of 12 hours just counting foundry time. We cant forget resource cost drop either.


I am fine with farming against rng but to be told I have to either pay or be bored waiting for your game instead of playing it is as bad a system as I have seen.


Boredom should not be the incentive to pay.


I pay because I have fun in the game not because if I dont pay the game isnt fun.

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Find 3 other people dong the same thing.

Cut wait times into 4.

25 per Derelict.

45 per key.

You can pretty much get a steady stream of them.

If you truly have that little time, then find a friendly guild to help you! ask them to set up some keys for when you're ready, and you'll repay when yours are done. :)




so the answer you give is for me to set up an elaborate factory like cycle of supply and demand with 3 other people  to achieve a simple thing as "see new stuff" or to join a group of people  most of whom i or they probably wont even like or talk to each other just to access the content?




and you are ok with having to go through all these loops  just to play the new stuff?

because iam not.





making people jump through unreasonable hoops is F2P gaming Sin  #1 .

making locked content behind pay walls is #2.



we already have some of those around.

last thing i want to see is a good game be gutted early because the DEvelopers were thinking of cash over substance.

they have been on a steady decline in quality in these updates since the PS4 deal which iam quite sure is dictating a bunch of the stuff being made right now. 


like a brand new new UI made friendly for consoles for example.

or how lots of the  basic mechanics like recoil , stamina or blocking are being addressed by throwing mods at them instead of actually fixing them.

or how some frames that are acknowledge by the community as a whole to be sorta useless get tossed a side (Volt) nerfed for petty reasoning (Ember) or just changed on a whim (Trinity).



iam not dumping on DE here they seem like good folks who try to do good.

but they have shown time and time again how they are unable to deliver on most basic of promises.

hell we talked about "having clear line of information" since like update 3 and we still have ton of secret changes

and a complete lack of any kind of in game information about anything at all.





DE needs to step it UP because like they are right now this game will not survive 2014~ .

Edited by TisEric
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