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(Mega Suggestions) Dojo As Lobby; Armory, Hangar And Personal Quarters.


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I log in. I'm in the middle of the space, levitating like a boss. I see the planets slowly circling below. I click on them and I get teleported.

Your idea is way much better than the actual system. The only problem that I see is how new players and people who doesn't have a clan will be logged. Maybe a mega-global clan or mothership?

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I log in. I'm in the middle of the space, levitating like a boss. I see the planets slowly circling below. I click on them and I get teleported.

Your idea is way much better than the actual system. The only problem that I see is how new players and people who doesn't have a clan will be logged. Maybe a mega-global clan or mothership?

Heh, looks like I forgot to add that.

Had an idea for that too, gonna edit it later today :)

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YES, I've suggested something similar like this myself, but this idea is much better. I'm going to refer to this suggestion in the next live-stream topic.

you see what i mean? nazgul? ;)

thats why the ideas are good.

i have not invent the idea of a portal. im here to bring that what all people think since "clan alliances".

im just catching problems and draw the solution^^

first tenno problem is: "the dojo is empty" everybody know that.

so i have start running around in the dojo and catch ideas^^

everybody can suggest a portal.but not everybody make a threat for this to be sure.

and when we all work toghether DE will make it and we get our stuff.

thats why i have make my threat.

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I love this idea! The main downsides I see are that:

1.) DE probably will not even conider this until the next major update after this one at LEAST if they jumped on board immediately. (If Steve and Scott and the other big guys don't shoot it down)

2.) Clans like mine where only one maybe 3 people are contributing would have a problem.

3.) Clan keys would be SUPER expensive considering it would unlock a new HUD system (I am talking several Forma and various other super rare resources)

4.) That personal room will probably cost an amount of resources equal to a low requirement research project. It may or may not end up being worth it.

5.) In any other game, this would be like a $5-$20 DLC (maybe more if they were first adding the dojos with it). However, since warframe is a free to play game, that would start an inferno of "pay-2-win" arguments.

6.) Some tiles (maybe all?) will become obsolete.

7.) All Clans will have to start from scratch (Maybe if DE was feeling nice, all research would stay but you have to build the lab again to access it and the resources spent would be put into the clan vault?).

8.) Scott, Steve, and other people (I don't know names) will veto it to heck.

Other than that, it is a great idea! The strong points are:

1.) A positive increase on Clan importance.

2.) A fresh look for a game where we all spend too much time looking at menus.

3.) A better use for dojo decorations (want to bet the main rooms would be huge and empty?)

4.) We would actually be doing what the lore says and be building a Space Station rather than a labyrinth.

5.) Larger clan's dojos would not feel cramped.

Other contributions/ ideas:

-In regards to portals to other dojos, I think the only way that would work is if you could only go to other Dojos in your Alliance (catch a shuttle in the hanger?). Also, when visiting, you can not go interact with their labs or participate in duals, obsticle course runs, etc. to prevent having one clan on research, one on pvp, etc.

- Maybe the Hanger could resemble the Death Star-esc Grinner Astroid Base hanger? (The one where the Drills are on the far side upstairs in the Sabatoge mission)

-After unlocking the dojo, maybe a back to dojo button instead of a key?

Thanks for reading this overly long feedback/ response post! (:

Edited by StevangarCronox
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 So, I guess this has been suggested before, but I think I'll put it up anyway.

I think the dojo could be used as the personal lobby for everyone. When you log in, you don't go to the star map, but instead, the dojo's main hall, or your personal room, if you have already built one. This is gonna be a long thread, so brace yourself and put your glasses on.


     First, the acquisition of personal rooms. When you go to a terminal, you get an option to claim your own level/layer of you clan's Dojo for 100000 Credits. These levels/layers would vary according to the clan's size. The number of available levels equals the member cap of the clan, like 10 available rooms for a Shadow clan and 1000 available rooms for a Moon clan. Every time the clan grows, more rooms become available. Once claimed, you can use any terminal in the Dojo to get to your room. More info below. One level of your clan's Dojo equals one personal quarter. You can build more rooms connected to your main(starting) room. These can either be (relatively) big rooms with high ceilings to practice parkour, or small, cosy rooms with only a Cryopod and an aquarium inside. Up to you.


     The room's style mirrors that of the Dojo by deafult, but can be changed at a cost of materials and time, like any other research project. Possible appearances could be Void(classic), Dojo,(Old or new) GrineerCorpus and Orokin Derelict. Each option requires different materials, like:

-5000-10000 Nano Spores and 1000 Plastids per room for the Derelict appearance

-5000-7000 Ferrite and 1000 Rubedo per room for the Grineer appearance

-5000-9000 Salvage and 1000 Polymer Bundles per room for the Corpus appearance


I think you guys get the idea. Basically, 5-10k common and 1k uncommon materials of the corresponding faction.



     Then comes your very first chamber. First of all, you need to build your very personal Cryopod. It can later be moved into another room. It serves as a kind of bed/resting place.

You can also access more options of the main menu from the pod, like HUD customization(drag&drop) camera settings(cam position, distance, effects, etc.) and so on.

When you log out from inside your Cryopod, and log back in, you gain a "Rested" bonus(much like in Skyrim) that gets you a minor Affinity/Stamina boost of 10/15% for the next 1/2/3 hours. The Cryopod can either be in a vertical or horizontal position, and be customized in different ways, like style(Void or Standard), color and possibly more.

Here is an example what it looks like when you enter it.



     The second thing you can build in your room(s) is a teleporter. Now don't get me wrong, and let me explain it before you guys get mad. It'd be a small terminal, which is connected to the main rooms of the Dojo, and can be connected to other terminals across it. (i.e. a gate between your room and that of your best friend, or the dueling room.)

It uses the same technique as the Tenno when they capture a target in their missions. It breaks you down into atoms, and transports them to another terminal, where you are "put back together". There would be no need to build a new room in the Dojo's, as this would use the same terminals as you use to break down a room. I think this way, the terminals would get some use. 


     Once you have built these things, the rest is up to you. You can build aquariums, small gardens, statues, weapon racks and whatever the hell you can imagine.


     Then comes my second suggestion. The Hangar. This would basically replace the old star map system. The Hangar is the biggest room of the Dojo.  It would contain a bar where everyone can sit down and enjoy a drink(the mask of your warframe opens up at the mouth section, no face design is needed!) before entering a mission, and a map, which is the star map almost identical as how we know it now, with a few changes. Of course, the arsenal, options, foundry, contacts tab would be removed, so only the map and the chat remain. Once you selected a mission, you'd get to see a five-to-ten second cutscene where you and your squad enter a Manta(the escort ship you see at the extraction points) and fly away from the hangar. The same way, when finished with a mission with your clan-mates, you'd see a "reverse" cutscene where you enter the Hangar, exit the Manta and walk into the bar. Every Warframe would have a unique way of walking. (i.e. Loki walks as if he's weightless, Saryn like a lady, and Rhino like a heavy guy who can lift a damn tank)


     Last but not least comes the Armory. This would yet be another room, and it would replace the Foundry and Arsenal as it is now. Here, you can do everything you could do in the places mentioned above, but with a few extras. Like, when you finish building a new weapon. You open up a locker(see pic) and take out the weapon, maybe give the melee a few swings, or aim with the new gun. Building of a Vasto finished? You take it out, roll it a few times on your finger like a badass cowboy and put it in its holster. That locker is basically the foundry, you insert the materials and it puts them together into a weapon/key/whatever. "Rushing" something would be overcharging the machine, which would explain the building process as it is now. After a rush, the machine would need to cool down, and you wouldn't be able to start another project for a few minutes(say 10).

Imagine this. but built in a wall and approximately 2 meters wide and 1 meter high.




TL;DR: Read the whole thing before you comment.


Well, this is it, please, take your time to leave a comment, or tell how you think about it. I'm more than open for suggestions.



EDIT Nr1: As Nautilus105 suggested, we should have portals to travel between other clans' Dojos.

I love it, adds more immersion into the warframe universe. Issue being there are simply too many pressing issues in the game already before and idea like this could be worked on. I would love having a personal quarters though, maybe one that jut floated around the clan Dojo, to avoid the larger clans from having to build an obscene amount of rooms.


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this idea, while great, can never work since DE does not have any servers. they have to rely on a host running the dojo at all times, just like in games etc.

what you are suggesting reminds me of dc universe online, the watchtower. and while that is a great idea and inspiration, esp with personalized areas, there is no server to support such a thing. :(



EDIT: the best that we could hope for is a small server that only contains a gigantic player lobby where every one who logs in is brought to, like a giant tenno base, then from there they can go to their own dojo or into a game via the regular starmap. but like i said before with no servers this is impossible.

Edited by CrystalTrees
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when i look at the hangar i see a great sandbox area around the dojo.:D

many suggestions with this to:

"the clan sector": where the tennos can farm stuff on asteroids, clean it from infestet spores and fly around.

and sometimes there comes a grineer/corpus ship into this sector...dojo alarm starts...tenno run to thier

"manta rays" and destroy the invaders.

im dreaming. but this would be soo awesome.

add it to your list when you want.


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Great idea Nazgul! Please consider this Digital Extremes team!


These are brilliant ideas for the dojo. A personal chamber or room would be awesome. Perhaps it could feature a wall section where event insignias, achievement badges and your owned, personalized weapons could be displayed for bragging rights. One should be able to have your in-game alias on the entrance or door. Guests to your room may view, but not change settings and decorations. Achievement badges could perhaps follow a military style, like rank bars and medals, with a short description when you point your cursor over it? Achievements need not follow the style of others games, but could include cool Warframe-unique achievements like:


Soloing the Derelict Golem or other epic bosses.

Reaching certain mastery levels or kills with no platinum purchased.

Obstacle course within an extreme time limit.

A ridiculous number of kills in one mission.

Recognition for weapon accuracy, teammate revives etc.

Killing a vast total number of enemies with your warframe powers eg. "Poison Prowess" or "Magnetic Mangler."


The people at DE are a creative bunch, i'm sure they could include many Warframe-unique achievement ideas. And we will love them all!

Thank you DE for making an awesome videogame and spreading the joy. All success with this project!

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I love this idea !!!

There would be so many small features you could put into this project like if you drink something in the BAR you could get drunk and fight like this ...

Also an Idea what was mentioned often in this forum is , that your dojo is attacked and you #have to defend it . This would be awesome !!

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have notice a nice suggestion trent...

a ultimate mainhall for the dojo.

a hall in the center with many storeys.

you can look from the floor to the top,seeing bridges and stuff.

with enough doors on every level to add all rooms what you need.

i think this would be better for the overall view and every clan can start with this hall.

a standart hall thats allways the center of the dojo.

tiers adding one or two levels to the top and make it bigger.

the whole dojobuilding would be easier with this.

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have notice a nice suggestion trent...a ultimate mainhall for the dojo.a hall in the center with many storeys.you can look from the floor to the top,seeing bridges and stuff.with enough doors on every level to add all rooms what you need.i think this would be better for the overall view and every clan can start with this hall.a standart hall thats allways the center of the dojo.tiers adding one or two levels to the top and make it bigger.the whole dojobuilding would be easier with this.

There are some good ideas in this...I'll think about how we can implement it and give you credit.

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Thank you!



you see what i mean? nazgul? ;)

thats why the ideas are good.

i have not invent the idea of a portal. im here to bring that what all people think since "clan alliances".

im just catching problems and draw the solution^^

first tenno problem is: "the dojo is empty" everybody know that.

so i have start running around in the dojo and catch ideas^^

everybody can suggest a portal.but not everybody make a threat for this to be sure.

and when we all work toghether DE will make it and we get our stuff.

thats why i have make my threat.


Well, seeing as I'd like this implemented, I'm glad to see that others are looking for the same interactivity in the dojo :D

So the more of us that come together and ask about dojo interactivity, the more likely DE is to see this trail of thought.

When the next topic for a live-stream goes online, I would like to ask anyone to contribute to the discussion and refer to this topic.


Make no mistake though, this is a huge undertaking for DE I'd bet, but it would definitely make the dojo a center place for interaction as it should be.

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Well, seeing as I'd like this implemented, I'm glad to see that others are looking for the same interactivity in the dojo :D

So the more of us that come together and ask about dojo interactivity, the more likely DE is to see this trail of thought.

When the next topic for a live-stream goes online, I would like to ask anyone to contribute to the discussion and refer to this topic.


Make no mistake though, this is a huge undertaking for DE I'd bet, but it would definitely make the dojo a center place for interaction as it should be.

Their next livestream theme is concept art...oh well.

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