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(Mega Suggestions) Dojo As Lobby; Armory, Hangar And Personal Quarters.


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Actually, I genuinely like this idea.  It makes me sad to only ever really go to the dojo to trade at the moment.  But the idea of having my weapons and/or warframes on display sounds amazing(especially since I'm something of a collector).  It would definitely be difficult to implement, but I like the idea one person suggested, about having an elevator take you "outside" of the dojo instance to your own room while having it feel completely natural.  It'd also be a pretty good credit sink for the veterans out there with millions upon millions of credits that have nothing to spend them on.  I definitely hope DE takes notice of an idea like this.

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Those are some truly sweet ideas. I agree with everything except for the last bit... I mean dojo is already a tower with elevators... but everythign else sounds really sweet I think this game would be more enjoyable if it was made like that. 

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Maybe your room should be linked to the barracks, and the barracks is a huge room that gets bigger to accommodate more rooms for more people in your clan, or maybe the Barracks is a really long hallway, or its the staircase that leads to the hanger or something, and you should get your own sign outside your room that can leave messages on and stuff, and maybe a console in your room that can manage your extractor, and your sentinels can simply float about passively to give your room some life, and you can customize the music. Now that im thinking about dojo rooms, what about a drone room as well that can manage clan extractors that find resources that go into the clan bank for research, and interactive decorations, like maybe a shogi mini game you can play with a friend while you might be waiting on clan mates to return from a mission, or something like a cleaning drone that just moves around the dojo and occasionally finds a misplaced item like a galium that it places in the clan bank, or even passive npcs that walk around, anything to give the dojo the feeling of life. Or maybe have a clan alert room that can find u clan alert missions that change once a day, and they always give a good reward, and you can only do them for the reward once, after that they just give credits and stuff, and you can build a special room called the conclave where a holographic figure of the lotus presides over clan dispute, this would other wise be known as the pvp lobby. PLLLLLLLZZZZZ GIVE US THIS DE PLLLLZZZZZZ you made a pve game, and i think this would help unify the playerbase and would help bring people to the game :)

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I like the idea.


I only wanted to add that, since the baracks float in space I'd suggest to make a long corridor instead of a tower. It shouldn't make much of a difference on the outside.


Like that, only with less prison and more levels and with baracks on both sides.

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I like the idea.


I only wanted to add that, since the baracks float in space I'd suggest to make a long corridor instead of a tower. It shouldn't make much of a difference on the outside.


Like that, only with less prison and more levels and with baracks on both sides.

Or something like this but circular...although it could become a problem to render all these rooms when you enter the dojo of a Moon Clan.

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Or something like this but circular...although it could become a problem to render all these rooms when you enter the dojo of a Moon Clan.

I imagine the doors to be part of the walls, and to only load rooms of online players or only your room.

That, besides the giant hallway, everyone loads only his or her own room.

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I imagine the doors to be part of the walls, and to only load rooms of online players or only your room.

That, besides the giant hallway, everyone loads only his or her own room.

Load only rooms of online players...that'd require a Dojo reboot I THINK.

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No.  I don't want to be forced to go into a dojo. Dojo not even a good idea to begin with, I never use dojo only for trading really, its just boring and this idea makes it no different.


So it won't affect you in any way, but doesn't bring you, specifically, unmitigated joy? You're right. They shouldn't do it then. 

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So it won't affect you in any way, but doesn't bring you, specifically, unmitigated joy? You're right. They shouldn't do it then. 

Hush, someone doesn't want it. That means the whole community, consisting of millions of players, will not get it. Duh.

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I Log in the forum tooday for post a similar idea and when i see this post I've thinked to post here cause is pratically the same:


In dojo could be funny to create some new room and tooday i've done a tour of existent map to find some idea.




1) The Cockpit: do you know the big room in grineer galeon that's look like a cockpit? Imagine one similar but in tenno style! [This room in dojo have 2 door or just one (dead end)]


2) Solar System map: like this image but all tenno style! (Dead end)



3) The airport: imagine this without the "grineer hand" (Dead end or 2/3 door)



4) Control room: also with some holographic image (dead end)



5) The vault: everyone know the orokin vault... imagine in dojo style!



6) Dead end: in our "Dojo spaceship" is just a place where u can see the universe outside (dead end) Here some Grineer ideas but could be create various type of this room



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