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Feels like nightwave did a lot of damage to the community


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On 2019-03-20 at 10:06 AM, Datam4ss said:

People complained they were too hard so DE made it easier.

I completed all Elite Alerts since nightwave came except the Play 1 Sortie with friend that was bugged.

Thing is, I'm not complaining they got easier.

So then whats your point?

You did all the mundane jump-through-hoops-S#&$ so everyone can do it... yeah we know. Some of us dont think its fun tho, its not about ease or self-inflating your ego how you did them all and so can anyone else but its not fukkin fun!!! Said this time and time again... its not fun!

It wasnt fun when they started to do timegated S#&$ in WoW, its not fun now! If i want to work on a rep i dont want an artificial speedbump, i want to be able to do it in my time and preferably with a flurry of ways of gaining it, not this trite!

It has to be fun, not jumping through hoops, great you can , i'm sure you'll make a great minion that follows the pack... it needs to be fun!


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Yup and since DE would rather delete comments than answer simple questions I dont see what the point is anymore.

Defend it all you will but nightwave is 10+ times the work for 10+ less the rewards, a week or two to get 50wolfcreds, enough to buy one cosmetic, something I Could of had in five minutes flat on Alerts.

No chance DE, you really can shove this crap up your ass.

All I want is a answer from staff to one question so I can decide if I even want to play anymore, do you have any intentions of even considering to bring back alerts? Im not asking for nightwave to be removed, just alerts ran side side.

IS this and option for the future or should I just walk away now?

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On 2019-03-20 at 7:23 AM, Datam4ss said:

No, people literally complained it was too hard. Like on the forum.

I don't think I've ever seen a single thing in this game that is "too hard".  Most deaths or failures I've seen are due to RNG group-wide damage procs that come out of nowhere or some cheap mechanic a boss employs against you.  The only thing "difficult" about this game is trying not to puke at all the progression time-gates you run into from day one.  

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2 hours ago, AlMcFly said:

I don't think I've ever seen a single thing in this game that is "too hard".  Most deaths or failures I've seen are due to RNG group-wide damage procs that come out of nowhere or some cheap mechanic a boss employs against you.  The only thing "difficult" about this game is trying not to puke at all the progression time-gates you run into from day one.  

Well, it is reasonable to say that one hour survival or Tridolon is hard if your internet is lagging and you play on a potato. But it isn't really the game, but hardware at work.

Also, not all players were made equal in knowledge and skill.

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But it looks like the players that are kinda mean to the newbies have everything, did everything and know everything. Not fair, not fair at all. The game is seriously overwhelming to a new player. Do they just want to keep it for themselves? I'm still MR3. The grind is painful. Just a little bit too slow to level up and I'm putting a lot of time and effort into the game.

If I'm going to ride along with an experienced player or players that can easily knock out the tasks in Nightwave, then what's the purpose of Nightwave? It would be easy, according to them. I'm just doing my best and having to be revived all the time. But hey, at least I got the prize. But, I haven't tried that yet.

The novice player can do the easy ones in Nightwave but that's usually just 4 or 5 and maybe a weekly. Then with the daily, that really isn't daily (I know for a fact as I have been playing every day) there's only a refreshing 1 or 2 that a new player can do. 

Know this - if you start off with Excalibur, his first, second and melee weapon, it's going to be a slow climb. That is unless you buy plat. You can buy your way through the game with plat. At first almost every mod you get is flawed..... For a while. No Auras. You get 50 plat but that's a bad number. 52 would be right. 12 for weapon slots the other 40 for whatever floats your boat. But 50 means I have to buy more.

So, I've heard you can sell mods and prime parts. Anyone up for some flawed mods or odd and end prime parts? You don't get very many relics for quite a while and most are lith. The first group. Yes, there are some that you can use to get good prime parts but you have to make them more valuable and you can't get very many void traces to use for that. 

So you've played through a few planets and got Rhino and Mag. You don't have the resources to build them. A grind, sometimes frustrating but mostly fun. Then what. You've got slots for extra weapons and Warframe but what's next. Sweet, a new sniper rifle or shotgun. Where are you going to put them? And that shinny new frame? What to do? Oh, that's right, but plat. Oh yeah, sell the weapons and make room. Start all over again with bad mods. You don't get good ones till later in the game. Don't say farm for good prime parts and good mods. Don't you dare! You can't. You're restricted. 

So, let's say you push forward and try to move further. Prepare to die, a lot. You're not going anywhere with a simple weapon and bad mods. Use a catalyst and a reactor, that's what that 50 plat is for. Hmm, I can put more broken mods on but oops, no they're duplicates. Darn. Use some Endo and rank them up! Still, they're broken. Endo, Endo, where can I get that? Well, it falls from some enemies and you can dissolve extra mods for Endo. Oh, there's the statues. They're worth a bunch of Endo. If only you find some. You're lucky if you do. The low levels? I found one and that was great but I used up the Endo on bad mods.

If you're wanting to keep any of the other Warframes or weapons, you're going to have to buy plat. Some weapons require you to have a couple of different weapons in order to build them. To do that, you'll need to buy plat. These weapons become available to you later, after you've got that cool hex or something you'll need to keep, so, more slots means you're going to have to buy plat.

You'll want to save Rhino, Loki, and many of the other Warframes in order to play certain nodes. Yes, new slots so buy plat.

You're not going to be able to sell mods and good prime sets for quite a while. So you're going to have to buy plat for your new shinny Warframes and weapons.

Unless....... You ride along with experienced players. Then you'll get good stuff. Chances are you'll want to keep most of the goodies. You'll have to buy plat though. You could watch your P's and Q's and be very thrifty. Just keep a few weapons and Warframes, selling off every one you get in order to get another. But if you don't keep ranking up new Warframes and weapons you'll never rank up. You'll be MR3,4,5 or wherever you decided to keep what you got, forever. So, you're going to have to buy plat.

So, no. It's not "Pay to Win." The game has no ending. But it is mostly "Pay to Play." I've heard too many people say you can play the game without spending a dime. While that's true, they certainly have. So........ Yes you can play the game without spending a penny. But prepare to climb very, very, very slow and don't expect any of the cool colors and stuff you see on every other Warframe.


You can ride along with the veterans and get what you need with no problems. Level up like crazy really fast. Get good prime weapons and Warframe. But, then, what's the purpose of Nightwave? It's too hard for newbies and too easy for veterans. 

Nightwave replaced Alerts. Alerts served a purpose and was a big help for a new player. Veteran players already have more than enough of what was offered in the Alerts so of course it wasn't a big deal for them to lose it. And they bang their head against the wall and cry out "It's easy!" Uh, nope. It's not. Unless we ride along with you vets.

So, Nightwave. It's pretty cool. I can't do much but hey, I'll hitch a ride if I can then I'll just bust it out!... But a replacement for Alerts???? It's not.

I'm MR3

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