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List of mods needs changing or buffing. Market changes.


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There are mods that are really pointless in game and no one ever uses them.

Swapping Element issues

Add the ability to choose element damage that is preset set by having 3 or more element damage mods on. I hate the fact that you need to keep switching the mods on the mod slot just to get a proper element on you weapons. Especially when the each slot has been forma causing you to use extra drain. There should be a setting to choose preset elemental damage based on the elemental mods you have on. This would also help

List of mods needs changing or buffing are the followings:

1. Explosion mods

a. Thunderbolt - Change from 30% explosive chance to Permanent. Explosion takes away stealth.

Problems: Why not allow others bows to act like LenZ? Why force everyone to use LenZ especially when it comes to Riven unlocking or Mission based like Sorties bow only. The mod is already pointless over damage mods and uses a slot.

b. Concealed Explosives - Change from 80% to Permanent. Explosion takes away stealth.

Problems: It is a trade off of using a mod slot for less possible damage. I don't even see a reason why it should be 80% because throwing weapons are fine without the explosion. Stealth is better than non-stealth.


2. Scan Matter - Change from Resource Container revealed to automatically scan plants(kavats if possible).

Problems: Waste of mod slot compare to Animal Instinct, Thief wit, etc.


3. Status Duration mods.

Problems: Kind of useless over other mods, I don't think anyone has used these. What I don't get is why Continuous Misery gets 100% and the others for 30% only.

a. Augur Seeker - Buff from 30% status Duration to 60% Status Duration.

b. Perpetual Agony - Buff from 30% to 100% Status Duration

                                - Drain changed from 11 to 7.

c. Lingering Torment - Buff from 30% to 100% Status Duration

                                  - Drain changed from 11 - 7

d. Hunter Track - Buff from 30% to 60% Status Duration

                          - Drain changed from 9 to 7


4. Status Chance mods.

Problems: No one ever uses them compare to dual stat mods. Also they don't even give enough Status chance to compensate. Say I don't want another dual status mod such a Frigid Blast. I should be able to using a single stat mod to keep my single elemental damage because I don't want to mix it in to create another element. Even Archwing mods have it right such as Modified Munitions.

a. Rifle Aptitude - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

                          - Drain changed from 9 to 7(to follow the dual stats mods)

b. Shotgun Savvy - Buff from 30% to 60% Status Chance

                             - Drain changed from 9 to 7

c. Sure Shot - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

d. Melee Prowess - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

e. Hammer Shot - Buff from Status Chance change from 40% to 60%. (It is a nightmare mod, status chance is way too low even for stacking.)

f. Catalyzer Link - Buff from 60% to 120% Status Chance while aiming.

g. Nano-Applicator - Buff from 90% to 120% Status Chance while aiming.

h. Embedded Catalyzer - buff from 90% to 120% Status Chance while aiming.

i. Stunning Speed - Buff from 10% to 40% or 60% Status Chance (by far the most useless status chance stat ever, even hammer shot gets 40%, Primed Quickdraw is better).

If you want 120% status chance bonus without Stalker mods or extra element damage your trading a mod slot using nightmare mods which will actually either give you a disadvantage or an advantage. So it makes sense to get nightmare mods to 60% to make it comparable to the dual status elemental modes.



5. Agility Drift - Buff reduce damage by airborne from 12% to 15% and Evasion by 6% to 12%. (This has to be tested first)

Problems: Stats are too little for stacking and no one will ever use it. If it get 15% reduce damage it can stack with Aviator using two mod slots for 55% damage reduction for proper build. 12% evasion could stack with the Amalgam Barrel Diffusion. Not sure if Evasion and Dodge is the same stats.

6. Shock Absorbers - Buff from 20% to 40% Damage Resistance on Knockdown(testing might be needed against mobs).

Problems: Damage reduction stats are not even enough when knockdown against mobs. As an exilus mod there are drift mods which makes this completely useless for a rare mod.

7. Accuracy mods

Problems: No one every uses them as they don't give enough accuracy for certain weapons and it is simply too little to compensate for the use of Corrupt mods such as Magnum Force (-55% accuracy) / Tainted Shell. There are also riven mods that can give you Negative accuracy.

a. Target Subsystems - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy while aiming.

b. Narrow Barrel - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy while aiming.

c. Guided Ordnance - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy while aiming.

8. Allow us to farm Flawed mods. Best mod ever. Flawed Enemy Sense(with reduce points).


Market Changes are the following:

1. Add "Credits only" and "Hide Mastered".

Problems: Finding those new market weapons and holiday skin was dumb, the search bar doesn't even work that well unless you know the name.

Market Items added that will be locked until the unrepeatable quest is finished/weapon has been claimed are the followings:

Description: These items cannot be claim again after being sold. Instead DE should make them locked for purchase by credits or some other form to newbies until they are actually unlocked by doing quest or daily log in.


a. Zenith, Azima, Zenistar, Sigma & Octantis (locked until you claim from log in, waiting hundreds of days to reclaim is out of question.)


b. Odonata, Imperator, Veritux (After Completion of Archwing Quest).


c. Gara Blueprint (After Completion of Saya's Vigil) , Broken Scepter(After Completion The War Within), Revenant BP(After Completion of Mask of Revenant),

Paracesis BP (After Chimera Prologue), Nidus BP(After Completion of Glast Gambit) & Atlas BP (After Completion of Jordas Precept)


d. Limbo Blueprint (After Completion of Limbo Theorem)

Fixes: DE could add an archwing mission that is lock by this quest and make Limbo parts drop as rotation.


e. Chroma Neuroptics(Uranus Junction), Chroma Chassis(Neptune Junction), Chroma Systems (Pluto Junction)

Problems: Chroma BP drop(The New Strange is replayable and shall drop another BP)


f. Mirage?? (Hidden Messages)

Quote: "After the chassis is built, you can obtain the Mirage Blueprint from the Market, while at the same time completing the quest. "

See this is what I'm talking about, why can't the other frames BP be reclaimable in Market.

Fixes: Make the quest replayable or put her parts in Cephalon Simaris as re-purchase(locked until quest is completed obviously).


g. Inaros?? (Sand of Inaros)

Fixes: Make all his parts for purchase in credits only by Void trader would make a lot more sense. BP will be in Market.


h. Titania (The Silver Groove)

Fixes: Specters can drop other parts as well as the mods same time. BP will be added in Market.




Are there any other useless mods I missed? I'll update it. Suggest below.


Edited by Makemap
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9 minutes ago, Makemap said:

1. Thunderbolt - Change from 30% explosive chance to Permanent. Explosion takes away stealth.

Problems: Why not allow others bows to act like LenZ? Why force everyone to use LenZ especially when it comes to Riven unlocking or Mission based like Sorties bow only. The mod is already pointless over damage mods and uses a slot.

Instead i would have it work like those mods that cause enemies to explode when killed and deal a % of their max health to other nearby mobs.

14 minutes ago, Makemap said:

2. Scan Matter - Change from Resource Container revealed to automatically scan plants(kavats if possible).

Problems: Waste of mod slot compare to Animal Instinct, Thief wit, etc.

Its not actually a scanning skill like the Helios but more of a Radar.

I think this should be more of a constant Aura-like effect instead of something that triggers every 30 sec as it currently is.

16 minutes ago, Makemap said:

3. Status Duration mods.

Problems: Kind of useless over other mods, I don't think anyone has used these. What I don't get is why Continuous Misery gets 100% and the others for 30% only.

a. Augur Seeker - Buff from 30% status Duration to 60% Status Duration.

b. Perpetual Agony - Buff from 30% to 100% Status Duration

c. Lingering Torment - Buff from 30% to 100% Status Duration

d. Hunter Track - Buff from 30% to 60% Status Duration

This is something that has to be carefully looked at as depending on the element status you are also increasing the overall damage it deals and for some weapons this could become too OP.

18 minutes ago, Makemap said:

4. Status Chance mods.

Problems: No one ever uses them compare to dual stat mods. Also they don't even give enough Status chance to compensate. Say I don't want another dual status mod such a Frigid Blast. I should be able to using a single stat mod to keep my single elemental damage because I don't want to mix it in to create another element. Even Archwing mods have it right such as Modified Munitions.

a. Rifle Aptitude - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

b. Shotgun Savvy - Buff from 30% to 60% Status Chance

c. Sure Shot - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

d. Melee Prowess - Buff from 15% to 60% Status Chance

e. Catalyzer Link - Buff from 60% to 90% Status Chance while aiming.

I think it would be more fair if the 15~30% ones gave from 90% to 120% as 60% would still not make them more viable to use compared to the dual stats ones as they also take up more mod points.

20 minutes ago, Makemap said:

5. Agility Drift - Buff reduce damage by airborne from 12% to 15% and Evasion by 6% to 12%.

Problems: Stats are too little for stacking and no one will ever use it. If it get 20% reduce damage it can stack with Aviator using two mod slots for 55% damage reduction for proper build. 12% evasion could stack with the Amalgam Barrel Diffusion. Not sure if Evasion and Dodge is the same stats.

Why not both at 15%?

Evasion = Chance for projectile to hit you and not deal Damage.
Dodge = Roll (Double Tap Shift + Directional)

I would stay away from Amalgam Barrel Diffusion, its kinda nauseating as you dont retain the momentum from the faster dodge and you constantly feel like you tripped or hit a slow effect when the roll ends.

24 minutes ago, Makemap said:

6. Shock Absorbers - Buff from 20% to 30%/40% Damage Resistance on Knockdown(testing might be needed against mobs).

Problems: Damage reduction stats are not even enough when knockdown against mobs.

I would prefer a 1~2 sec invulnerability phase instead but 40% would be fine instead.

25 minutes ago, Makemap said:

7. Accuracy mods

Problems: No one every uses them as they don't give enough accuracy for certain weapons and it is simply too little to compensate for the use of Corrupt mods such as Magnum Force/ Tainted Shell.

a. Target Subsystems - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy.

b. Narrow Barrel - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy.

c. Guided Ordnance - Buff 30% accuracy to 60% accuracy.


Are there any other useless mods I missed? I'll update it. Suggest below.


Actually Tainted Shells used to be part of Tigris/Sancti/Prime builds for some time until people realized they could have better effect using Blaze instead.

Magnum Force has been buffed to give +165% Damage instead of the old +66% which means its more viable to be used as replacement for Augur Pack depending on the weapon.

Personally i never seen much use for accuracy mods on any weapon aside from Shotguns due to their spread. The tighter shots go, the more efficient they are at killing a target, dealing headshots or at longer ranges, thus why the best Shotguns for me are the Hek/Vaykor and Corinth. ❤️

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20 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Instead i would have it work like those mods that cause enemies to explode when killed and deal a % of their max health to other nearby mobs.

Its not actually a scanning skill like the Helios but more of a Radar.

I think this should be more of a constant Aura-like effect instead of something that triggers every 30 sec as it currently is.

This is something that has to be carefully looked at as depending on the element status you are also increasing the overall damage it deals and for some weapons this could become too OP.

I think it would be more fair if the 15~30% ones gave from 90% to 120% as 60% would still not make them more viable to use compared to the dual stats ones as they also take up more mod points.

Why not both at 15%?

Evasion = Chance for projectile to hit you and not deal Damage.
Dodge = Roll (Double Tap Shift + Directional)

I would stay away from Amalgam Barrel Diffusion, its kinda nauseating as you dont retain the momentum from the faster dodge and you constantly feel like you tripped or hit a slow effect when the roll ends.

I would prefer a 1~2 sec invulnerability phase instead but 40% would be fine instead.

Actually Tainted Shells used to be part of Tigris/Sancti/Prime builds for some time until people realized they could have better effect using Blaze instead.

Magnum Force has been buffed to give +165% Damage instead of the old +66% which means its more viable to be used as replacement for Augur Pack depending on the weapon.

Personally i never seen much use for accuracy mods on any weapon aside from Shotguns due to their spread. The tighter shots go, the more efficient they are at killing a target, dealing headshots or at longer ranges, thus why the best Shotguns for me are the Hek/Vaykor and Corinth. ❤️

You got confused between status chance and status duration. 120% status chance you mad? What you suggest for thunderbolt is terrible. We have a mod like that and it is garbage. It doesn't scale within enemy levels. Lets just allow all bows to be explosive for a trade off of mod slot. Less damage for explosive shots, sure why not?

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The "Guided Ordnance" link has it going to the "Target Subsystems" page.

Personally, I think mods dedicated just to status chance should be at least 90-100% increase so they can still compete with the dual stat mods once those are obtained.

Entropy Bolt and Concealed Explosives all have a "chance to explode" like the one you listed. Probably best if they were all 100% then.

More useless mods off the top of my head would be the likes of the ammo capacity and magazine size mods. Then there are the damage resistance mods like Lightning Rod which are way too situational to be useful with the given mod space IMO.

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1 minute ago, Makemap said:

You got confused between status chance and status duration. 120% status chance you mad?

No i didnt confuse and no im not mad. I said 90% to 120%, it would depend on the weapon type, which one is more affected by Status. The Status mods cost 9 points wile the Status + Damage cost 7, is it not fair if a plain Status mod that costs more gave more than 60%? You would still have to choose between the benefit of Status + Damage or sacrifice Damage to increase substantially the Status chance.

5 minutes ago, Makemap said:

What you suggest for thunderbolt is terrible. We have a mod like that and it is garbage. It doesn't scale within enemy levels.

The % Health damage mods dont scale with level, scales with enemy health which in turn scales with level. Do you prefer a flat out +300 Blast damage as the Thunderbolt mod does which doesnt scale with damage mods on the weapon or would you prefer something that could deal more damage and cause chain reaction?

The mods that exist with this effect are good, just need to properly build the weapons for them and know the right mission types to use them. Infested for example are much more susceptible to these mod types as their health scales much more per level. Bows have inite PunchThrough, meaning any enemy the shot kills in its path will prompt an explosion.

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12 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

No i didnt confuse and no im not mad. I said 90% to 120%, it would depend on the weapon type, which one is more affected by Status. The Status mods cost 9 points wile the Status + Damage cost 7, is it not fair if a plain Status mod that costs more gave more than 60%? You would still have to choose between the benefit of Status + Damage or sacrifice Damage to increase substantially the Status chance.

The % Health damage mods dont scale with level, scales with enemy health which in turn scales with level. Do you prefer a flat out +300 Blast damage as the Thunderbolt mod does which doesnt scale with damage mods on the weapon or would you prefer something that could deal more damage and cause chain reaction?

The mods that exist with this effect are good, just need to properly build the weapons for them and know the right mission types to use them. Infested for example are much more susceptible to these mod types as their health scales much more per level. Bows have inite PunchThrough, meaning any enemy the shot kills in its path will prompt an explosion.

Ya, I don't think DE wants all the guns to get to 100% status chance. There is a reason why some weapons have low status chance and high critical. If anything DE should make the explosion follow your elemental and damage mods. Just make it 100% explosive shots. Say you have electrical. it will use your eletrical element as explosion damage.

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On 2019-03-20 at 5:35 PM, BiancaRoughfin said:

No i didnt confuse and no im not mad. I said 90% to 120%, it would depend on the weapon type, which one is more affected by Status. The Status mods cost 9 points wile the Status + Damage cost 7, is it not fair if a plain Status mod that costs more gave more than 60%? You would still have to choose between the benefit of Status + Damage or sacrifice Damage to increase substantially the Status chance.

So I update the thread. Yes, I've tested these mods. Status chance is way too low. I call for reduce drain and buff the stalker ones to 120% would make more sense for their rarity. I just want the non- dual stat ones to replace 1 dual stats mod. I have not seen a single build with status duration because you need status chance to fill in the mod slots, then you have all these damage mods renders the status duration mods to uselessness.

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Edited Hammer shot to 60%, 80% would be too much. Stacking two mods 60% as a trade off from using two dual status elemental mod would make a lot more sense. DE should add the ability to select preset elemental damage instead of forcing players to keep swapping the dual elemental status modes due to full forma weapon issue.

There are just too much damage mods to even think about putting more status chance mods on already.

Edited by Makemap
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