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Zanuka Hunter and G3 ephemeras


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i was fighting the stalker and thinking about the ephemera he drops when i realised something, out of the 3 assassnis (if you count the G3 as one) stalker is the only one whos got an update to his drop table that makes you want more from him if you dont have his entire loot pool already, or gives you a reason to farm him again if you already had everything prior, i feel like the zanuka hunter and grustrag 3 should have ephemeras that can drop from them as well, give us more reason to farm them if we dont have their weapons, and a reason to farm them again if we already do, especially since, compared to stalker, both the zanuka hunter and G3 only have 1 weapon drop thats just split up into their parts while the stalker has 4 weapons and now the smoking body ephemera as well, ide like to see what DE come up with for these ephemeras

Edited by Joltyboi
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