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Dear DE can we do something with the old Twin basolk ?


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When I started playing Warframe I did love the dual zoren and when I heard of the "update" of them I was so excited.. the Twin basolk looked so cool and they were pretty good as well then when I was fighting lvl 30 enemies..with higher lvl enemies the twin basolk has no chance, can we give this awesome looking melee a little buff ? like some slash dmg or ..anything really cuz the heat doesn't cut it its soo useless late, that not even the condition overload build does it..

P.S:If any of the staff see this thank's for the nightwave cool af man really outdid yourselves.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Gas Twin Basolks on a Stealth frame decimates.

^^^^ ya this works, even though it's very specific what you must do to get the benefits

It used to be even better when gas triple dipped stealth damage multiplier, those were the good old days where I wasn't present so I actually don't know if they were good old days.

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Only lv 30 enemies? You must be building it wrong.

Twin Basolk has 40% base status chance and heat-based damage. Make use of them.

In addition, all dual swords have forced slash proc on ground finisher.

Edited by yles9056
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11 hours ago, birdobash said:

^^^^ ya this works, even though it's very specific what you must do to get the benefits

It used to be even better when gas triple dipped stealth damage multiplier, those were the good old days where I wasn't present so I actually don't know if they were good old days.

The one thing that bothers me about the Twin Basolks is that Amalgam Organ Shatter is a thing now and it increases Charge Attack speed. Rift Strike is a very good teleport on charge attacks which is very beneficial with Charge Attack speed up, but the Twin Basolks are purely a status-based weapon. 

Sure you can force the Twin Basolks to be crit-based with Maiming Strike, and you have the mod capacity to do that too, but I honestly don’t know if DE was aware about tying these two perks together with a full understanding of the discrepancies that most charge attack weapons are status-based.

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twin basolk is actually a good and i believe underrated melee weapon, since you have problems with lvl 30 enemies i believe you are fairly new so i post a build with no primed mods, and no voltaic strike and no rivens:


carving mantis and condition overload are super important, carving mantis is like 5 plats on warframe.market and condition overload is the only expensive mod on this build which goes for around 65 platinum and its possible to farm on the survival mission on uranus, is dropped by drekar butchers with a 0.02% which is low but is totally worth either the plats or farmed (and also EVERY melee weapon nowadays has condition overload in its build so is good on almost every melee weapon and not only twin basolk)

with the cheapest build i made this is the result: 

considering the only hard to acquire mod is condition overload i think this is a pretty good result

if you fight corpus enemies instead of corrosive heat swap mods for gas + electricity or only gas

also there is a fun unique mod for twin basolk which is https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rift_Strike

hope this "guide" will help you

Edited by Sharkgoblin
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