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Please, please DE. Please listen. This is breaking my heart to say this.


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Before anyone flames me, hear me out. I am desperate now.

I love this game, but the fun is being ripped right out for me. Short history with WF. 

2015 downloaded it on PS4. Never played it. Online only is not my thing but I love sci-fi. No pc powerful enough to play this. I saw videos and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hype arose for a Switch version. I had plans. This would be a prime showcase for the Switch's capabilities. And it could be fun. It's free after all.

Downloaded. Played 60 hours. Decided to spend $50 from GST check and splerge.

I started to really like this online-only, sci-fi pve game with a story I loved! I tried WOW. I tried Guildwars 2. Fortnite. Couldn't hold my interest. The story of WF won me over. Blown away. Unexpected. Kind of..... emotional? Humph. Cool.

Went to buy 1000 platinum. Eshop error message within WF once I left the eshop. Oh.

I thought the payment did not go through. I researched and found little on the problem. Hours later I tried three more times with the same error upon exiting the eshop back into WF. Researched more. Found a solution. Go directly to the eshop to buy Platinum. Oh, ok. Success. Go back into WF... 5000 platinum. I almost had a heart attack. Go sweaty and very nervous. OMG! $265? Non-refundable. (did not know about tickets yet). Took two months to recover. Almost three.

I'm good now. Pretty solid game. Plains crashing a lot. Frustration. Almost quit twice, but I kept recalling that big mistake. Kept playing... Love/hate. 

1432 hours in. Over $400 CND spent to support the game (265 of it was a mistake due to a glitch concerning the eshop and platinum not appearing). Game keeps resetting back to the title screen. Three times in 40 minutes. All four of us frustrated. Orb Valis constantly crashing upon entering. Can't see operator's reticule (dot). Dropped internet (internet is good, just drops randomly, even when I'm three feet away). I am about to quit the game. I was done. Then I thought... One last effort to reach out to DE. This is the post.

Please, DE. Give the Switch's less-capable WiFi efforts a break. All I want is a 30 second buffer, upon the game not sensing a signal, to re-establish a connection...just like the buffer that exists when I need to refresh a  re-"sign-in" to a coffeeshop's free WiFi. Please. In 20 minutes, I had three drops in the plains. Tried to finish some Nightwave acts (150 enemies killed, 40 headshots). I gave up. Not fun anymore. I love this game. 

Will you consider these points?

Thank you for baring with me. 

Edited by (NSW)Harlox
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I mean... sounds more like a problem with you or your system and less like a problem from Warframe.
You might want to reach out to Nintendo to not build bad consoles...

And btw. why would you use WiFi even if your router was right next to you? Why would you ever want to use WiFi for online gaming?

Edited by WhiteMarker
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2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

And btw. why would you use WiFi even if your router was right next to you? Why would you ever want to use WiFi for online gaming?

Nintendo Switch is a handheld portable machine.  The ENTIRE draw to play Warframe on Switch is being able to play it on your lap or on the go with Wi-Fi.  You are basically asking OP "Why would you ever play this game handheld" when DE SPECIFICALLY marketed the Switch's handheld capabilities as a bonus for the game.  

Don't blame the consumer for wanting to utilize advertised features, or did you seem to forget that developer walking around playing it on stage in front of the camera as if it were something to celebrate?

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Most of the answers here a useless, sorry you had to go through that. I wont question your choices, here's the info you ask for. You used a legit system and a legit account on a legit service and didn't get what you want. This truly sucks.


No one here can help you on the forum. All you can do is use there helpdesk support system and be patient.

Edited by Svati
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On 2019-03-23 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

You know, even if there is some error that pops up whe you’re trying to buy premium currency ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU GOT THE CURRENCY BEFORE TRYING TO REBUY IT

As I said the plat did not show up. Did you even read my post? 

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