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Glaive Nerf?!?!?!....why?


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This is gonna be short. Glaives base Charge attack damage was 150 last time i checked. Now its only 75 according to the games UI. Why nerf charge attack damage on a weapon thats all about charge attack? and why do it stealth like and not put it in the patch notes? and right after we get new mods for it? and you thought nobody would notice?


Edit: Brought to my attention that it may be a UI glitch, so I hope DE fixes it soon. cause atm its giving all the wrong info.....all warframes have 25 armor. lol wat?


Edit: Im not sure why this thread still exists. I was clearly confused by the broken and glitchy UI and have clearly stated it in my last Edit, so why its still around i don't know......I can only assume the people still responding are the ones who haven't read this entire post. in which case you'll keep it going anyways.......smh

Edited by S3ven0F13
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This is gonna be short. Glaives base Charge attack damage was 150 last time i checked. Now its only 75 according to the games UI. Why nerf charge attack damage on a weapon thats all about charge attack? and why do it stealth like and not put it in the patch notes? and right after we get new mods for it? and you thought nobody would notice?



Edited by Dasmir
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Don't be rude, no-one is whining i'm bringing it to DE's attention, If i was whining id be cursing, A LOT. cause that's how i am.


(for example you @(*()$ A******, i don't need yo $#*(@ &#! to be talking S#&$ on da web like you a fuckin boss when we all know your a short $&*^, fat &#!, virgin, non spelling &#! Mother@(*()$ $#*(@!


^^^^Thats me if i was whining or raging so that you don't get confused again^^^^^)

Edited by S3ven0F13
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Wow, someone's mad...

But no really, the same thing happened with the Kestrel, and I removed my mods on it and headshotted level 1 Grineer for varying damages around 90+, so it's still the same.  I was about to be very upset that they changed my current most useful melee weapon.
It's a simple task to test something before you complain about it.  Seems to be beyond a lot of people though.

And you were whining.

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You preferred the old one?!



Seriously though, they may not have got it 100% right but the groundwork's there to be worked and fixed upon. Open Beta™.


*Old* UI had soul. New UI is a exersie in colnsole-style menus with less thought put into it than needed.

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Is pressure point work on glaive?

I add max PP but it still 160, didn't raise even a bit


Pressure Point affects the damage of light melee attacks not charged attacks; it'll work for the glaive's melee attacks, but to raise the damage of the charged attack you'll need a killing blow mod.

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It's just a UI display bug guys - not a nerf. A lot of weapons indeed display the wrong numbers on their stats. My Vasto alternates from 300-450 damage depending on the UI's mood and it shows my Lanka has having a 0% crit rate for example.


I'd suggest starting the relevant thread to report these UI stat anomalies in the "UI Bugs" section of the forums.

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How idiotic of a thread.

All Melee UI Stats are working incorrectly and you open a damn Thread about one stat of a Weapon shown there then? oO




It's just a UI display bug guys - not a nerf. A lot of weapons indeed display the wrong numbers on their stats. My Vasto alternates from 300-450 damage depending on the UI's mood and it shows my Lanka has having a 0% crit rate for example.


I'd suggest starting the relevant thread to report these UI stat anomalies in the "UI Bugs" section of the forums.

It doesnt show 0!!! It has written "--" there like a placeholder for i have no clue either dont fuckn ask me how much it is. xD

Edited by SpriGgy
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It's just a UI display bug guys - not a nerf. A lot of weapons indeed display the wrong numbers on their stats. My Vasto alternates from 300-450 damage depending on the UI's mood and it shows my Lanka has having a 0% crit rate for example.


I'd suggest starting the relevant thread to report these UI stat anomalies in the "UI Bugs" section of the forums.


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Not sure if I understand you correctly, but exactly what "buff" of the Glaive are you referring to? The base charged damage is still what it was from the day of its release, 150.




In case you haven't tested it yet, Thunderbolt now works properly for the bow weapons, all your normal/modded damage procs before the explosion one so it doesn't kill your DPS.

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Not sure if I understand you correctly, but exactly what "buff" of the Glaive are you referring to? The base charged damage is still what it was from the day of its release, 150.




In case you haven't tested it yet, Thunderbolt now works properly for the bow weapons, all your normal/modded damage procs before the explosion one so it doesn't kill your DPS.

It doesnt seem the way. Playing the Game and reading arent your benefits or?

I did write in past tense. Because there was a Time when Thunderbolt only worked for Dread. Remember?

And my Damage is procced before the explosion issnt right if it wasnt changed by Update 10. I played Dread very often and when there is a explosion the normal damage of the projectile is replaced by the explosion damage only.

This was the Case before Update 10, didnt test it since update 10.


And when i refer to Thunderbolt i mean it was buffed duo the 3 new Mods, that increase its effect, especially the puncture. But i cannot test how good the Mods are because i sold my Glaive and got a Kestrel instead, it made more fun.

But Kestrel is the same kind of Throwing Melee Weapon, shares some of the same weaknesses and would benefit the same way from Mods than Glaive.


Is that so hard to understand?

Edited by SpriGgy
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Ah, apologies for getting my wires crossed then, I understand now, you think it's not fair that the Kestrel doesn't have exclusive mods for it like the Glaive got in U10.


However I can see the devs' reasoning for prioritizing the Glaive first, being a special thrown melee weapon whose blueprint isn't available in the market but rather only from alerts and login rewards. Perhaps someday down the road we'll see Kestrel-exclusive mods as well, rather than making the Glaive-only mods work on the Kestrel too because that wouldn't make sense e.g. Power Throw, in which a puncture mechanic would be out of place on blunt throwing weapon.


I could see Quick Return and Rebound being tweaked to work for the Kestrel though.

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