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We Need More Snipers!


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Trying to use snipers for their intended long range use is a bit of a problem with Warframe.

The reason we don't have many of the is because i can only think of 2-3 static locations where the Snipetron-dal, Vulkar or even the Lanka would be needed to put a bullet between the eyes at a decent long range (pretty much the outdoor defense tile sets).


I agree though, i would like to see a few more snipers incorporated into the game, like a two-shot burst sniper for the recoil masters or a long-cannon style sniper with a ton of damage but a single chamber and a LONG re-chamber.


As with a lot shooter elements in games the sniper set seems to fade into a selection of guns only used for fun instead of serious play, but hey, there's nothing wrong with that - look at the Miter; that's a 'fun gun' if ever I had seen one.

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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Paris its the best starter sniper in game until you got dread or prime paris, then after weeks of farming (playing) you can get the lanka...

Dread better than Paris? I know that Dread has higher damage, but it doesn't ignore armor, and Paris does that, so you know...

As long as damage/armor system stays the same Paris seems like a more viable option

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Sniping... Doesn't really fit with most of the missions in the game. It's usually CQC.


Meh, you can find ways to make them work just fine if you're creative. The Snipetron Vandal is one of my favorite and most used weapons.


If you stay at the back of the pack and play a more support based roll snipers can work well when running & gunning through your average Sabotage/Capture/Assassinate mission. In defense all you have to do is find a nice camping spot and fire away. Loki and Nova are awesome for this because of Decoy/Switch Teleport and Wormhole, respectively. 

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I'll admit, I've got every sniper but the default snipetron right now, and they are great for a change of pace... but what else would we do with them? We've already got the Lanka for raw damage (armor piercing at that, if memory serves) that clan-guys can build, we've got the Vulkar for people who aren't in clans and who missed the event. You could even throw the Latron in that category as a Marksmen rifle (Eagle eye mods will give you the 'scope').


So what now?

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I'll admit, I've got every sniper but the default snipetron right now, and they are great for a change of pace... but what else would we do with them? We've already got the Lanka for raw damage (armor piercing at that, if memory serves) that clan-guys can build, we've got the Vulkar for people who aren't in clans and who missed the event. You could even throw the Latron in that category as a Marksmen rifle (Eagle eye mods will give you the 'scope').


So what now?

Lanka deals Serrated Blade damage, which ignores armour and deals 3x damage to light infested.

The Vulkar is relatively unreliable, as it deals bullet damage and only deals 150% of its regular damage on crit. In my opinion the bows heavily out perform it.

Lanka/Snipetron Vandal--> Snipetron--> Paris Prime/Dread/Paris--> Vulkar

The Latron has lower damage and higher fire rate than all of the above, so it is not a sniper.

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