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Strun Wraith Vs Boar Prime [Not Fair]


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Using the stats from the wiki, the Strun Wraith does 406 dmg per second / 1300 dmg per magazine, while the Boar Prime does 522 dmg per second / 1350 dmg per magazine (undmodded, crits included)


the Boar benefits more from crit chance and crit damage mods than the Strun Wraith, the Strun Wraith has a faster reload time and is more ammo efficient.


looks good for me so far.

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Using the stats from the wiki, the Strun Wraith does 406 dmg per second / 1300 dmg per magazine, while the Boar Prime does 522 dmg per second / 1350 dmg per magazine (undmodded, crits included)


the Boar benefits more from crit chance and crit damage mods than the Strun Wraith, the Strun Wraith has a faster reload time and is more ammo efficient.


looks good for me so far.


8 ammo vs 15 ammo...

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Boar prime:

damage = 72

raw spike dps = 417 (w/o crits)


Stun wraith:

damage = 190

raw spike dps = 475


Remembering about falloff distance, that's pretty fair. 


Actually Boar has lower range than Strun, shall you post the calculations from where those numbers come out?

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Actually Boar has lower range than Strun, shall you post the calculations from where those numbers come out?


And the Boar prime has Higher critical chacne and critical damage also more RoF plz check the whole stats.



Edited by Dasmir
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Boar prime has the lowest damage of any shotgun and it doesn't change the fact that only has 120 rounds so full auto is worthless. I do not even care to farm it in the first place and If I ever happened to get the parts for it I would get it to 30 then sell it. I hope the people that were screaming for worthless side-grades are happy because that is one worthless gun.

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Strun wraith need to be looked at like a sick dog, then put down.

With both critical mods that is an effective base of 153 and 5.4 unmodified fire rate on boar prime. Boar has higher DPS than wraith does, but good luck getting enough ammo for it with ammo packs removed.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Good luck with that. People generally are under the impression that event-exclusive reward items should always be better than regular items, and think that it actually helps in making people keep playing instead of chasing new players away. Have fun with your Boar Prime, I'll enjoy my Strun Wraith and wave it in front of every newbie while sneering about my damage.

and you are why people don't like online games. don't be a jerk just because you have an awesome gun, i have it too but i don't brag.

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Lets do a numerical comparison.

They're both crit-based guns so I'll be using the following build:

  • Accelerated Blast
  • Blaze
  • Blunderbuss
  • Flechette
  • Hell's Chamber
  • Point Blank
  • Ravage
  • Shotgun Spazz
Now to the meat:

Strun Wraith

DPS :: 15982.155

Burst DPS :: 34711.242

Full Data:

Name :: Strun Wraith

Magazine Size :: 8

Total Ammo :: 128

Crit Chance :: 38%

Crit Damage Multiplier :: 288%

Fire Rate :: 6.25 rounds per second

Reload Time :: 1.5 seconds

Damage :: 3239.5

Damage Shields :: 3239.5

Damage Corpus :: 3239.5

Damage Grineer :: 4859.25

Damage Infested :: 3866.5

Crit Damage :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Shields :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Corpus :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Grineer :: 13994.64

Crit Damage to Infested :: 11135.52

Average Damage :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Shields :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Corpus :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Grineer :: 8330.698

Average Damage to Infested :: 6628.728

Damage per Mag :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Shields :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Corpus :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Grineer :: 66645.586

Damage per Mag to Infested :: 53029.821

DPS :: 15982.155

DPS to Shields :: 15982.155

DPS to Corpus :: 15982.155

DPS to Grineer :: 23973.232

DPS to Infested :: 19075.475

Burst DPS :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Shields :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Corpus :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Grineer :: 52066.864

Burst DPS to Infested :: 41429.548

Boar Prime

DPS :: 11293.095

Burst DPS :: 36401.409

Full Data:

Name :: Boar Prime

Magazine Size :: 15

Total Ammo :: 135

Crit Chance :: 47.5%

Crit Damage Multiplier :: 320%

Fire Rate :: 14.5 rounds per second

Reload Time :: 2.3 seconds

Damage :: 1227.6

Damage Shields :: 1227.6

Damage Corpus :: 1227.6

Damage Grineer :: 1841.4

Damage Infested :: 1465.2

Crit Damage :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Shields :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Corpus :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Grineer :: 5892.48

Crit Damage to Infested :: 4688.64

Average Damage :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Shields :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Corpus :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Grineer :: 3765.663

Average Damage to Infested :: 2996.334

Damage per Mag :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Shields :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Corpus :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Grineer :: 56484.945

Damage per Mag to Infested :: 44945.01

DPS :: 11293.095

DPS to Shields :: 11293.095

DPS to Corpus :: 11293.095

DPS to Grineer :: 16939.642

DPS to Infested :: 13478.855

Burst DPS :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Shields :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Corpus :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Grineer :: 54602.114

Burst DPS to Infested :: 43446.843

As you can see they aren't that far off, and the Boar Prime actually has better burst DPS.

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Lets do a numerical comparison.

They're both crit-based guns so I'll be using the following build:

  • Accelerated Blast
  • Blaze
  • Blunderbuss
  • Flechette
  • Hell's Chamber
  • Point Blank
  • Ravage
  • Shotgun Spazz
Now to the meat:

Strun Wraith

DPS :: 15982.155

Burst DPS :: 34711.242

Full Data:

Name :: Strun Wraith

Magazine Size :: 8

Total Ammo :: 128

Crit Chance :: 38%

Crit Damage Multiplier :: 288%

Fire Rate :: 6.25 rounds per second

Reload Time :: 1.5 seconds

Damage :: 3239.5

Damage Shields :: 3239.5

Damage Corpus :: 3239.5

Damage Grineer :: 4859.25

Damage Infested :: 3866.5

Crit Damage :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Shields :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Corpus :: 9329.76

Crit Damage to Grineer :: 13994.64

Crit Damage to Infested :: 11135.52

Average Damage :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Shields :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Corpus :: 5553.799

Average Damage to Grineer :: 8330.698

Average Damage to Infested :: 6628.728

Damage per Mag :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Shields :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Corpus :: 44430.39

Damage per Mag to Grineer :: 66645.586

Damage per Mag to Infested :: 53029.821

DPS :: 15982.155

DPS to Shields :: 15982.155

DPS to Corpus :: 15982.155

DPS to Grineer :: 23973.232

DPS to Infested :: 19075.475

Burst DPS :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Shields :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Corpus :: 34711.242

Burst DPS to Grineer :: 52066.864

Burst DPS to Infested :: 41429.548

Boar Prime

DPS :: 11293.095

Burst DPS :: 36401.409

Full Data:

Name :: Boar Prime

Magazine Size :: 15

Total Ammo :: 135

Crit Chance :: 47.5%

Crit Damage Multiplier :: 320%

Fire Rate :: 14.5 rounds per second

Reload Time :: 2.3 seconds

Damage :: 1227.6

Damage Shields :: 1227.6

Damage Corpus :: 1227.6

Damage Grineer :: 1841.4

Damage Infested :: 1465.2

Crit Damage :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Shields :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Corpus :: 3928.32

Crit Damage to Grineer :: 5892.48

Crit Damage to Infested :: 4688.64

Average Damage :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Shields :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Corpus :: 2510.442

Average Damage to Grineer :: 3765.663

Average Damage to Infested :: 2996.334

Damage per Mag :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Shields :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Corpus :: 37656.63

Damage per Mag to Grineer :: 56484.945

Damage per Mag to Infested :: 44945.01

DPS :: 11293.095

DPS to Shields :: 11293.095

DPS to Corpus :: 11293.095

DPS to Grineer :: 16939.642

DPS to Infested :: 13478.855

Burst DPS :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Shields :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Corpus :: 36401.409

Burst DPS to Grineer :: 54602.114

Burst DPS to Infested :: 43446.843

As you can see they aren't that far off, and the Boar Prime actually has better burst DPS.



Crit damage multiplier for Strun Wraith is 280, not 288%

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Pretty much. Never understood the logic behind it; I think Event Exclusives should be cosmetic and cosmetic alone. 


*prepares to be flamed*

This guy. I accept Braton Vandal type sidegrades but purely cosmetic exclusives is a wayyyyyyyyy better approach.


Boar Prime has no bearing on this truth: purely cosmetic event exclusives are the good S#&$. Less power creep, more balance.

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This guy. I accept Braton Vandal type sidegrades but purely cosmetic exclusives is a wayyyyyyyyy better approach.


Boar Prime has no bearing on this truth: purely cosmetic event exclusives are the good S#&$. Less power creep, more balance.

If that were the case, a handful of players prefer to think that this gives the players no motivation to do events. I'm not sure about that, I'm up for any event that gives me something shiny, and I'm sure many other players are too.

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If that were the case, a handful of players prefer to think that this gives the players no motivation to do events. I'm not sure about that, I'm up for any event that gives me something shiny, and I'm sure many other players are too.

I would skip 99% of events that gave side grades, they just do not interest me in the least. If DE wants to make weapon skin they should just be added to the market place. Side-grades in his type of game lead to horrible stagnation and without the PVE progression this game has nothing at all to stand on.


They copied far too much from games like diablo to ever do the side-grade method. If they try to pull it here people will quit because there is no end-game or point and only a tiny fraction of the diehard played base will remain. They copied Phantasy star whether they knew It or not and they can't stop making new endgame, I just hope they manage it properly.

Edited by LazyKnight
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