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OV - Bounties - Protect the Coil Drives.....


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Im sorry but can coil drive defense bounty segments please have ALOT more health??   If you attempt this solo with weapons and abilities that cant clear our huge aoe's or protect things then even the tier 1-2 bounties that have this challenge can easily be failed.   You have guys dropping in by air and teleporting in at ground level 360 degrees around the coil drive.   Any single group of enemies that gets left unchecked can shred their way right through that paper thin coil drive.  

Now take the enemy drone for example that you also have to protect from enemies.  It only faces single waves of enemies,  its pretty much impossible not to keep pace with the enemy so the drone hardly takes damage to its shield and almost never takes damage to its HP unless your just not paying attention.   The drone seems to be totally invulnerable.  (I am talking about solo play to)

Two defensive objectives, both attempted solo and two VASTLY different outcomes...   and again I am talking about failing on the easiest tiers of these bounties with OP gear simply because the coil drives cant take a few shots, or rather the corpus units (osprey) have insane RoF weapons.  

Yes there are countless options to deal with the coil drive situation.  Roll with a group,  use a defensive frame,  take aoe weapons, use spectres, etc etc   My idea is to use whatever the hell I want and maybe have stuff that is properly balanced so it doesnt instantly die to enemy fire?

How come defensive frames can help protect things but Garuda's blood altar cant help defensive objectives heal??

Anyways was stringing together bounties for nightwave the other day and never left OV.   Always took more mission from various NPC's out in the field.  Failed 1-2 of those coil drive missions but stil got my 8 wins.   Seems like you guys have cleared up some of the bugs in OV.   I never ran into mission glitches by staying out in the field like we used to get.   So congrats on that.  I love seeing the quality of the game improve and bugs  getting squished.  Nice job!

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

How come defensive frames can help protect things but Garuda's blood altar cant help defensive objectives heal??

My guess is they designed it that way because Garuda is massively offensive. She is not a defense frame primarily. Spreading out the specialties keeps you from having the best offense and defense all in one, like it seems you're trying to do in that case. lol

In general most of this game, bounties included, are intended to be team efforts. You can diversify the team loadouts to cover all bases, like having an offense frame team with a defense frame. A lot of content can be solo'd regardless, but that's more of a "good for you" scenario than the intended design. There's a bounty in the Vallis that makes the team intention blatant,  capturing the canisters. There's ways to lessen the team dependency but that's more of a bonus than the standard. Matchmaking is also on by default so I'm not sure they will alter the difficulty of the bounty for sake of soloing unfortunately.

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On 2019-04-16 at 9:22 AM, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

My guess is they designed it that way because Garuda is massively offensive. She is not a defense frame primarily. Spreading out the specialties keeps you from having the best offense and defense all in one, like it seems you're trying to do in that case. lol

In general most of this game, bounties included, are intended to be team efforts. You can diversify the team loadouts to cover all bases, like having an offense frame team with a defense frame. A lot of content can be solo'd regardless, but that's more of a "good for you" scenario than the intended design. There's a bounty in the Vallis that makes the team intention blatant,  capturing the canisters. There's ways to lessen the team dependency but that's more of a bonus than the standard. Matchmaking is also on by default so I'm not sure they will alter the difficulty of the bounty for sake of soloing unfortunately.

Thats some great arguments but Garuda has a healing ability that is for designed to heal other people/things.    If the coil drive defense is designed correctly so that it takes a group to protect then why the hell are so many other defensive objectives so freaking tanky,  some of which are also in orb vallis bounties.   Like defending the drone.   If it was a design concept it woud have been done equally across the board.   If it was a massive screw up with no play testing one defense objective would be wildly different than the next....  coil drives definately fall into that latter catagory.   

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