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Arbitration Revive-Mechanic Suggestion


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Hello again^^


I think having Revives in Arbitrations is something that DE wont undo, and although i probably prefer having Permadeath (in a organized group with clan members and TS/Discord this new system is ok), i want to discuss another mechanic that could prevent alot of Toxicity and Frustation and could manage to reach the goal you are aiming for in a better way. I think a lot of the players that are complaining about the new revive mechanic arent even that angry because of the pure fact that revives are a thing now, but because of the way it is implemented. The following points are the most mentioned i have read so far in the Feedback-topics:

  • it punishes the players that dont die
  • it creates new issues like accidently picking up stress or bugs that cause the players to remain with stress even when there is no one to be revived anymore
  • and lets be honest - it doesnt solve the host-migration-issues because a host can still have random disconnects or leave on purpose for whatever reason
  • its an unecessary complicated system and doesnt work as intended in a public-environment


I have seen a suggestion for a mechanic which sounds really good and i want to add some points.


  • when the mission starts, every player gets a starting bleedout-timer of 30 seconds
  • this timer wont refresh, so when you die - get revived at 20 seconds left - die again: your timer will be on 20 seconds already
  • each player gets 10 bonus seconds after each completed rotation added to his bleedout-timer
  • you can earn 5 bonus seconds for reviving other players
  • Note: The numbers can be adjusted of course
  • Note: There could be tasks that give every player of the party a bonus to their timer to incentivize teamplay


What are the benefits of this system?


  • instead of being punished if other players die, you get rewarded for reviving them
  • both sides are encouraged to keep the bleedout-timers high: the one who is dying wants to survive until the next rotation to get bonus-seconds (or is incentivized to revive other players instead to earn them) while the reviving players have to be quick (which can be actually fun because being fast is something we always try in Warframe, and you get rewarded with bonus seconds for that), this means there is a real feeling of cooperation, not the feeling of "i have to work harder because my partner is constantly getting downed"
  • it encourages teamplay and sticking together in a way in which everyone benefits from reviving each other
  • its an easy system that works basically like everywhere else in Warframe
  • it doesnt create any new bugs like the current system can
  • if a player is really unprepared for the mission, he cannot be carried endlessly through the mission (that complaint was pretty common aswell)


This will be my last post about Arbitrations, i hope its clear that i dont just want to rant about everything but simply discuss other ways of implementing a revive-mechanic. I partially understand why this new system was implemented, but i think there are better ways to implement a revive mechanic into Arbitrations.



Edited by DreisterDino
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Although i don't think Arbitrations should have a revive mechanic, congrats for coming up with a better alternative than DE's.
Still i suspect that DE's motives is less to introduce reviving to Arbitrations, but just making it so that whenever someone dies they're more likely to not leave the mission in hopes of being revived. Making it more a carrot on a stick than an improvement.

Me, if i die, i'll leave, and if i'm host i'll leave even faster, because that's how DE is going to get the point, with more frustrated players playing less time, and spending less money on 45€ armour attachments.

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