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Total D-Bag Move, De - Mutagen Sample/mass


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The main unfairness is with the people who had large amounts of Mutagen already stockpiled; they're laughing at the poor suckers who didn't have enough to make everything already.


I am one of them people with over 400 mutagen samples, that's cause I killed everything I see. If a resource droped and I see it, I will get it regardless if its another nano spore. The only people I am laughing at are them rushers who just skip everything and are now complaining about lack of resources.

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Forcing people to play in a tileset that the devs spent a lot of time creating is not going to make players love the unique tileset, quite the opposite actually. They'll end up fostering a deep hatred for being forced into that area just to develop a few weapons or to get parts for a new warframe without spending platinum. Even Vauban is still alert reward driven, Banshee is mission reward/endless defense reward, all others are assigned to bosses you can easily farm.

I can easily see what the problem is.


Bingo. DE's approach, on paper, does have merit, but they are simply breeding resentment and frustration with this route. Were I in their place, I'd have kept the mutagen drops on Jupiter and Eris, but have changed the Derelict to drop significantly more.


That way, you can still play your old favourites for mutagen, but if you want to farm really efficiently, you play OD.

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Bingo. DE's approach, on paper, does have merit, but they are simply breeding resentment and frustration with this route. Were I in their place, I'd have kept the mutagen drops on Jupiter and Eris, but have changed the Derelict to drop significantly more.


That way, you can still play your old favourites for mutagen, but if you want to farm really efficiently, you play OD.

This is a perfect way to deal with this problem, and very well put.

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I am one of them people with over 400 mutagen samples, that's cause I killed everything I see. If a resource droped and I see it, I will get it regardless if its another nano spore. The only people I am laughing at are them rushers who just skip everything and are now complaining about lack of resources.


I'm not a rusher, and I'm out of Mutagen. Well I have ~50 and I made Acrid and Torid and that's as far as I got.


I killed everything and picked up everything that dropped.


I wasn't a Xini hog, though -- I don't really like Defense all that much, because it is just plain Boring to me. "Ooo look at me I'm standing next to a pod for 15+ minutes watching everything get M Prime'd and Ogris'd to death! Weee!"


So, yeah. I only had ~200 Mutagen total so far because it seems to drop a lot more infrequently than Fieldron or Detonite even when it was on Jupiter/Eris. I'd MAYBE get 1-2 per mission and that's with opening everything and killing everything I came across.

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Have you taken a look at the requirements to craft any of the new Infested weaponry?


10 Mutagen Masses (100 Mutagen Samples, 10 Control Modules+120hours build time) for Synapse or Dual Ichors. I would not be surprised if the Djinn takes 15-20 Mutagen Masses... All the while Acrid, the undesputed king of all Warframe weapons, only takes 5 Mutagen Masses.


I never wrote about the new weapon requirements, that's another matter entirely; what the OP stated is that he disliked that Mutagen Masses were now Orokin Derelict drops only given the current requirements.


I see no problem with them being exclusive to the Orokin Derelicts as it gives a reason other than farm Golem NAVs to go in there along with new mods. As for the requirements for the new infested clan weaponry, that is a problem but not what the main focus of the thread was about.

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I see no problem with them being exclusive to the Orokin Derelicts as it gives a reason other than farm Golem NAVs to go in there along with new mods. As for the requirements for the new infested clan weaponry, that is a problem but not what the main focus of the thread was about.


Of course there is a problem, as evident by the complaining going on on the forums. You are cleary in the minority thinking it is OK.


They should not have made them exclusive to the Derelicts; they should've made them more abundant in the Derelicts whilst keeping them on the Infested planets still.


This would still make the Derelicts attractive, without &!$$ing off your entire playerbase because you've "locking away" resources.

Edited by Brimir
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Of course there is a problem, as evident by the complaining going on on the forums. You are cleary in the minority thinking it is OK.


People complain about everything and anything on the forums; you can't base the opinion of the entire community on a vocal minority anyway, both of which are FOR or AGAINST it since the majority are silent. As with changes made in previous patches, people complained about them then began to roll with it.


Seriously, the only true problem, as it stands now, is the Mutagen cost for the new clan weapons as by the time you reach the required Mastery rank to use them from a fresh start, you'd have the required resources to make it 10 times over since the Orokin Derelict Navs drops like popcorn in missions and a easy to craft with very common resources.


What you are complaining about is a change in the way the resource is gathered from the viewpoint of someone who's been in the game for ages and that change was introduced while you're already high ranked. New players won't face this problem because, as I said, by the time they'll have gotten to the required mastery rank to use those weapons, they'll have had enough runs into the Derelicts to have the Masses needed to craft it.


It's the same purpose as some of the prime weapons and frames that are dropped in the void; only now, in a resource form. The same kind of displeasure would have happened if it wasn't  Mutagen Masses but a whole new kind of resources that started to drop from the Derelicts only this time, both new and old players would have started on the same footing instead of new ones working to get there while the old ones got &!$$ed because a once readily available resource is now slightly harder (and that's highly debatable) to get.

Edited by Wiegraf
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It made absolutely zero sense whatsoever to lock mutagen away in the Derelict. Why would anyone even attempt to play Jupiter/Eris missions now aside from very specific cases like Xini, or the bosses for frame parts? How would it make sense in the lore??

I mean, sure so they plan on re-making Jupiter as the upcoming gas planet, and that's a reasoning behind locking all that derelict and new golem content behind the key grind wall. You know what, fine, at least you have an explanation for it. It's not a GOOD explanation, but it's a reasonable one nonetheless. But there is ZERO reasoning for locking all the mutagen in the Derelict grind-wall, aside from strong-arming players into "playing" the Derelict if they want access to the new lab content. Couldn't they have simply kept mutagen on Eris and Jupiter, and simply changed Jupiter's lab mat when the gas planet comes out? And even if for whatever technical reason they do have to remove mutagen from Jupiter now, what about Eris? It's still a completely infested planet, so why is it dropping FIELDRON??

If DE really wanted to increase the longetivity of the Derelict, then they should have made the Derelict a new planet like the Phobos from the start, to increase ease of access and enjoyability! Just like with Phobos, I know I would at least have been playing that planet for a week non-stop before I consider playing a different planet! As it is with the key system, I've only played Derelict twice (once on my own, once leeching off a clanmate), and I STILL haven't so much as SEEN the new Golem! And once I DO fight the Golem a few times (enough to satisfy my curiosity in him, regardless of whether i get Nekros or not), I'm not ever going to touch the Derelict again, not because I got its loot, but because it's so friggin' ANNOYING to get in!

Seriously, I really want to see what they did with the Armor 2.0 system. I want to see how bad they manage to screw THAT up and kill the entire game with it.

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i can understand the jupiter change, with the intent to switch it to corpus soon, BUT STILL why switch it before?

the eris change though... there is just no good reason

this was a total $&*^ move by DE about the mutagen famine

infested as a faction should drop mutagen WHEREVER they are, regardless of location

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Not really.


The donation is paltry for a Ghost Clan (it is like 25-26 Samples for 1 research), and that has nothing to do with individual player requirements; doesn't matter how big my clan is I still need 100 Mutagen Samples to make Dual Ichor.


Actually the research for ghost clans for the Dual Ichor, Embolist, Djinn and synapse are 25, 30, 60 and 65 respectivly.


The issue is more now that new players dont ever need to go to the derelict to unlock the solarsystem, previously simply unlocking Juipter and Eris would have given a base ammount of mutagen while unlocking nodes on these planets.  Lets face it no new player is going to Eirs anytime soon without having put in a good chunk of grind anyway meaning the reality is they would be mostly getting the mutagen from Juipter.


Players likely would still go to the derelicts, even just for the fun of it as I'm sure many players do voids even when they dont need the end of mission rewards, likely for control modules, but maybe for fun too.

Though given the derelicts have both Neurodes and O-Cells (abet in very skint amounts) that is a nice incentive for the chance to get 2 types of rare resource in the one location (if they droped reasonably).


An alternative could of been to have mutagen masses drop (abet much less frequently than samples) in the derelects and the samples in juipter and eris.  That way you are better off going to the derelect but can do just normal planets, to get them too.

Again a carrot approach is always better than a stick (and warframe has too much stick already).


That said given the post title I doubt DE is gona take this thread seriously.

Edited by Loswaith
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