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"Mechanic" Vauban Rework Concept


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Respect to Rahetalius, the second 1000 forma god. "current confirmed 1000 forma gods"  Rahetalius the Ascended Vauban Prime    Dinosaur the Ascended Chroma Prime
Aaalright, Vauban rework time. I know there is a rework "in the works" but I'd like to give an attempt at giving DE ideas. And actually this inspiration came from my most recent post, Trial V2, where I thought it'd be cool if Vauban could deploy rollers too. That makes sense. So hey, here I am covering Vauban rather than putting up 3 different topics I probably should be talking about... oh well. You will see me credit Rahe alot during this, mostly because he's one of the few players that actually understand Vauban in depth. Honestly Rahe, thanks for posting so much content about him, and thanks to Brozime, Tac, and Life of Rio for also creating videos that I used to help create this. Unfortunately though, I cannot add too many things such as drones like tactical suggested, he would become too strong of a warframe with over 11 abilities.
This concept will seem really complex, and yes it has it's complex parts. However what you should grasp is that all warframes have a very complex modding system. If you go to any warframe and look at their abilities for the wiki, you get blown away with info. All abilities are actually more simple than they appear. Even Atlas who is prized for being so simple has a massive list of information. 


My goal is to make Vauban and all of his abilities overall better, but in a skill capped way and keeping him unique. This... wasn't actually that easy... The first thing I have to clarify is that Vauban's survivability is the same as banshee, survive through skill. I also wanted to hammer down the theme of, him being a mechanic or engineer. Next he needs to have some way to assist teams. We've all got it down, Vauban is the KING of crowd control. This is undeniable as he can stun enemies with tesla, hold them into the air with bastille, trip enemies that come too close, and create a massive vortex that does as much damage as his hopes of actually getting a rework soon.
If I have to say one thing about the guy it's that he feels oh so isolated from his team. By that I mean he has no way to support a team other than cc. He can't boost damage, he can't provide healing, or assist in killing. before this wasn't an issue as every frame held a specialization unique to them and only them. Warframes were highly specialized and dominated their place in the game. However more frames came around and older frames got reworked, he now NEEDS something other than CC. So... whats the best way to keep Vauban the way he is, but also make him feel like he adds to a team? Well CC is a form of support so, make him a support warframe right? I needed to be careful to make him different from the supports like Trinity, Hildryn, Harrow, Octavia, and Equinox and Titanya. I also wanted him to have a wide variety of playstyles. For example he CAN be a support, or he can choose to spend his time on traps by setting up grenades everywhere. Vauban can either be selfish or helpful. However all playstyles for him revolve around defense, scaling damage, supporting the team by debuffs and armor, or using an under rated melee system.

Another thing, I'll be focusing on following several rules for this, "Vauban willingly sacrifices his own safety in the name of mayhem, use him wisely tenno"
                                                                                                     "This is Vauban, focused and methodical. Vauban creates a deadly environment for his enemies"
                                                                                                     "Well versed in the art of trapping, he is a master of the unexpected"
I will also be focusing on functionality, traps, flexibility, chaos, support, and crowd control with his own unique way of dealing damage.

I understand this will be a VERY complex rework for DE to tackle if they even decide to act on this for Vauban's new rework. But i honestly think this gives you a huge amount of playstyle options. I don't expect DE to copy this, or even find it, but I'd like to hopefully direct some attention to that Vauban needs a rework just as badly as Wukong. 

Ok so again, Quick rundown of what this rework "Mechanic" concept will give Vauban.
Build Variety / Armor stripping / scaling damage / Overshield and Armor with abilities / Arcane interactions /  More engineer feel / Team play viability / high skill cap / Channeling viability / Transporter

Vauban Prime
Armor 50 100
Energy 225 225 increased to 250 250
Health 300 300 lowered to 225 225
Shields 225 300 Increased to 250 325
Sprint Speed 1.10 1.10

Passive: Dismantle, Vauban deals 25% extra damage to enemies who are incapacitated or unable to move.
*Honestly, solid passive DE, now why does VAUBAN of all frames get a good passive and Ember doesn't... beyond me."

So to start we now have more energy which means quick thinking is now viable for Vauban in case he needs it. Also with this rework he will be throwing more grenades/traps out so he does need the boost. I've also given him more shields because he will now be a more shield and overshield warframe. Shields also interact with his abilities so keep that in mind. Increased shields are also to make him more viable for certain arcanes such as Aegis. Everything else kinda remains the same. He will also have a very high skill cap where players that know exactly how to use him can pull of more elaborate setups and know the most efficient places to put down traps.

Ability Description    Ability Tips    Augment    Ability Name     {{{{{ABILITY #}}}}}    Me talking   *Tips*

S = Affected by Power Strength       D = Affected by Power Duration
E = Affected by Power Efficiency     R = Affected by Power Range

Warframe Unique Exilus: Engineer If vauban's first companion is robotic, Vauban can take a second sentinel into the mission.

{{{{{ABILITY 1}}}}}

Minelayer All mines cost 20 energy
Ok originally i wasn't going to say how SDER mods would affect these things... but I've got time and sanity to spare, so heyyyyy lets try... -.- I'm going to regret this.
Rotate between a variety of different traps and grenades that Vauban can place down to damage enemies. By using the mouse scroll wheel, Vauban can rotate between his abilities. This is a much more efficient way to rotate between abilities.
-Once a mine is exhausted, Vauban can walk over used mines to pick them up for 5 energy.

Ok so yeah, this is a really cool idea I came up with. I went through several iterations of how you can possibly switch between abilities. Since this is still somewhat clunky i'm interested to hear what options you guys have. I didn't do much research on finding various ways to rotate abilities so what do you guys think could work? imo the mouse wheel saeems to be the most effective and quickest way to switch abilities.

     Tesla 100s duration Vauban throws out a grenade that zaps enemies up to 15 meters for 100 damage with a 20% status chance. For every enemy zapped, Tesla gains .1X damage. If it hits 10 enemies damage is increased to 100%, if it hits 20 enemies, damage is increased by 200% and so on. Tesla that are close together have their damage linked. Damage is capped at X15 or 150% or 150 enemies.
-Every tesla that is linked increases this cap by 1X
     -For example if you have 5 tesla linked together and each of them are at 15X damage after zapping 150 targets, their new maximum is 20X with 200 enemies zapped.
-Arc damage starts at 100, after zapping 150 people and the tesla reaches 15X damage, each zap from Tesla deals 1500 damage.
-Arc damage starts at 100, if linked to 5 more Tesla and all of them zap 200 people to reach 20X damage, each tesla zaps enemies for 2,000 damage.
-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything
-Throwing Tesla on allies grants them 100% chance to not chain lightning to allies
-When pressing z, Vauban can see who has a tesla on them, and how many
   -Example (Violet_Xe) *Tesla symbol* with an X4 next to it.
-If Tesla is charged for 3 seconds, Vauban releases three tesla and status chance is increased.
-When charged, Tesla has a 60% status chance.

S = Increases or decreases Tesla damage and Tesla status chance                  D = Increases or decreases Tesla duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of mine.                                              R = Increases or decreases Tesla arcing range // every 20% above 100 grants 1 extra arc.

     Bounce 100s duration Vauban throws out a grenade that will place a bouncing pad on the ground. walking over bounce causes warframes to lightly jump into the air *unique animation* and gain a 35% speed bonus to dodges, rolls, back flips, and knockdown recovery for 30 seconds. Enemies that walk over Bounce mines are hit for 200 magnetic damage and get rag dolled into the air. 
-Bounce disappears after 4 uses.
-Only 5 bounces are allowed to be out on the field.

-Bounce will rag doll enemies into the air once, after landing they are 1.5X more vulnerable to vulnerable to channeling damage.
-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything
-When pressing z, Vauban can see who is under the effect of Bounce
-Bounce SHOULD be able to force enemies off terminals, after all it disappears after 4 uses.

S = Increases or decreases mobility % boost               D = Increases or decreases bounce duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of bounce     R = Increases or decreases bounce radius and the boop from bounce

     Trip Laser 100s duration Vauban deploys a mine which attaches to nearby walls and forms a laser. Enemies that walk into Trip Laser are hit with a magnetic and slash proc. Enemies are also slowed by 15% for every time they trip. Enemies that are hit by trip laser become "tripped".
-Trip Laser can only knock down enemies once. *This means the "Tip Laser Trick" is gone. I think it's honestly far too good, yes it only works on infested but you can literally halt a defense in place. if needed.
-After an enemy has been knocked down, they lay on the ground for 2 seconds before getting up
-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything
-Vauban can see all enemies who have been "tripped" through walls with a glowing outline of his energy color
-R.I.P Trip Laser Trick sorry he's got too much hard cc. But you get a slow.
-If Trip Laser is charged for 3 seconds rather than thrown, all enemies that are currently "tripped" become effected by radiation. This would be called "Rad Tripping"
   -Rad Tripping costs 10 energy.

S = Increases or decreases Trip Laser damage and slow         D = Increases or decreases Trip Laser Duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of Trip Laser             R = Increases or decreases range Trip Laser can extend to

     Barrier 60s duration Vauban deploys a mine on an ally. Barrier will give them armor equal to how much damage their shields have taken from max. If 225 shields are lost, 112.5 armor is gained. If 4000 shields are lost, 2000 armor is gained.
-Barrier does not stack, only effects 1 per player
-Barrier does not take into account overshield. If a warframe has overshield, there is no armor granted.
-3000 armor limit maximum, because you're not allowed to be invincible hildryn and mag.
-If charged for 3 seconds like Tesla and Trip Laser, barrier is applied to Vauban.
-When pressing z, Vauban can see who is under the effect of Barrier, for how long, and how much armor they are reviving
-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything

S = Increases or decreases armor per shield lost        D = Increases or decreases barrier duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of barrier     R = Increases or decreases barrier cast range

     Concuss 100s duration Vauban deploys a mine with a radius of 18m. Every 15 seconds, Concuss releases a concussion pulse. Pulses have a 25% chance to stagger enemies, strip 10% armor, and deafen enemies all enemies within the pulse. Deafen lasts 8 seconds.
-Every pulse reduces enemy armor by 8% up to a maximum of 50%
   -50% max is not able to be changed by any mods.
-Negative duration causes Concuss to pulse more frequently.
-Enemies hit by concuss have 20% aim reduction
-Only 3 concuss can be out at one time

-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything
S = Increases or decreases armor stripping and chance to stagger         D = Increases or decreases concuss duration and stagger duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of Concuss                              R = Increases or decreases pulse range and aim reduction

     Shred Vauban throws a 6m explosive grenade that strips 25% armor / 25% shields. All armor/shielding stripped turns into damage applied to everyone within the radius. For every enemy within the explosion, damage is doubled. Enemies that survive are knocked unconscious and lay incapacitated on the ground for 2 seconds.
-Shred has no multiplication cap.
-Enemies hit by Shred that survive are knocked on the ground unconscious for 2 seconds. Vauban's passive is good, kill them.
-Enemies under the effects of concuss take 2X the damage
-Enemies killed in Vortex by explosive mines cause that enemy to blow up for 100% of their max health, enemies kill by that enemy also explode, and enemies killed by that explode, etc etc

-Can be cast while moving without interrupting anything
S = Increases or decreases damage of Shred armor stripping.    D = Increases or decreases time spent unconscious after explosion
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of barrier                      R = Increases or decreases explosion radius

     Bastille 15s duration Vauban deploys a grenade that raises enemies up into the air. With a radius of 12m, Bastille will slowly drain enemy shields and grant all allies within the Bastille overshield.
-Only 5 Bastille can be deployed at one time.
-Enemies Caught in Bastille take increased damage from Vauban cause passive good on this dude.
-Enemies held up by Bastille before actual encounters will assume a state of unawareness. These enemies will be susceptible to Stealth Damage Multipliers from melee attacks over the ability's duration.
-Enemies that are lifted up by Bastille have a 100% chance to chain tesla to another person

-Can be cast while reloading without interrupting
-Only 10 enemies can be held per Bastille.
-Power Strength no longer effects how many people can be lifted into the air

S = N/A                                                                        D = Increases or decreases Bastille duration
E = Increases or decreases energy drain of Bastille   R = Increases or decreases Bastille radius

     NEEDS AUGMENT Transporter Vauban can charge his throws to cause the mine to have a transporter effect. Vauban can take this transporter to travel to other transporter affected mines. Walking onto a transporter mine facing the general direction of another transporter mine on the map teleports Vauban to the mine Vauban is facing.
-Takes 4 seconds to teleport to the new mine's location. While teleporting Vauban takes 95% reduced damage.
-Natural Talent speeds up teleport animation, but does not speed up the Transporter Charge *This is to make it easier to make sure your Transporter is intended.
-Only Vauban can teleport through these mines.
-Because Shred is turned into an actual mine with the augment rather than an instant explosion, Shred can also be used as a Transporter.
-Because some mines have a charge mechanic anyways, Transporter must be held down for 6 seconds. In cases like Trip Laser, Barrier, or Tesla, if you hold it for more than 3 seconds, it switches to Transporter.
-While near transporter, vauban can see highlights for teleportation locations through walls, this way he knows exactly where he is going.
-Barrier if charged with transporter allows Vauban to teleport to people with barrier active on them.

   Ok so i've made Vauban really flexible and combined pretty much half his current kit into a single ability and then gave him more. Why? well he freaking needs the help. Plus Bastille is a mine, it shares a model with tesla and the other nades so shove it into that skill. Next we have the fact that he has a unique UI. I purposefully made this annoying to switch on the go. This means he has to know what to use and when. Of course DE could just make it like Ivara where you can switch between the different nades at will, I think it better to limit vauban on this. This is because i've made his nades really REALLY strong if used properly. With the variety of nades he has, he can do a bit of damage, but retains that CC king status.
   Ok so i know alot of people dislike tesla, but seriously it's not that bad. It's actually a really good ability. Many people want it removed however it can pretty much 100% status lock an enemy. I'm not getting rid of it, that being said I did want to make room for another ability, Soooo I added it to his bag of toys and buffed it. Also with the new addition of Wisp... DE, seriously? Shock Mote is literally a fully mobile infinite 100% status shock with increased range and increased targets. you can literally only buff tesla's damage. Come on DE, put it in minelayer atleast and give him something else. 
   Also I know that someone is going to say Tesla is that powerful with this rework? Why!? That's so powerful why would an ability be able to be cast for 100 seconds and deal thousands of damage per second for just 25 energy!? Well, ehem... Saryn, Garuda, Octavia, Mesa, Equinox, Ivara and even Atlas if you mod him right... Need I say anything? They do vastly more damage, can keep it going for longer, and have an aoe scaling ability that shreds anything and everything. In octavias case, 23k dps to all enemies in a 45m radius. which can be tripled with her ult... soooooo, we cool? no? it wasn't made to damage things? well... i wanted you to have a way to build Tesla. If you want to make the literal definition of a minefield, and for it to be effective, then screw it fine. but it'll cost you energy, time, and effort. Go for it. I try to make all abilities viable in some sense. Now if he ends up being too strong, the first thing i'd nerf would be the tesla damage of course. 
   An Argument i'm sure that will come up is, why does Vauban get such a powerful ability like barrier? well for one it only takes effect if the shield is gone. If you get sniped or shot for say 2000 damage, barrier is useless. It requires the one thing that regenerates quickly to have a constant damage on it. Plus with Vauban's overshield focus, this won't really be helping him or his team unless you're a frame that literally destroys their shields. Hildy and Vauban have incredible synergy with this ability. It's also worth noting that this doesn't really make tank frames other than hildryn any stronger. Inaros, Rhino, Nezha, Nekros, Valkyr, Mesa, or other frames much stronger. They have low shielding and rely more on armor/health/damage reduction. Frames such as Zephyr, Frost, Hildryn, Volt, Harrow, and Hydroid benefit from this far FAR more than the normal tanks. Plus it's not like hildy or mag would attempt to keep you at over shield level anyways. 

Minelayer Augment: Trapper, If another trap is placed within 6s of the first, the cost of that grenade/mine is cut in half.
-Tesla now directly links together creating a sort of gate for enemies that walk through. 
-Bounce now also gives Higher bullet jumps, triple jumps, and longer slides.
-Tripped enemies now explode for 10% of their max health upon death.
-Barrier reflects 1000% damage back to attacker. *This works even on iron skin, warding halo, shatter shield, focus trees, and arcanes*
     -Barrier will not reduce any damage taken. if you're hit for 200 you take 200 damage. Barrier will only cause that 200 to be ramped up and 2000 damage is also applied to attacker.
     -Damage reduction does not reduce the amount of damage that is reflected back to enemies.
-Concuss now has a 40% chance to stagger baseline and opens enemies up to finishers.
-Shred now deploys a pressure plate that once walked over explodes in a specific element according to Vauban's energy color. (Red to fire // White to ice // purple to electricity // green to toxin)
-Bastille has a chance to repel enemies it cannot pick up every 4s. After being pushed away, enemies lay on the ground for 2 seconds unconscious before getting up.
-Grants access to transporter

Ok so this Augment is an augment to everything, but I also took a bit of inspiration from Valkyrs augment but... you know... useful. Every nade thrown consecutively means that if you know how to trap quickly and where to place the traps, then you're golden and you save tons of energy. Plus you now have more ways to do damage and everything just gets more convenient. I made this Augment mostly focused on a Trapping play style rather than throw stuff randomly and hope it works. You now think like a trapper 😄

*During survivals, defense, Defection, or other missions where you need to go from place to place over and over, using Transporter can help vauban get from place to place in times of need. For example, Vauban can be the only warframe to effectivly solo Defection by placing Transporters at terminal A B and C.*
*Bastille benefits turrets, try to set them up around turret placements*
*Concuss and Trip Laser are two cornerstone components of his kit, try to have as many enemies affected by these abilities as possible*
*Concuss with Trapper can help Vauban with a Citadel Steampunk build due to him getting benefits from finishers*
*Hildryn and Vauban together assist in making their team able to take some serious hits and still survive with Barrier Mines*
*Place Triplasers and Tesla's near each other to maximize the amount of time tesla can stack their damage and harm enemies*
*Placing a line of tesla across the map allows tesla to be linked together dealing more damage and also cc enemies in different places*
*Placing Tesla close to a Vortex greatly helps in boosting damage that Vauban can do to enemies close to his traps*
*Shred grenades help knockdown enemies letting him finisher enemies for Citadel Steampunk and also give his trait an extra bonus to damage*
*Spacing out Concuss by 2 seconds each helps as you now have a pulse every once in awhile that staggers enemies. This helps Vauban avoid damage*
*Having negative duration can cause concuss to become an armor stripping tool.*
*Bounce is VERY useful in avoiding damage and allows Vauban to move in ways other warframes can only dream of*
*Charging tesla is a very useful way to instantly stack damage up to a X17 limit, With Natural talent and the change to the ease of energy, tesla can create a literal minefield that can do upwards of 6k damage a second to all enemies that stand in this area of electrical death.*

{{{{{ABILITY 2}}}}}

Sentry Turret Drain 50 / Damage 75 35 puncture 35 slash 5 impact / Duration 75s / Tripped Multiplier 2.5X damage / Falloff 70m
S = Increased turret rate of fire // Increased Tripped damage multiplier
E = Lower drain cost // More ammo regenerated per second // 
D = Longer turret life time
R = Increases the falloff range *Mostly used for PoE and Vallis builds* // Increased turret accuracy // Turrets have a larger cone.

Vauban stops briefly to deploy a turret. This turret is an automated sentry that mows down all enemies in at 45 degree angle from it's placement. If Vauban or any other teammate is on a turret, it will deploy a frontal shield that blocks all incoming damage from the front. If a warframe is in control of the turret, it gains bonus damage to "tripped" enemies. Warframes with Barrier on them have a small buble form around the turret to protect them from all angles. 
-Tripped enemies have a *energy color* highlight
-Turret can only shoot enemies from 50 meters away.

-Sentry changes energy color based on whoever is in control of it at the moment, if it is on auto then Vauban's energy color is shown.
-2 Turrets can be placed down at once
-Turret can be modded in the orbiter with Rifle mods.
-Turrets have 1 higher threat level than Vauban.
-Turret ammo works like an Archgun / Cycron
-Turrets benefit from Vauban's passive as well, dealing increased damage to incapacitated targets
-Turrets that are mounted by allies gain a firerate bonus.

Ok so the idea of turret is that it can effectively protect you, and you can do more damage to enemies if Vauban is doing his job right. This is meant to give Vauban a more mechanic feel but also hardcore going into defense frame. Stationary turret Vauban places down which is pretty useless in auto but really REALLY powerful with an operator, as in a warframe operator... a warframe controlling the thing... JUST MOUNT THE DAMN GUN.... k                         -Totally not inspired by Bastion from OW

Sentry Turret Augment: Sentry Munitions, Turrets have a 10m aura called Sentry Munitions, this augment isn't effected by ANY mods.
-Turrets can no longer be mounted.
-Allies under the effect of Sentry Munitions have a 50% larger clip
   -Power strength mods effect this.
-Allies under the effect of Sentry Munitions have a 50% reload speed increase
   -Negative duration lowers Sentry Munitions reload time.
   -Going over 200% duration causes Sentry Munitions to cause allies to reload slower than normal
-Allies under the effect of Sentry Munitions have a 50% less recoil (Efficiency mods)
   -Efficiency mods effect this
-Sentry Munitions causes turret to attack enemies that have been marked by Sentry Munition shots.
-Sentry turret can attack enemies marked by Sentry Munitions from farther away.
   -Sentry Munitions boosts attack range by 500% on enemies that have been marked.
-Enemies hit with Sentry Munitions cause sentry turrets to deal 50% more damage to target.
   -Damage boost to Sentry munition targets is able to be boosted by Power Strength

*Using turrets near vortex and Bastille greatly increases damage output of sentries due to them benefiting from Vauban's passive*
*Sentries are rapid fire guns, so usually status mods would be effective*
*Allies can see enemies behind walls and cover if they're on sentries, this allows for ambushes and prediction of enemies*
*Sentries can be completely unmanned, while it is less effective, this can be countered through maximization of Concuss and Trip Lasers*
*If Sentries are being used with Steam Engine* They can assist in increasing cool down reduction and they become more useful to Vauban*
*if built for range, turrets can be used within open worlds which increases his viability for more modern content*

{{{{{ABILITY 3}}}}}

Citadel Steampunk Drain 75 / Duration 25s / Channeling efficiency 90% / Channeling Damage 250% / Channeling Damage Boost Per kill 5%
S = Increases Channeling Damage Baseline // Increases channeling % damage per kill // Increased casting time
E = Lower drain cost // More ammo regenerated per second
D = Longer Citadel Steampunk timer. 
R = Increases range of enemies that are dragged in.

Vauban vents some anger upon his foes and gains 90% Channeling Efficiency and 250% Channeling damage. With every enemy killed, Vauban deals more channeling damage and finished enemies faster with every kill Sentry Turret also gains a damage boost equal to the EXTRA channeling damage gained from kills.
-Every kill with channeling gives Vauban an extra 5% channeling damage
-Infinite scaling to Channeling damage
-Finishers pull in enemies from 5m away with a magnetic proc
-Ability can be recast to prevent loss of stacks. You are punished hard for forgetting to cast this.
-Turrets get a damage boost equal to Vauban's Channeling damage % received from enemy kills. Effect lingers on turrets for 10 seconds.
   -Even if Steampunk Citadel Steampunk is recast within the 10s, the damage will not be saved.
   -No mods effect this effect lingering at all. It always sits at 10s
-90% channeling does not stack and is not affected by any mods whatsoever. You are not allowed to have free channeling damage, no!
-Vauban ignores enemy shielding on channeling finishers if they are tripped while Citadel Steampunk is active.

Ok imma be honest, I just wanted to add a channeling ability. But it makes some sense no? Steampunk is often seen as a weird sci-fi and not the most effective sci-fi right? I mean compared to the usual orokin or XCOM type of future tech, steampunk kinda falls short in appearance. Well channeling is kinda the same way. It's archaic and not very modern due to it not having been updated since . Well I find it a perfect way to reference the Citadel skin and also make Vauban have scaling damage. Combined with a channeling Zaw or channeling weapons, and the correct build, i think Vauban could honestly be the first frame to make Channeling a legitimate way to deal damage. Anyway you look at it, this ability is kinda just a boost to melee weapon damage, just in a very unique way. of course I have been pushing for channeling to be a legitimate fighting style for awhile... 😰 sad times.
There is actually another reason why Citadel Steampunk is a good idea for Vauban. If anyone remembers, he came released with several weapons. One being the Fraggor Prime, a heavy weapon aka "A WEAPON THAT THE MORTIER SKIN SHOULD WORK ON..." but yeah ok fine that doesn't work on it. Regardless the Fraggor prime has a 1.8X channeling multiplier. So this would encourage you to use Vauban Prime with his actual weapon rather than say a Galatine or atterax. It would also make his melee make sense for the warframe it came out with no?

Citadel Steampunk Augment: Steam Engine, Every enemy killed by channeling or turrets, the first three abilities all gain 1s to their duration and vauban gains 5% overshield.
-Finishers increase first three abilities by 2 seconds and grant 10% over shields
-Steam Engine boost can be increased by duration mods
-Efficiency boosts overshield% gained

Steam Engine is meant to be a special way to say Vauban doesn't need to keep spamming his abilities if he's active. If you keep interacting and supporting the team, you get rewarded for your actions. You don't need to recast citadel steampunk as often. Vortex would be the only exception to this because well, that would make the augment for vortex worthless. I can't give you absolutely everything. However with this ability, turrets, mines, and your steampunk keep getting longer and longer, conserving energy if you take an active part in fighting. This solves your little issue of needing to recast abilities such as vortex, tesla, trip laser, sentry turret, and means you can toss out more Shreds.

*The use of Arcane Trickery or Ultimatum makes you survivable on finishers to help Vauban survive, Finishers can either come from melee weapons, concuss, allies, knockdowns, parries, etc*
*Think of using Steam Engine as using channeling energy to continuously recast abilities, the channeling cost is minimal anyways*
*Using Arcane Strike and Fury combined with this makes melee very VERY powerful*
*Try to avoid losing Citadel Steampunk if it is active due to it being one of his scaling abilities and probably his best source of damage*
*Low range weapons are recommended for Citadel builds due to the ability being channeling focused. Lots of energy will be lost if you sweep 20 enemies with a whip and they don't die.*
*Because finishers apply a magnetic proc to enemies, weapons with Condition Overload get a free extra 60% damage*

{{{{{ABILITY 4}}}}}

Vortex Drain 100 / Damage 50 / Range 6m to 7m / Duration 12s
S = Increases damage, pulse damage, and tesla multiplier
E = Lower drain cost // Lower pulse cost
D = Longer life time for Vortex and increases time enemies are affected by Bastille radiation
R = Increases the range vortex drags enemies in and how large the pulse is.

Vauban Creates a whirling mass of energy that violently attracts nearby enemies, crushing their atoms into a tiny spec of matter. Storing pressure, the Vortex explodes, pulsing damage upon ending or being recast.
-Vortex incapacitates and rag dolls enemies, increasing Vauban's damage to them because his passive actually works with his kit... a rare commodity it seems.
-Only 2 Vortex may be deployed
-If Vortex is deployed inside of Bastille, all enemies inside of Bastille are hit with radiation.
-1% Damage Tesla deals to enemies caught in the vortex are permanently added into Vortex's DPS.
-Vortex catches and drags enemies into the center
-If Vauban holds down 4 while a vortex is already active, all vortex currently deployed will emit a pulse equal to 5X the damage that was stored for 10 energy in a radius of 5 meters
   -If the vortex pulses, that does not mean all the damage that was stored is gone. You still keep the damage, it just gets pulsed.
   -Vauban cannot use the pulse again for 5 seconds after using it. No mods effect this.
-If Concuss is within an irradiated Bastille, it's range doubles.

Alright so the point to this was to add some cool interactions with previous abilities and actually make Vortex DO WHAT IT SAYS IT DOES... really it breaks down matter? nope it's like a massive group hug at the moment of me posting this. Soooo Ionize and make the Vortex unstable with teslas, then have it crush your enemies, and make it pulse scaling damage. It's really a simple ability that I just added some functionality to. Vortex is a great ability but too much of a good ability for me to put it into Mine layer. Also it's worth noting that because you have a scaling damage vortex, Perpetual Vortex is valuable now because you can keep it alive which means more damage.

*Tesla can be placed anywhere, however the most effective place would be within the vortex to increase damage and make vortex actually kill enemies*
*Perpetual Vortex is useful because if you keep the vortex alive, you keep an ever growing form of damage.*
*Bastille and Vortex are useful together because it makes enemies that walk inside get hit with radiation, having enemies target the irradiated enemies before tenno or objectives*
*Vortex can be pulsed in order to crush heavy enemies that refuse to die like ancients, gunners, and techs*
*Deploying turrets close to the vortex helps due to sentries getting benefits from Vauban's passive, deploying trip wires inside the Vortex also helps boost turret damage output due to "tripping"*
*Throwing a Shred into a Vortex shreds all enemies within the Vortex. Since it grounds enemies up it's a great way to cause instant damage. You can either pulse Vortex, or throw a shred into the mix.*


Alright so all in all I attempted to keep Vauban as the King of CC, that's one of his strong points. But I also wanted him to feel more like an engineer so I gave him two extra abilities that feel more like an engineer. One has a more practical approach. Turrets feel like something a mechanic or engineer would put down in the middle of battle. but if were talking trapper, I want to increase damage output if Trip laser is walked over. Trip laser slows and stuns enemies, and while they're down have turrets gun them down. Turrets make Trip Laser viable. The other has a unique damage style using channeling. I may have missed some things such as what mods affect what powers and such, so if you think I kinda missed something that would break him feel to call me out on that. I'll try to change it. I'll also be making edits to this rework in the future if i see any cool ideas or if i think he should get some tweaks to balance his kit as it's entirely possible I over tuned him.

To finish this concept I want to tell you all the different build that can come from this, or at least the ones I think can come from this. I can't say for sure because I don't have access to Dev tools and I can't see the future so heyyyyy 😄. If he is over tuned, i'd say nerf the damage on Tesla a tiny bit. Feel free to leave feedback, negative, positive, pointless, or constructive. I find all of it useful. If you have your own idea feel free to share it. I'd like DE to have a wealth of ideas when they rework him.

"Covert Citadel" Vauban- A Vauban that uses Finisher Arcanes, Citadel Steampunk for increased stacking damage, and Concuss to open enemies to finishers obviously using Covert Lethality.
"Bastion Trapper" Vauban- A Vauban that deploys tripwires to "trip" enemies and mow them down with sentry turrets for increased damage.
"Trapping Grenadier" Vauban- Trappers wold be Vauban that focus 100% into their mines. Kinda like the Vauban's we have now, Vortex, Bastille, Shred, Concuss, Just now with more to offer.
"Perpetual Radiation" Vauban- creating a defense of Vortex and irradiated Bastille's around the map to cause chaos.
"Lazy" Vauban- Throws down mines, vortex, and deploys auto turrets, then afks.... screw these players 😄 jk jk I know someone would do this. But hey you do you. different play styles for diff people
"Endless Engine" Vauban- A Vauban that has built around trip lasers, tesla, turrets, and steam engine for Citadel Steampunk to create a death machine that racks up damage in a specific area.


Now I'm gunna talk about my other projects so if you're only here for Vauban you can just skin this. Currently i'm thinking of creating a "Psychic" Nyx, "Fairy Queen" Titanya, or even a Corpus Raid because they said they were reworking a corpus ship next so yeah that's my plans for future posts. Also I was working on a Wukong rework but em, yeah no point in doing that now right hahaha. If I had to pick my favorite topic I'd say I'm torn between creating a Nyx rework, or a a Corpus Raid. At least on a emotional level. I may wait for a bit more raid Feedback before I create another concept but I've got a few fun ideas that are fun little nods to lore and the community. Anyways if you read this far THANKS 😄 really appreciate the read. Also sorry if I sound a tiny bit rude during this, I often wrote this during the night so... apologies if I offended anyone.

-Note to self, post Saturday after you wake up.

Edited by Violet_Xe
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1 minute ago, ChaoticEdge said:

Reading this all paper...


lol well yeah that's kinda warframe for you right? As i said at the top though, if you cut out alot of the useless parts that you typiclly wouldn't think about. the warframe becomes much more simple. Also most of my text is just explaining why i did what i did so if you want you can skin or skim over that stuff. The important parts are status, augments, and abilities. But there is some cool stuff in the text if you can find it and I do try to keep it somewhat entertaining. Try being the key word...

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1 minute ago, Ced23Ric said:

So, this is feedback, right? Or are you looking for a discussion with players?

I guess a bit of both? I want DE to take notice that they can do more than just you know, charge balls. But also I find creating stuff like this fun and i want feedback to see if i can make stuff like this better. But because it's sort of a conflict between feedback and creating a concept i'm still not 100% sure where this should go, feedback or fanzone. so at the moment i'm posting in general discussion.

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8 minutes ago, Violet_Xe said:

I guess a bit of both? I want DE to take notice that they can do more than just you know, charge balls. But also I find creating stuff like this fun and i want feedback to see if i can make stuff like this better. But because it's sort of a conflict between feedback and creating a concept i'm still not 100% sure where this should go, feedback or fanzone. so at the moment i'm posting in general discussion.

Fan Zone if you want people to comment. DE won't see it here. Once you are done refining this, maybe with player input, you will need to take a hot knife and cut cut cut cut cut. Your wall of text is way too big, way to expansive.


That is what you need to put above everything else, because right now, it's not processable and not actionable.

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1 minute ago, Ced23Ric said:

Fan Zone if you want people to comment. DE won't see it here. Once you are done refining this, maybe with player input, you will need to take a hot knife and cut cut cut cut cut. Your wall of text is way too big, way to expansive.


That is what you need to put above everything else, because right now, it's not processable and not actionable.

Alright, thanks 🙂 i'll start to put my concepts down in the fanzone from now on

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2 hours ago, Ced23Ric said:

Fan Zone if you want people to comment. DE won't see it here. Once you are done refining this, maybe with player input, you will need to take a hot knife and cut cut cut cut cut. Your wall of text is way too big, way to expansive.


That is what you need to put above everything else, because right now, it's not processable and not actionable.

Alright i moved it to fanzone fan concepts. Some things changed.

Couldn't do much about the massive amount of text, I tried but eh. All of the ability reasoning for the change was however moved down to the bottom in it's own section for organizational purposes. I've also retyped most of the descriptions so it makes more sense and isn't using the same words over and over, that way it's less boring to read. not much but it's something. I also made a couple stat changes to the abilities. Hope that helps a bit. Thanks for the advice 🙂

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