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How Burnt-Out Are You?


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I like hopping on and just shooting stuff, still, after 600+ hrs. But I'm getting REALLY burned out trying to get stuff in the void.


150+ runs trying to get the Paris Prime BP, still nothing. I understand RNG, but this is no longer fun. And with their latest change to void drops, 4 formas in 6 runs. Latron prime galore too before the patch. I think I could've easily made 20 of them.

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I just passes 400 hours in-game (I think), and at this point my burn-out levels are pretty much zero.


Why you ask?


Because I play this game for fun.


I don't grind out content to get everything a week after it is released, instead I play a few missions a day, more on weekends as a way to relax after my day. 


If I get tired of warframe I have more work to do and other games to play.


Grind? What grind?

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Not one bit, and i have been playing since OBT came out, never taken a break, yep


ill tell you my secret...




you sure you are ready?




ffs if something comes out you dont have to @(*()$ get it the same @(*()$ day it was released, quit worrying about your Epeen, i finally got the ember helmet, yep after months since it came out, and guess what? i was there for the first alert it showed up, and i decided to X out of the game.

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1000+ hours. Forma'ing each and every weapon/frame I like to the max, hoping that one day the game will implement the appropriate challenge justifying their use.


Still looking for each and every ninja-parkour-trick spots in each and every room of the game.


Killing stuff is just as fun as ever.


Still moaning for the lack of co-op though.

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Somewhat burned out. I've been feeling pretty burned since the Glaive update. Burned out by the RNG drop rate, the endless crummy reward in defense, the low rate of newer void keys, etc. The connection issues to friends are pretty big motivation killers as well. Then U10 comes along and kick the mutagen samples in the teeth... My new hobby is to make a totem pole of Mag Prime's head.

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I haven't burnt out yet, still liking the game alot, but I feel now that I just hit rank 7 i may start to slow down (at least that's how most people feel). I like the game play though so i'm sure i'll be playing this for a long while. Also i have tons of stuff yet to acquire



So, what are your feelings on the burn-out? Are you feeling it?...


Made me think of this lol

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I'm burnt out. I don't really care about mastery rank or unlocking every stage or getting every warframe.


I love the frames I have now and that's good enough for me.


I pretty much just play to get 1 of every mod released and to make my account future ready if they do make the necessary edits to the game to give it more zest and longevity. I challenge myself while I'm on with solo content and absurdly difficult tasks to keep the game fresh, but it has been stale for me for a few weeks now.


My favorite part of Warframe is messing around with weapon/frame mod builds, but since most of the new mods aren't working as intended or plain bad it hasn't helped me maintain much interest. Coolant Leak, Self Destruct, the blocking mods, all very interesting...except they don't do much/work properly as they are now.

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I do a mission or two, get bored, surf reddit, come back, try and farm Twin Grims, bored again.  I wasted the last of my plat on the U10 bundle because I honestly don't care and will not be playing in a short time anyways.  But it helps me waste time waiting on the big upcoming games like The Elder Scrolls Online and GTAV for the pc (I believe!)

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1. if you really get a REAL burnout  @a game u got some SERIOUS problems and should go see a psycho-doc


2. if we call this burn out "bored?" than yea.. that affects me right now.


im a collector.. and so every patch for me is "oh new weapon. must get asap!"   (ofc same with frames and sentinels etc)


so besides some golem runs.. all i did since update 10 was  void VOID aaaaaaaand.. guess? void.


now i ONLY need that damn boar prime reciever to have all weapons ingame again (at least for this patch)


sometimes u enjoy it.. sometimes u hate it.


and my question is.. can DE even change this? how do you want to change a COOP game so dramaticly that u can do different stuff besides grinding gear ? i doubt it guys...


they can add new planets.. they can even add a complete NEW enemy race.. but to be honest... after 2-3 weeks youve seen it all... and than the boredom starts again.



i also cant do much except to forma the crap out of frames or weapons (which i already do.. i hate it when all stuff is 30... must be forma'd again lol)


i got a solid playtime from 370 hours and mastery rank 12,6 (nearly 13 so)


and i play since update 7.0



BUT when i get bored. i just do some other stuff. and maybe play other games (if i play something). and than i dont play warframe for 2-5 weeks. or maybe ONLY 2-3 hours  if an event is coming.

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I'm a little burnt out.

I have 8 or 9 Mag Prime helmets and none of her other parts.

0 parts of the new weapons that came with Mag Prime.

4 or 5 Nekros' chassis, 1 helmet and 0 systems.

8 Miter Barrels and 5+ of its other parts except for chassis of which I have 0.

1 Twin Gremlin bp and no other parts.


I've also been trying to get the 5 new prime weapons (orthos, braton, bronco, fang, paris) since they came out and I have 5+ of various parts for all of them but I'm missing one for all of them so I can't make any. Just the bit about the prime weapons made me take a break for a few weeks. Signed in for the log-in rewards but that's basically it. It has even made me wonder if that is support ticket worthy lol (probably not, kind of a joke.... it did cross my mind)


   Came back just recently and the first bit of my post about Mag Prime and Nekros happened. Doesn't really encourage me to play.... So I've been doing easy solo missions with favorite frames and weapons while trying to ignore the part of me that says "I gotta have the new stuff!" lol I had forgotten that the gameplay is actually fun when your not running in the same place over and over. Playing to play. Haven't done that since just before Frost Prime and his weapons came out

Edited by 7.T.
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