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Any chance for Liset Prime again?


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Hello there,


could it be possible to bring back Liset Prime one more time? I know that some accessories are bound to their respective frames but as I notice, this isn't always the case. an example would be the Prime Targis armor that was release with 2 different frames some time apart from each other, so technically it should be possible.

I'm asking because I started playing Warframe some time after it got released with Valkyr, and the operator suit which from what I've seen looks cool. I don't know who designs prime parts or who came up with the color scheme for Orokin stuff but you have my compliments.

Now, I know that it's just a loading screen and it has no other value besides that (like a Prime interior would be awesome in the future maybe?) but please don't belittle me for this request.


Thank you and happy Tennocon

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