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Buff Supra? I Think It Would Be Nice, Do You Think It Would Be Nice? Huh? (Dataz Inside)


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Personally, I'd rather it be differentiated by dealing laser damage like the Dera and laser doing something special aside from being able to headshot Corpus.

Giving supra laser damage would work too.  If laser damage disintegrated killed NPC(took priority over ALL other cc effect mods equipped) or had an inherent puncture and/or CC effect it would make supra have a clear use. There are many ways DE could make laser unique from bullet damage by just taking a look at other games.


In Fallout 3: The laser and plasma weapons were unique from normal weapons because they resulted in that Ai being turned into piles of ash or splashes of green goo.

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Soma just needs a reworking, it throws off the balance of weapon progression, its easy to get, has the highest damage output of none-armor ignoring weapons, with two V polarity slots, high rate of fire, huge magazine, pretty fast reload time(almost as fast as a Braton), insane crit chance and crit damage, better bullet spread then gorgon, not travel time and the rank requirement of 3 for all this. No, this weapon at the very least with statistics like this should have a rank requirement of 7 or 8. or have some of its stats tweaked to be better then a Gorgon but not the Supra, Supra is fine on its stats, Soma is not.

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 No, this weapon at the very least with statistics like this should have a rank requirement of 7 or 8. or have some of its stats tweaked to be better then a Gorgon but not the Supra, Supra is fine on its stats, Soma is not.

Supra isn't even on par with flux rifle or Ogris. Supra shouldn't remain a rank 7 weapon even if soma didn't exist(Scott said he would lower mastery if a weapon deserved it). Nothing about it is worth it being expensive or locked behind mastery requirements. Why acrid is nearly 3x stronger than supra say something about the bar that supra isn't hitting. Scott said he is going to give soma a MUCH higher mastery requirement(I wouldn't be surprised if resource cost were quadrupled).

Edited by LazyKnight
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I smell some balance being thrown off in the future here.

You guys attack people who have perspectives contrary to popular views. It's disgusting, this community is disgusting...Soma should be worse than the Supra, but better than the Gorgon. Soma needs a RoF drop, as well as a magazine capacity drop to bring it in-line.



It's not even a question whether the soma is OP'd, why would such a cheap and easy to obtain weapon out perform a weapon that took about 10 days to craft, costed forma and can only be obtained through clan research (meaning you have to build all the dojo parts, yes forma again ;..).


Give the Supra a V polarity slot, take away the two V slots from the soma, would be a good and fair start to balance those guns out. At least it would take some work to get the soma to its actual level, as it is now, it's just a slap in the face to all those who spent tons of credits, mats, forma and time to build the dojo and its weapons.


Please DE show some consistency !



They threw the Soma out there at the Nth hour, with little consideration for progression with the weapon, it deserves some kind of nerf.

The game seriously needs a balance patch and it didn't happen yesterday.


I agree with the Soma needing a slight nerf, but I disagree with this popular chant of 'nerf nerf nerf' whenever a weapon out performs your old powerhouse. Try being more creative. Not every new weapon needs to be worse than a clan weapon. There should (in my opinion) be non-clan weapons that can hold up, there are players who choose not to join a clan.


Tired of all the bitterness here.  They already said soma will probably get some kind of minor nerf and a much higher mastery rank.


This is all a moot discussion until we know the full extent of the changes in the damage model update anyways.


I agree.

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I agree with the Soma needing a slight nerf, but I disagree with this popular chant of 'nerf nerf nerf' whenever a weapon out performs your old powerhouse. Try being more creative. Not every new weapon needs to be worse than a clan weapon. There should (in my opinion) be non-clan weapons that can hold up, there are players who choose not to join a clan.



I agree.

The problem is, if you don't nerf from time to time you get power creep (though to an extent that's already happening with mastery I suppose).  In all honesty, unless the Soma gets stuck as high as Mastery 8, it needs a nerf.

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The problem is, if you don't nerf from time to time you get power creep (though to an extent that's already happening with mastery I suppose).  In all honesty, unless the Soma gets stuck as high as Mastery 8, it needs a nerf.


Just a quick note, Armor 2.0 would "buff" the Soma even more than the Supra since they are both based on Bullet damage.

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The problem is, if you don't nerf from time to time you get power creep (though to an extent that's already happening with mastery I suppose).  In all honesty, unless the Soma gets stuck as high as Mastery 8, it needs a nerf.


I think a slight nerf and a mastery rank increase would be the best option. I disagree with hard nerfing a weapon just so an older weapon can out perform it. Boo hoo, you spent tons of forma on your Supra. Well, some have done the same with their soma. Power creep is going to happen.

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The only things Supra needs, in my opinion, are a little more accuracy and shorter wind-up time. But if corpus techs benefit from this too, we're screwed.


They would because DE can't code worth a damn. When they buffed the Ingis it gave the same changes to the Grineer Infernos.

Edited by theGreatZamboni
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Supra was perfectly decent until the level hike (and thus armor hike).  Just about the only people that complained about it were those who couldn't lead with it.

I luv' the supra, I never complained about it. You're just trying to drown the fish here, instead of staying on topic. Who could possibly argue in favor of such obvious discrepancies when it comes to balancing the cost and effort it takes to get a weapon with its actual damage output. Doesn't matter if the weapon is in the market or not, but if it's better then anything else out there, shouldn't it also COST (crafting wise) more then anything out there ?

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I like how most people say it sucks, then when buffs are suggested most replies are that it's already OP.

However, I WILL NOT @(*()$ SETTLE FOR THE LOWERING OF MASTERY LEVEL, in order to make this weapon "balanced" out with it's ranked.

To me, that could be one of the most bullS#&$ moves DE could make.

It's basically a major slap in the face. Anyone who says something about lowering its mastery lvl requirement is a complete and utter idiot.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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Supra isn't even on par with flux rifle or Ogris. Supra shouldn't remain a rank 7 weapon even if soma didn't exist(Scott said he would lower mastery if a weapon deserved it). ).

-Lowering mastery is a freaking slap to the face to those who already built it.

-The problem with supra vs flux is in the armor scaling, which is a problem affecting every weapon in the game. If flux did not armor ignore, Supra would have higher dps on higher lvls.

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I like how most people say it sucks, then when buffs are suggested most replies are that it's already OP.

However, I WILL NOT @(*()$ SETTLE FOR THE LOWERING OF MASTERY LEVEL, in order to make this weapon "balanced" out with it's ranked.

To me, that could be one of the most bullS#&$ moves DE could make.

It's basically a major slap in the face. Anyone who says something about lowering its mastery lvl requirement is a complete and utter idiot.



-Lowering mastery is a freaking slap to the face to those who already built it.

-The problem with supra vs flux is in the armor scaling, which is a problem affecting every weapon in the game. If flux did not armor ignore, Supra would have higher dps on higher lvls.


If the high mastery rank requirement is one of the main arguments against it, why would a tweak to said rank be a bad thing? Why does it have to be buffed to meet your expectations?

On topic: I think adding an innate stun to the Supra would be a good move in the right direction. Nothing too high, let the fire rate make up for it.

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 It's basically a major slap in the face. Anyone who says something about lowering its mastery lvl requirement is a complete and utter idiot.

Calling Scott an idiot will not gain you any friends. Calling me an idiot for telling you the truth that it doesn't met the bar acrid set just makes you look like a fool.



-Lowering mastery is a freaking slap to the face to those who already built it.

-The problem with supra vs flux is in the armor scaling, which is a problem affecting every weapon in the game. If flux did not armor ignore, Supra would have higher dps on higher lvls.

I have one, a few of the people that keep commenting on it have never even used one. My implication of saying it doesn't deserve it's rank it to highlight the disparity in the cost to power ratio. I hope DE buffs supra, but I also KNOW this will be huge issues for DE if they let this slide till PS4 release as is.


I am sick of getting into arguments with the anti-power creep trolls that want weapons balanced for level 30 content. If your not happy with your worthless supra take out on them.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If the high mastery rank requirement is one of the main arguments against it, why would a tweak to said rank be a bad thing? Why does it have to be buffed to meet your expectations?

On topic: I think adding an innate stun to the Supra would be a good move in the right direction. Nothing too high, let the fire rate make up for it.

As I said, I built a rank 7 weapon, I expect a rank 7 weapon.

A Braton shouldn't be rank 5.

Lowering its mastery requirement is a slap to the face to those who built the weapon wanting a rank 7 weapon, and is a half &#! way of balancing the game.

I'm not against heightening the rank requirement, but lowering it, especially at the higher rank, is just bullcrap.

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Calling Scott an idiot will not gain you any friends. I am sick of getting into arguments with the anti-power creep trolls that want weapons balanced for level 30 content. Calling me an idiot for telling you the truth that it doesn't met the bar acrid set just makes you look like a fool.

I did not call you anyone an idiot except Scott, though I did not hear of his comment. That and I read your post after my first one, and if I were to call you an idiot, it would be on mastery rank. It was a comment to those in support in lowering its mastery rank.

I know the difference in dps between the acrid and Supra, tyvm. 

*Has both

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DE should buff Soma to rank 7 and decrease the rank of Supra. Everything is fixed. I'm quite annoyed how clan weapons OP every weapon in the shop. There needs to be a balance. We shouldn't have end game weapons at all in the clan crafting first place.

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I did not call you anyone an idiot except Scott, though I did not hear of his comment. That and I read your post after my first one, and if I were to call you an idiot, it would be on mastery rank. It was a comment to those in support in lowering its mastery rank.

I know the difference in dps between the acrid and Supra, tyvm. 

*Has both

Ok, as long as it wasn't direct at me. I have his comment if you want to listen to it:

 At 42:00-45:00 


43:30 if you just want to hear it out of context.

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supra needs a buff badly. I feel like supra and gorgon should have an AOE cone like the ignis, except the AOE is as narrow (perhaps slightly wider than) as their current spread of bullets. So the bullets that appear are just cosmetic, while all enemies within the AOE are damaged. So it looks as if you are using a heavy machine gun to effectively mow down enemies.


This gives gorgon and supra possible crowd control and their damage increases with enemy numbers.


This would also mean supra's bullet speed has to be higher to make the damage on enemies more realistic. This would also mean that both supra and gorgon would have a range limit (which does not affect them much since they are useless past a certain range anyway)


Even better, and in addition, both guns should have a larger magazine and perhaps ammo capacity so they don't have to stop too soon for a long reload.

Edited by Preanette
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I luv' the supra, I never complained about it. You're just trying to drown the fish here, instead of staying on topic. Who could possibly argue in favor of such obvious discrepancies when it comes to balancing the cost and effort it takes to get a weapon with its actual damage output. Doesn't matter if the weapon is in the market or not, but if it's better then anything else out there, shouldn't it also COST (crafting wise) more then anything out there ?

I honestly have no idea what that post meant, sorry.


I wasn't going off-topic at all.  I was simply saying that the Supra was so negatively affected by the armor change that another armor change could fix it.  That's reasonable.  I wasn't even talking about the Soma at the time.  Like I said...  I don't know what you meant by that post.



Agh, I mixed it up; you're mostly right (focus on AP damage because of critical damage, not necessarily because of how critical shots work). Still, that discrepancy is ridiculous.

Oh yes, absolutely.  How much it'll close the gap though remains to be seen.  I just don't think the Supra should be touched until after Armor 2.0 comes out.  That way we have a better idea of where it should go numerically.

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