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7 minutes ago, ChesterThe2nd said:

Yes because if the first thing you see on a pc port are console controls its surely a good thing, btw you know what the first thing i hear from people complaining? "Just download the community mods that fix them" BECAUSE HAVING THE COMMUNITY FIX THE MESS INSTEAD OF THE ONES WHO YOU PAID CASH TO IS TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE HUH?

Give me a break kid, calling me toxic for criticising your favorite, huh? Moron.

I hope that you realized that you proved his point. Gg.....*sigh* Though if your saying that devs should be responsible for their game I do agree with you.

Edited by (XB1)TheNarrowRoad
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1 hour ago, heskaroid said:

awww ya

She's very graceful too on her attacks. But isn't too back to read after you've seen her at least once. She took me 4 tries, first went really well but I wasn't sure of her moves, second she used attacks I didn't know she had, third she grabbed and one-shotted me as soon as it started, and fourth I smacked dat booty.

43 minutes ago, BrownStalin said:

Image result for jontron stop gif

You can't escape your past

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4 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

@Azrael I think I'm gonna practice running some programs with those two :'/ Theory alone won't drill stuff into my head without practical stuffs.

Have yo gotten around to learning to make classes? Once you get there, that's the way to practice. Make a class to do something and include plenty of member functions. Make sure they return different data types, and any time you have no purpose for a return value declare it as a void function. It'll make perfect sense to you before you know it.

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I will most likely be taking an indefinite leave from Warframe, in 15 days or so.


I think I might be giving a give-away according to what my Warframe friends say.


4 Loki P Sets, 1 Frost P Set, 3 Ember P Sets.


...These should be good enough right?

Edited by NativeKiller
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2 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

I will most likely be taking an indefinite leave from Warframe, in 15 days or so.


I think I might be giving a give-away according to what my Warframe friends say.


4 Loki P Sets, 1 Frost P Set, 3 Ember P Sets.


...These should be good enough right?

i'll take it all since i came first

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