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17 hours ago, MagPrime said:

I guess you weren't here when I was being sacrificed once or twice a week.

Probably, sadly. Also does that bodyfluid quote classify as a tennocon worthy quote?

Edited by Skycook3y
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1 hour ago, AerinSol said:

An update on how I'm pwning the event.

I took a rank zero Zephyr to it and got downed only twice while the rest of the team needed to keep getting revived by their special little bird.

gives the birdie a cracker

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3 minutes ago, Skycook3y said:


Why don't you grab your birdie and find out?  ;)

In other news; got 616 on the latest run.  For some reason, I am pumped and want to spend all day tomorrow after work getting a higher score.

There is something wrong with me.

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