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Reading plans: Next couple of months I feel like doing a bit of re-reading for a change. The Dune books by Frank Herbert would be fitting, with the next movie on the horizon. Should get through those in November. The Harry Potter series would be fitting for December/christmas reading, I think. After that, I guess I'll go on with new stuff. I'm really impressed by Joe Abercrombie's work, and Neal Asher's books are quite good as well.

I need more book shelves...


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One thing with reading works like Dune is, that you always find details you hadn't noticed before, or that you between readings acquired new knowledge and experiences, that enables further interpretations and contemplations of the text.

I'm still hunting for the ACE/Berkley edition in hardcover of Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune, since I really like the format. I have them in other editions, but eh... OCD. :satisfied:

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17 hours ago, (PSN)abbacephas said:



Farewell to, not just the greatest anime, but greatest show I've had the pleasure of watching. Not gonna lie, this hit pretty hard.

I'm really happy that a lot of the anime watchers are having the same reaction I had when the manga ended. Thought I was taking crazy pills when everyone started raging that their headcanon didn't line up with the story.

I haven't gotten to watch the actual finale yet, but I've seen a lot of stuff coming from the VAs and damn they really gave it their all. Armin's breakdown had me shook.

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1 hour ago, TeaHands said:

I'm really happy that a lot of the anime watchers are having the same reaction I had when the manga ended. Thought I was taking crazy pills when everyone started raging that their headcanon didn't line up with the story.

I haven't gotten to watch the actual finale yet, but I've seen a lot of stuff coming from the VAs and damn they really gave it their all. Armin's breakdown had me shook.

It is visually spectacular. In my mind, at least, this manga/show couldn't have ended any other way. It was perfect. I've heard some criticisms that it completely undoes Eren's character (and even Armin), but I don't see it like that at all. Made perfect sense, and I loved it. Can't believe it's over though. I still remember my reaction to Episode 1.


"See you later, Eren."

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Well... A lot of dirty laundry and ugly sides are being aired and waved around right now. Good thing I don't have to vote for a new president next year, because... Ew!

Danish politics might be a competition in conformity and docility, but at least I'm not disgusted with it (well, maybe one or two politicians...).

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